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Everything posted by =kct=blackmamba

  1. =kct=blackmamba

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 81201

    i get artefacts in beginning of mission and a out of memory ctd after 30 minutes play
  2. =kct=blackmamba

    Arma2 Memory Usage Problem

    yes u do need more ram, or lower memory usage in the options screen might help i dont know. if windows uses 2 gig + arma2 like's ram= 3+ gig of memory in use.
  3. =kct=blackmamba

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    the ah64 sounds awsome !!
  4. =kct=blackmamba

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    have u heard from eaneas2020 lately?? it seems like he went up in smoke...
  5. =kct=blackmamba

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    when u drive in chernarus, are u playing the campaign while u notice its only 20/30fps?? if so thats normal. ive set it like resolution=1280x1024 everything to highest except, vsync=off postprocessing=normal antialiasing=low viewdistance=2015 OA benchmark says 40fps average Arma2 benchmark says 36fps average
  6. =kct=blackmamba

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    i dont know if its allready requested i did a quick search but nothing came up i would love to see a "Vulcan B2" http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafcms/mediafiles/34B9102E_1143_EC82_2E3AE3E1C91BC6B6.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro_Vulcan
  7. wich temperatures is rivatuner referring to ? cause i think your core temp might be 50 celsius but that doesnt mean that the memory IO isnt overheating u might want to check that, google GPU-Z it reads those temps. i had similar problems when i used a closed computer case in crossfire x my temps reached 100 celsius easy cause the lower video card was almost touching the floor of the case and couldnt get desent airflow. i replaced it for a open case to solve the problem but with the gpu-z tool i found out that the memory io can get much hotter than the graphics processor.
  8. =kct=blackmamba

    cannot open object

    i just reinstalled my P:\ drive because my road networks didnt seem to work i couldnt get any road in visitor it only let me place them as object now ive got that sorted by reinstalling entire bi tools package. but now when i load my project it shows my objects on the map but when i start buildozer it says cannot open object i can however select the object and the arrow comes ontop of it but its just not there i tried replacing specivic objects but didnt solve my problem i tried deleting all objects and place new ones, same problem. [EDIT] problem solved... shouldnt direct the objects folder to P:\ca, deleting the entry solved it.
  9. =kct=blackmamba

    Mosul area Iraq

    thanks.. ill keep that in mind :) im shooting for that greyish dust color but preserve all the greens, those darker brown spots u see on the map are somekind of grain fields ?? i think. i have to wait another week bevore ive got my higher detailed sat.lco it only lets me download 7000 images in 24 hours ive got 9000 images now i need another 55000 to build it up again, maybe i can determin wat it is. for now im filling up the green zone with trees figuring wich ill keep and wich wont be in.
  10. =kct=blackmamba

    Mosul area Iraq

    still a huge desert map consists a large green zone big desert area's (duh):rolleyes: the river the tigris is crossing it wich makes the bridges important points to defend its called Mosul Area, this is going to be changed eventualy as its infact dahuk province upper left corner of iraq with border between syria/iraq/turkey ive reduced terrain size to get the most out of the satalite image instead of 800x800 km2 now its 400x400 km2 still bigger as chernarus/takistan still lots to do, edit colors, road networks, buildings airbase runways needs to be smoothened (atleast AI finds their way to the runway and succesfully land), more vegetation, etc etc..., new images and video 0xNAyG1EKOE http://s1131.photobucket.com/albums/m550/blackmamba965/?action=view&current=arma2oa2011-05-0522-45-58-51.png http://s1131.photobucket.com/albums/m550/blackmamba965/?action=view&current=arma2oa2011-05-0522-45-44-27.png http://s1131.photobucket.com/albums/m550/blackmamba965/?action=view&current=arma2oa2011-05-0522-40-15-95.png http://s1131.photobucket.com/albums/m550/blackmamba965/?action=view&current=arma2oa2011-05-0522-38-42-46.png http://s1131.photobucket.com/albums/m550/blackmamba965/?action=view&current=arma2oa2011-05-0522-32-26-18.png http://s1131.photobucket.com/albums/m550/blackmamba965/?action=view&current=arma2oa2011-05-0522-33-48-43.png http://s1131.photobucket.com/albums/m550/blackmamba965/?action=view&current=arma2oa2011-05-0522-35-29-51.png http://s1131.photobucket.com/albums/m550/blackmamba965/?action=view&current=arma2oa2011-05-0522-33-26-26.png in the future the terrain gets an even higher detail, ive cut this image out of the bigger sat image wich was 5gb and so far exceeded the 2gb file size limit in photoshop. so now the terrain is smaller i will be able to download at higher resolution wich would still be editable in photoshop....
  11. =kct=blackmamba

