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Everything posted by marto

  1. Also I'm looking fwd to the communist style bicycle......... with a bell......
  2. marto

    TacOps Server

    What's going on guys!? Anyone still around? Anguis, Zulu1, Overlord? Anyone still get on any Arma servers? Have you seen this: I'm looking forward to it - would be great to get online again if anyone's still around?
  3. I agree keeping KLMK for the russians is the best option to keep it in the spirit of OFP. Besides it wasn't only worn by SF: scouts, engineers regular soldiers, etc wore it too if available... (especially for propaganda photos)... It would be great as a side project to have some models with eg TTsKO ( http://camouniforms.net/index.php/eastern-europe/ussr/ttsko ), khaki, KZS or even Spetsodezhda Border troops if recources permit ( http://camouniforms.net/index.php/eastern-europe/ussr )
  4. Regarding the Soviet helmets here is a good resource for the ssh60 (as used in the original OFP): http://brendonshelmets.weebly.com/soviet-ssh60.html and http://brendonshelmets.weebly.com/soviet-ssh60-cont.html This would be better to include (either plain green or with KLMK cover) rather than the ssh68 "Cone Head": http://brendonshelmets.weebly.com/russia-ssh68.html
  5. Hi guys, this is great, congratulations on getting this project going, I'm very interested. If you like/need I can provide some advice on cold war uniforms... 1. The Soviet Sun Ray KLMK pattern for most of the 1980s should be a one piece coverall: http://camouniforms.net/index.php/eastern-europe/ussr/sun-ray-pattern-klmk The 2 piece KM-L came only in the late 1980s (1989-90s) - see same link. Both came with the face mask, and were reversible to a "night" pattern similar but smaller scale to US Night camo. Regarding the squad leader: KLMK caps never existed (unless an occasional custom made one...) but the standard khaki cap would match perfectly for this situation: http://camouniforms.net/index.php/eastern-europe/ussr/khaki/afghanka/1227-2015-09-28-18-07-06 The black beret on officers isn't really correct (unless they are MVD or Naval Infantry), perhaps could be changed to the Airborne blue beret that was worn in the 1980s? https://www.google.com.au/search?q=soviet+berets&safe=off&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjjydqHm4rSAhWDEpQKHXr4CcsQ_AUICCgB&biw=1920&bih=943#safe=off&tbm=isch&q=soviet+airborne+beret Regarding the US Woodland - I have to agree with other posters - the pattern look a bit too bright and too small shapes. Also it should not be Ripstop material, rather NYCO as ripstop was really only for tropical areas: NYCO version: http://camouniforms.net/index.php/north-america/usa/m81-woodland/nylon-cotton Ripstop: http://camouniforms.net/index.php/north-america/usa/m81-woodland Happy to help with advice on uniforms/camo if you guys need. Looking forward to the finished product!
  6. marto

    TacOps Server

    Hey guys - does this photo remind you of playing those multiplayer OFP missions, regrouping in disarray in a forest after hitting a target, with enemy in hot pursuit, conducting flanking maneuvers on our position:
  7. marto

    TacOps Server

    Hey Guys, We should get together for a session one day!
  8. marto

    TacOps Server

    Hey Zulu, might bearound again in 2 weeks. Anguis around and Viking around? Maybe we should set a date when everyone willbe around?
  9. marto

    TacOps Server

    Hey guys, long time no see... I'm up for a mission tomorrow between 0900 and 1100 Aust WST (Australian Western Standard Time - real time not backward European or US time), post below if you're around and keen.... I'm off to the pub for a few:
  10. marto

    TacOps Server

    Anguis, I think i am away with work weekend 24 March... will check. But I might drop in today see if anyone is online. OL - I heard that if you OC your new card that you can keep it cool by pouring a few drops of wodka on it.... kind of like lubrication...
  11. marto

    TacOps Server

    We should probably make an official announcement and a time for the next coop, at least a week ahead. Seems there is a bit of interest and we could get a team together for a coop.
  12. marto

    TacOps Server

    You shouldn't be working on a Sunday...
  13. marto

    TacOps Server

    Hey Variable, Good to hear from you. If anyone is up for a TacOps Coop tomorrow let me know the time.
  14. marto

    TacOps Server

    Couple of us are on the server now if anyone want to join...
  15. marto

    TacOps Server

    I'll be on in a couple of hours, just going down to the pool for a swim and then dinner. Sat morning and Sunday morning (my time) both good...
  16. marto

    TacOps Server

    Anyone keen for a coop session this weekend?
  17. marto

    TacOps Server

    For anyone interested in mortars, check out this 60mm mortar team:
  18. marto

    TacOps Server

    AAR DTG: 14FEB12 2200hrs HOTEL Squad: Squad leader: Marto Grenadier: Bugs 60mm Mortar gunner: AI Mortar #2: AI Mortar #3: AI Island: Freya Mission: Contact across the road v2 Sequence of events: (reference map below) 1. Started at "Our location" and came under extremely heavy RPG an indirect HE fire. 2. Withdrew whole squad approx 300m NNE behind 98 feature, enemy shells and RPGs detonating everywhere including airbursts in the treetops. 3. Deployed 60mm mortar baseplate behind 98 feature. 4. Adjusted mortar fire on the enemy position approx 500m SW across the road. You would not believe the first round was on and hit an enemy AFV direct and exploded it. Unbelievable. 5. Fire for effect (FFE) Shake'n'bake: HE/Willie Pete mix. 6. Myself and Bugs maneuvred through the dead ground approx 250m WSW to the 99 feature. 7. Engaged main enemy position with 5.56 and very accurate 40 mike mike by Bugs. 8. By that time the enemy had executed a double pincer move - flanking and engaging us from the NW (far) and SE (close) with 7.62 short and at least 2x RPK and RPG rounds. 9. Returned fire including 40mm but enemy had superior firepower, Marto wounded and bleeding heavily, managed to stop bleeding with field dressings, but by that time Bugs was hit and killed. Marto was then hit and killed trying to extract Bugs' body. 10. Lessons learnt: Lack of rear and flank protection enabled enemy to maneuvre to our flanks undetected until they engaged us - needed to take more TacOps members in our assault group. Mortar team suppressed the main enemy position very effectively. Basic plan was good and warrants another try. Map: 60mm mortar deployed behind 98 feature. Main enemy position 500m directly to the front on the feature with the pines: 60mm Willie Pete burst on enemy position: BDA (bomb damage assessment) of enemy position after FFE: Marto and Bugs' position on the 99 feature RIP. Enemy position 300m to the front, across the road on those two small hills: A fun mission and unbelievable first round mortar hit on the enemy AFV.
  19. marto

    TacOps Server

    Hey Tony! Yeah I'm hoping to soon... just gotta organise my supercomputer...
  20. marto

    TacOps Server

    This? and This?
  21. marto

    TacOps Server

    Coop session tomorrow - Sunday - Ensure you have WGL and TACOPS addons. Timings: 2100hrs USA (Central I think) time 1100hrs Western Australian Time 0315hrs Norway and German time It's confirmed. I think I got the times right... can someone check...pls? ---------- Post added at 02:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ---------- Overlord you should be just getting home from the pub so you can fire up the 386DX and CRT and join in.
  22. marto

    TacOps Server

    I'll try to check in in about 8 hours.
  23. marto

    TacOps Server

    Might check back in tomorrow - no one showed up and Anguis was butchers hook.
  24. marto

    TacOps Server

    I'll be up for coop tomorrow morning (Fri night US time), anyone else around?
  25. marto

    TacOps Server

    Some nice missions - thanks Zulu and Revan!