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St. Jimmy

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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    Getting weird shadow glitches

    Seems like nVIDIA is really trying to get bad drivers through in the last 12 months.
  2. St. Jimmy

    Fluid Door/Hatch Opening

    Thanks for this small addon!
  3. St. Jimmy

    European Politics Thread.

    I got to say I was amazed that I hadn't seen that video before. I googled our news and they only say something like: "Juncker slapped and called Hungarian president as dictator in a humorish way. Juncker had fun and throw some jokes with attendants." I don't see any mention that he even could be druk or something which is weird because he looks drunk. And beign drunk at work earning hundreds of thousands or € is freaking serious thing. Man if there would be any footage before and after that to really confirm that he was drunk. // Something different. Reminds me a lot of the many modern conflicts and politics where the west is the land of freedom, savior and promised land and east is the place where people flee or it's aggressor. It feels like this is the anthem of refugees. I can't really explain all the irony I get from this but I believe some Europeans get the same kind of feeling what I got watching and listening to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SezoGW_z9w0
  4. St. Jimmy

    Ukraine General

    It's not so easy to say where Crimea belongs because it has been in both side use and it's also autonomous so it kind of doesn't belong either one of them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevastopol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_Republic_of_Crimea Eastern Ukraine in the other hand is easy to say that it belongs to Ukraine and that's the reason why there's fighting.
  5. St. Jimmy

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I've seen 3GB of RAM usage in MP. Of course it could use more but the game uses more than 1,5GB. GPU can't work fully because it can't push rendering through the CPU because CPU is bottlenecked because of the engine not utilizing more CPU cores/threads.
  6. St. Jimmy

    European Politics Thread.

    Lol. I've never seen police taking their shoes off when doing drug raid or something in other people houses.
  7. St. Jimmy

    European Politics Thread.

    Yep the irony of "helping". More slaves for the system
  8. St. Jimmy

    European Politics Thread.

    The truth is opening for some Iraqis about Finland or they even understand very well that it's not good that everyone tries to come in Europe... http://yle.fi/uutiset/iraqis_on_facebook_warn_compatriots_against_coming_to_finland/8321293
  9. St. Jimmy

    Total War:Warhammer

    I got to say the Giant seemed bit underpowered or at least it's role is bit of a mystery to me. Though it's interesting in the tabletop also and I saw him using many familiar attacks. Maybe it serves as a morale killer more but it was hard to see that because of the Slayers that are basically monster butchers.
  10. St. Jimmy

    Total War:Warhammer

    It's looking lovely though hard to say about the balance and all that yet. Also underway tunnel shortcuts confirmed in the campaign and you might get ambushed in there. Also PC Gamer article http://www.pcgamer.com/killing-spider-cavalry-with-flamethrower-dwarfs-in-total-war-warhammer/
  11. Yep I assume it's kind of wip still because like you said Huron and Mohawk has been improved but for example MH-9 is more limited because you can't shoot through the rotor blades now. Though I can very well undertand why that's limited.
  12. St. Jimmy

    random stuttering all of a sudden?

    The first question is always after mentioning only the mods you're running and your specs is... wait for it... now it comes... does it happen unmodded and what mission you're running?
  13. St. Jimmy

    European Politics Thread.

    http://www.thedailyvox.co.za/were-all-reading-charlie-hebdo-wrong/ The kid was used by the media to get the emotional reaction. Now he's just a symbol because of that. It's not attack against the kid himself personally unless you want to read it like that or are unable to see what the picture might tell you. Btw just to mention that upper yellow part isn't actually part of the original drawing but that fact doesn't change the picture too much. Also http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-09-12/media-propaganda-full-frontal-father-drowned-syrian-boy-was-people-smuggler
  14. St. Jimmy

    Total War:Warhammer

    I really doubt that. It just doesn't fit in the backstory that every army would even go in there. Dwarves, Goblins and Skaven are the only ones that I remember that could fight and meet up in the underground. The fluff goes more like every battle is fight on the ground or in the mountains and Skaven are the rulers of the Underworld that can sometimes emerge from their lairs on top of the world to spread diseases and terror. There are some Goblins also and Dwarves live in their mountains and can sometimes dig too deep or get too close to Goblins or Skaven.
  15. St. Jimmy

    European Politics Thread.

    Media made it a figure and face of refugee struggle, so that's why it's used. It doesn't mock the boy directly unless you want to get offended or read it like that... Sometimes truth hurts a lot and some people refuse to acknowledge that people (even kids) die everyday.
  16. St. Jimmy

    European Politics Thread.

    Politicans and warmongers who want to share their McFreedom Meal everywhere. They probably deny that but that's what they create. Europe or America welcomes people with free hand and good deals. Some of them only get so close...
  17. Yeah don't post in ImageBam. Not the first time I've heard it causes problems with people in these forums.
  18. Sneaky bastards. Well I'm good with my shitty monitor and limited range display but that's sneaky changing where that before was.
  19. NVIDIA maybe has fixed the "Output dynamic range" thing in their latest driver or something. I also can't see the Output dynamic range option anymore but with older drivers I saw it.
  20. St. Jimmy

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Your 2x780Tis were already overkill unless you're playing on very high resolutions. Even singe GTX970 can handle this game in 95% of the cases without it beign the bottleneck of under 60fps. Only some high density vegetations and high AA and 3D resolution can bring it down. With those cards you likely can push those things up to the max wihtout your cards beign bottlenecks of under 60fps at any point.
  21. St. Jimmy

    A plea from someone with lazy, stubborn friends

    F5 usually has helped me or use the second mirror.
  22. dannczer's picture is like I've used to doors to open if they're doors to out/in of the building. So from the outside you need to pull and the knob goes from left to right like in the picture. Inside doors usually are pushed in the room except bathroom doors. It should be very clear that the door shouldn't block the stairs from the outside when there's an option that should satisfy all.
  23. St. Jimmy

    European Politics Thread.

    I'm not againts helping people and immigrants that are in danger but I'm against them crossing European borders illegally and those who really do that are likely the ones that shouldn't even be helped. This all gives bad picture that everyone can just walk over and shout for help and live with social benefits. Those people give bad reputation for all the immigrants and refugees out there.
  24. St. Jimmy

    Music Recommendations

    Song names probably already tell a lot Motörhead - No Voices In The Sky "The world worst murderers were those who saw the light" Sacred Reich - The American Way "No Truth, No Justice, The American Way." Thin Lizzy - Don't Believe a Word This is a song that always come in my head when I read media. Nuclear Assault - Fight To Be Free EP Great three songs about freedom, equality and fighting to be free Thin Lizzy - You Can Do Anything You Want To It's true. Motörhead - 1916 This song makes me drop couple tears everytime. I don't know any other song that does that to me. It's not a metal or a rock song even though it's Motörhead song. It's about WW1 Battle of the Somme.
  25. Well Norway shares border with Russia but I can understand what you mean. About the plot if I understand right. In the near future: Norway has shut down all oil and gas production, Europe is in the brink of energy crisis. Russia didn't like that move and wants to force the production on back again, so the invasion starts.