    ShackTac Movement addons

    still works like a charm only thing is MP most servers wont accept the module...
  12. =kct=blackmamba

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    the readme sounds promissing im going to enjoy this one...
  13. =kct=blackmamba

    Grass layer not the best solution?

    in real life there is nothing fancy abouth being a sniper.. imagine lying on the cold floor for hours maybe even days in the same position to recognize the, and go up in your surroundings. looking trough your scope for hours waiting for that one shot if u are even tasked to shoot it might be just a reconaisance mission but lets say i get the task to kill after hours maybe even days u have to evade while your enemy is on full aware cause u just killed a high ranked oponent. your bones and muscles are all cold and stiff and u do not want to get caught now u must have balls of wolfraam to be cool at this moment ok on topic its just a game sitting in your armchair clicking mouse buttons :) let it be as is right now it would look even worse if there wasnt a grasslayer like we have right now. i think when u let the enemy dissapear in clutter u get negative fps aka stutterfest when u move your scope to the next target i think it would be pretty cpu intensive to calculate the position and amount of clutter where your looking at while there is allready going on so much around u.
  14. =kct=blackmamba

    Grass layer not the best solution?

    yeahhh thats because the enemy was lying on the ground at 728mtrs instead of 700 mtrs pffff.... wich u would have known when u use your range finder... oow yeah but the second is lying 40 mtrs further away and have ive spend 6 bullits to take him out... thats why u are a sniper, calculate the trajectory bevore u shoot.. re adjust your scope and whait for the right moment. JOKE
  15. @bushlurker no never seen that topic, that looks ridiculous good just watched his blog.. but u know... people could make a nice campaign using all those nice iraqi style maps :)..
  16. u allready know my toughts.. yes i would play the map :)
  17. =kct=blackmamba

    Community Map?

    ill come with an update on Mosul Terrain soon..
  18. =kct=blackmamba

    Grass layer not the best solution?

    i snipe allot in multiplayer games i love it.. using the M107 or specialy the AS50 first to kill the artillary dudes, one shot trough the armour plating to kill the operator, making headshot from atleast 1200/1600 mtrs distance without a problem. hell ill shoot a turned out tank commander from that distance only thing is visible is his head. just never forget to bring a range finder.
  19. go to Tools -> System Preferences. In the line "Command to launch realtime viewer (buldozer) type in the following: -exthreads=0
  20. @oldbear where can i find those landinglights and runway_papi things im looking for them for 2 days..
  21. well... believe me u want to start small. there are loads of things u have to figure out how to do, when u start big u have to whait long when thing are loading, binarizing, not to mention abouth photoshop. its best to start a smaller sized map, depending on the type of map u have on your mind. if it has loads of buildings and vegetation u want to start small its realy a shit load to do specialy when u have to learn how it all works. i am working on a map 4096x4096 square size=10 thats easy 12x takistan and i dont want to think abouth everything that has to be done bevore its even decent enough for a beta if im working with photoshop sometimes i have to waith 30 minutes bevore it saves a 7x7mtrs in size image not to mention importing it back into visitor 3... its best to start small make it as good as u possibly can and LEARN bevore u start something big. good luck, and like raptor says its always nice to show your progres :)
  22. =kct=blackmamba

    Community Map?

    isnt every map made by one of us a community map ??
  23. =kct=blackmamba

    Community Map?

    woow that looks incredible lets convert it to arma2 :p
  24. =kct=blackmamba

    AH-64 Pack

    very nice indeed. wouldnt it also be cool to be able to use trackir5 to aim the m230, shoot where u look.. :)