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Everything posted by glowbal

  1. GBL AddOns It's been a while since I started on this, and I actually planned on releasing this quite a while ago already. It isn't fully finished, but due to certain.. circumstances, it is probably better to release it myself a bit early. That said though, I believe it's more as playable right now, as I've used it in over a dozen of COOP missions with over 50 players without any problems. It's my first ever mod/AddOn, so things are probably not perfect. Like I say a bit futher down in the descriptions, the main purpose of this release will be to get some feedback on the current state of things so I can improve upon it. Dev-heaven project page: Click here! ----------------------------------- Advanced Interaction Modules Version 0.8 BETA By Glowbal Advanced Interaction Mod is a script package that is designed to add an extra level of interaction with the game world around you in your mission, specificly interaction with civilians. It allows you to Talk, Arrest and Search Civilians as well as search cars or buildings. The main reason I made this is because I wanted to learn sqf scripting and wanted to add something new to some missions I made for my community. I release this with the hope to get some productive feedback on everything. The AddOn is far from completed and things will most likely chance a lot. I've only just started to learn some more about programming and scripting on a decent level, so things will be improved upon. So for the time being, I hope to get some feedback on current performance, how the gameplay with it and what can be improved. Also feel free to give me any ideas for additional features to add. And again, right now it's all very simple and unfinished. Video of an earlier version which gives an impression of what this mod is about: Other videos: Notes for version 0.8: The left windows key has been changed and instead you now have to assign a key yourself in your controls (useraction 19). Details are available in the documentation. AIM is required on both the client and server. It should be ACE compatible, however it has not been tested without ACE! Future plans: Improve search functionality (buildings and persons) Overhaul all dialogs in AIM Improve effects for FRM Credits: Script & Code: Glowbal & Gobbo Graphics: Deadman Ideas & Contribution: 16AA Milsim Community, www.16AA.net All on the BIS forums who helped me with certain issues 16AA members, for assisting with testing and contributing Das Attorney for letting me use his 'checking if in building script' Bohemia Interactive for making such an awesome game Highhead & the MSO Channel K. Singleton & J. Gordon from Detachment 7 Included with the download comes a pfd file. In here it explains in a bit more details the basics of the AddOn, how to use it and certain keys. I recommend reading it if you plan to use this in a mission, as it also details a bit on certain features you can use to do specific things. Included pbo's are: gbl_advanced_interaction.pbo, gbl_functions.pbo, gbl_items.pbo, gbl_ammobox. v2 Key provided. Download Advanced Interaction Download on ArmaHolic Requirements: - gbl_items.pbo (included), gbl_functions.pbo (included), CBA, A2:OA Final Note: - The insurgent parts of the scripts are hidden in this version. They are present, but sadly I couldn't get it to function properly through a module. It is however possible to activate them through a different way, which works perfectly fine. If there is interest for this, please let me know and I will see if I can come up with a pdf explaining how to do so. It's really very simple. ----------------------------------- In addition to the main AddOn, I also release my items AddOn, which is a dependancy for AIM: ----------------------------------- GBL Items v1.1 By Glowbal GBL Items is an AddOn which adds additional items. It's aim is simply to provide additional items that can contribute to specific situations by having an immersive value, for example finding a phone on a suspected triggerman. The items are also used in my other AddOns. Any functionality for the items added in here is found in the AddOns and not in here. This is a standalone mod which does nothing but giving you additional items.v1.1 Chance log: - Added MRE's (including models) v1 Change log: - First release Credits: - Myself - Some graphics by Deadman - Models by Donny Included .pbo's are gbl_items.pbo and gbl_ammobox.pbo. v2 Key provided. Download gbl items Download from Armaholic ----------------------------------- For both addons counts, any issues or questions feel free to report either here by making post or by sending myself a PM on the Bohemia Forums. Though making a post has a greater chance of getting a reply, seeing as that way gobbo can also reply.
  2. Arma language support for AtomThis packages adds syntax highlighting and auto-completions for SQF files in Atom, including functions and macros from the CBA and ACE3 projects. This package is maintained and developed by the ACE3 development team and the Arma community effort. Support for the following file types used by the Real Virtuality engine has been added: sqf sqm cpp hpp ext cfg This project is open source. The repository can be found on GitHub. Credits A full list of all contributors to the project can be found here. Installation This is an Atom package. It therefore requires Atom and is installed just like any other Atom package. Use either apm or the build in package search functionality to install the Arma Language package. Using apm: apm install language-arma-atom using search: Open Settings Click install Type sqf Install Language Arma Atom Alternatively, you can also download the source from our GitHub repository and install the package manually. Features Syntax HighlightingSyntax highlighting for all functions and script commands by Bohemia Interactive is supported. Next to that, functions and macros from CBA and ACE3 projects are also supported. AutocompleteWith a goal of faster development in SQF, auto-completion for all BIS functions and script commands, as well as CBA and ACE3 functions and macros, is supported. All autocomplete assets also have a type, description and URL to their documentation. SnippetsQuick development also requires writing a lot of different blocks or combinations of code. A handful of useful snippets ranging from BIS conditional structures and loops through CBA macros and ACE3 function headers were added to help you with this. Open Latest RPT FileAllows you to quickly open the latest Arma RPT log file with quick and easy access. Simply open the Command Palette and search for it or navigate to Packages -> Language Arma Atom -> Open Latest RPT File. Build Project ToolsOnly available if the project being worked on is based on a project framework like CBA's and ACE3's. The project must contain build.py and make.py tools. To ease development when working on projects with a framework like CBA's or ACE3's, quick options for building the project directly from Atom is supported. You have the ability to build a development version or a full release, simply open the Command Palette and search for it or navigate to Packages -> Language Arma Atom -> Build Dev/Release. ContributingContributions are greatly appreciated. You can help out with the ongoing development by looking for potential bugs in our code base, or by contributing new features. To contribute something to the Arma Language Package, simply fork the repository and submit your pull requests for review by other collaborators (see Contributing Guide). Please, use our Issue Tracker to report a bug, propose a feature, or suggest changes to the existing ones.
  3. Could you try without the client settings included and see if that does not throw any errors?
  4. Besides adjusting the hpp file or removing the pbo: Yes, that is correct. Note it's not advised to run with ace_server.pbo as a client however.
  5. Yes, you can force them. When forced, clients will not be able to adjust the setting anymore. The serverconfig.hpp / ace_server.pbo works in both SP and MP editor. The only requirement is that your machine is a server, which is the case in both scenarios.
  6. Yes, you can include client side settings with your config export. There is a button to include client settings in the export menu. When pressing export config, it will provide you with both server and all client settings. You can find the relevant user settings in that export and copy those over to your server config, so you won't include all other settings. Alternatively just find the setting name and configure it manually. Client settings look exactly like server settings and go in the same place. We are still working on improving that process, so it's slightly user unfriendly. Hope this helps. If not, let me or anyone else from the ACE team know.
  7. There is a bug with prevent instant death in the 3.2.0 update. We are working on a patch and we are planning to release it shortly.
  8. The time -1 does appear to be broken. I will fix it. For now you can probably use a very large value.
  9. Yes - the revive settings do what you want. Enable revive and set the revive time to -1.
  10. That is a known bug and we are working on a fix for it.
  11. There is a new setting to heal hitpoints after bandaging. I believe it's called remove bloodstains? Enable it and it is how works like before the 3.1.1 update. You can find it in the advanced medical settings module.
  12. We have a wiki page that might help you: http://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/settings.html
  13. It could cause problems if you use signature checking. Still it is not advised to use the ace_server.pbo except on a server. ACE_common_forceAllSettings forces all settings. Clients and regular.
  14. You are probably looking for this: http://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/javelin.html
  15. The settings look fine. If you can provide me with more information on the issues you are experiencing I will be able to help you out better.
  16. Could you elaborate? The treatment functionality for basic and advanced is mutual exclusive.
  17. You could use the following: [CALLER, TARGET] call ace_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHealLocal; This should work for both basic and advanced. You could use ObjNull for the caller. Mind you that we do not promise this function will remain or keep the same interface. Changes to this will not be listed in changelogs. So use it at your own risk. It may not be available in future updates. We will provide a public interface for these kind of things in the future.
  18. Please make a bug report including rtp, settings and optionally(preferably) a short video showing what is happening. I'd like to resolve this asap.
  19. It will not use the configurations after the first level that has that setting forced. For example if I force ace_medical_level in the serverconfig on my server, I will not be able to adjust that anymore in any of the missions regardless of module settings or mission config additions.
  20. On our repository: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/tree/master/addons
  21. We have a page on our wiki for that: http://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/settings.html#3.-how-do-i-use-them?
  22. That list is working. Those are all valid classnames.