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Everything posted by tupolov

  1. Simply awesome. Thanks for posting this.
  2. Very very sad news indeed. Bushlurker was one of the best. Always helpful, always patient, always willing to share his knowledge on terrain making. Its not surprising how many people in modding knew of and benefited from Paul's knowledge and helpful manner. I personally started modding Arma through terrains and I don't think I would have ever completed my first mod (Qom Province) without Bushlurker's help. He always had time for people, and always took the time to explain things regardless of how simple/wrong/stupid (there are no stupid questions!) the questions were. He was simply one of the best community modders out there - not only for his knowledge, but his approach to helping the community. He has set the bar high for us all. It was no surprise he was hired by BISim and it was great to see him get to do his "passion" as his day job. Condolences to his family. Rest In Peace Bushlurker. In The Beginning, There Was No Clutter... ...only bushes.... ...and not very many of them either... Clutching his low poly M16 and wandering the streets of La Trinite late in the Summer of '01 ("you're in position, Six!") - Bushlurker found a Suitable Bush - and got under it... he's been under there ever since... making things... Check out bushlurker.com
  3. Thanks for the report. Fixed it in Dev. Here is a workaround. Place the following code in the init line of the custom objective module 0 = [this] spawn { _logic = _this select 0; waitUntil {count (_logic getVariable ["objectives",[]]) > 1}; _testObjective = (_logic getVariable "objectives") select 0; [_testObjective,"debug",false] call ALiVE_fnc_cluster;};
  4. Did you select Real Weather in the Weather Climate option in the module params? With debug on you should see
  5. Yes, if its a real place there should be weather for it. Check your RPT to see if the weather is found ok.
  6. In a word. Yes. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/IED
  7. ALiVEmod.com The next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for Arma 3 Release 1.2.7 Happy New Year! ALiVE introduces online After Action Review! Yes! It happened! See https://i.imgur.com/p4JzVhl.gifv The original intent of the ALiVE War Room website was to allow groups to track their performance (both group and individuals) as well as review missions. Although stats are great, War Room never had a true AAR capability - until now! We are very happy to announce that we have integrated community member Titan's R3 framework into ALiVE War Room. Thanks to ALiVE Dev MarcelDev89 we have incorporated R3 in a way that means you can use AAR without having to setup your own web service or do anything other than run ALiVE as usual on your dedicated server with Data/AAR enabled. Many thanks to Titan and MarcelDev89 for making AAR a reality on ALiVE War Room. Our system is very similar to OCAP and other AAR systems, however, ours does not require you to have to setup your own web server etc. The great thing about AAR is that you don't even need to be running an ALiVE "mission". Simply ensure everyone is running the @ALiVE mod and your server is running @ALiVE and @ALiVEServer mods. Place the sys_data_auto.pbo (located in the @ALiVE/optional folder) into your @ALiVE/addons folder on your server. What you will need: Latest version of @ALiVE (1.2.7) and @ALiVEServer (make sure you download @ALiVEServer from War Room server setup) Register your dedicated server on ALiVE War Room (this allows you to download @ALiVEServer mod and latest extensions) Add the Data module to your mission and ensure AAR is enabled (it should be by default) in the module parameters (or place the sys_data_auto.pbo in your @ALiVE/addons folder) Launch your MP mission on your dedicated server To access your AAR simply visit ALiVE War Room and select your operation. We will continue to work with Titan to improve AAR and are also looking to offer an export/import function as AAR data is only kept for 30 days at the moment. But I don't have a dedicated server? Its very simple to run a dedicated server instance on your PC! Just launch an instance of the arma 3 dedicated server exe on your PC with appropriate start up parameters. Wait but there's more! 64 bit ALiVE Extensions We thought that might get your attention! We've ported all our extension goodness to 64 bit for those of you running the Dev branch and want to enjoy ALiVE without those pesky OUT_OF_MEMORY issues! Thanks to Tupolov, we've ported the ALIVEClient.DLL to 64 bit so that you can continue to index maps if so desired. More importantly we've ported the ALiVEPlugIn.DLL that runs on your dedicated server to 64 bit too. There's even moar? Real Weather tech preview What on earth is Real Weather I hear you say. Well its pretty simple, for our Weather module, if you select Real Weather and then state a COUNTRY/CITY location, ALiVE will go and grab the actual weather for that location for your mission game time. We support dates between 2007 and right up to today. If you are playing in the future (or before 2007) we will grab the weather for the hour/day/month in 2016 for whatever location you specified. Not only that but you can override real weather from game time with real weather from real time, so it will grab the weather for the location specified based on your server's local time. We don't change mission time though, so keep that in mind. Real Weather is only available on dedicated server based missions, its tech preview today and does not use any MP weather sync mechanism (so we are relying on BIS for that). Just to finish you off we are also shipping numerous bug fixes and enhancements [MIL_OPCOM] Fix asymmetric AI commander could have been caught up in a loop, preventing progression. Fix asymmetric AI commander was sometimes retreating from unoccupied areas, lower hostility level and reset fulfilled orders once retreated. Improved movement behaviour when setting up roadblocks and establishing depots. [MIL_C2ISTAR] Fixed bug with side independent in task HVT assassination! [SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Add MPRespawn EH to exported units to call init code [CIV_PLACEMENT] Increase the radius roadblocks can be placed by default from 100m to 300m, helps ensure the dominant faction can be found. [CIV_PLACEMENT] Allow for no cluster filtering for ambient civilians. Current missions need to be updated with new Very Small setting. [MIL_OPCOM] Added options to allow for more detailed tweaks of the AI Commander. 1. Amount of objectives attacked simultanously 2. Minimum of ALiVE civilians needed for a recruitment center to be set up by the asymmetric commander. Both settings can be used to slow down an ongoing Insurgency, esp. if you plan a long term operation to avoid the map being taken over too quickly! (fix #138) [C2ISTAR] Set behaviour from careless to safe in Task Military Defence since groups were not engaging at all (fix #179) [C2ISTAR] Fixed: Sabotage mission - no OPCOM buildings were selected at all. Removed legacy code, improved filtering and added optional internal blacklist (fix #166 - Sabotage mission on a undestroyable house) [MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix issue #198 with menu items not showing even though player had item [Map Indexing] Fixed issue where map indexer crashed on Windows 7, can now select Windows 7 or Windows 10 OS when indexing. Thanks to everyone for feedback both here and on our forum! Download Grab the latest version from ALiVEmod.com Also available from PlayWithSix, ArmAholic and Steam (Usually within 24 hours of this post) Join the War Room Now! Please note that as with all updates, if you have an issue loading a mission made with a previous version of ALiVE, delete and replace the modules in that mission. Release Highlights After Action Review now available on ALiVE War Room 64-bit Extensions Real Weather (Tech Preview) Numerous bug fixes and enhancements Make sure you download latest @ALiVEServer from War Room server setup See full commit history on Github More Maps? The momentum is really beginning to build with the indexing tools and we are cracking through the backlog. Instructions for using the Map Indexer can be found on our wiki Known Issues & Support Existing bugs are listed on Github here. Feel free to submit bugs (with repros) or discuss any issues or ideas on our forum at http://alivemod.com/forum/. Manual Please refer to the ALiVE Wiki. All the info you need is there. If anything is missing or unclear, please let us know. Are you using Linux? ALiVE is fully supported on a Linux Dedicated Server (as well as Windows). In fact the ALiVE Official Server for testing is running Ubuntu. Here are some tips on getting ALiVE running smoothly on Linux and integrated with War Room - http://www.alivemod.com/forum/1916-setting-up-linux- dedi-server Acknowledgements and Thanks Particular thanks to all those on our support forum who have worked closely with us to identify bugs, provide logs and generally help us improve ALiVE. Your assistance is valuable and your dedication to ALiVE makes it all worth the effort! Disclaimer We may need to prune the persistent database data from the War Room, eliminating data that is older than 6-12 months. The ALiVE War Room database is run on a voluntary basis at a cost to the ALiVE development team. No guarantees can be given on the mission data stored or the availability of the service. We apologise for any downtime that may impact your MP persistent missions. ALiVE has transformed my Arma 3 experience, how can I thank you? Please consider making a contribution to our server costs if you enjoy ALiVE! It costs us $65 per month to run our War Room website and the ALiVE Database servers and every little helps. Donate here http://www.alivemod.com/#Donate Special thanks to everyone here for supporting us with donations to the ALiVE mod development effort. Have fun!
  8. Sounds like BIS are better off investing in terrain tech rather than a specific map, but honestly I doubt that will happen. There was a lot of press/coverage around Altis and similar for Tanoa despite things like lack of enterable buildings, furniture, weather system. If you're BIS, you know you have a good terrain/map team so you want to put those guys to work building a terrain(s) that will sell the next "expansion" - if there is one. Keep in mind the next few DLCs are not expansions, so maybe we will get DLC specific terrains - like a large low fidelity map for aircraft, or a something suitable for tanks - again avoiding the urban/enterable building issue. Given that we have no clue what Tac-Ops DLC or Orange DLC will be, we can only speculate. Tac-Ops could bring an urban map and maybe Orange DLC (knowing those guys love their procedural gen) will address furniture and other such things from an environment perspective. Sadly, given the move to Enfusion at some point, I doubt they will invest in improving the terrain/weather tech, but we can only hope!
  9. Yes, second outage in the space of 1 week... we are investigating... EDIT: and the service is back up.
  10. Agreed, proper snow system with terrain deformation, blizzard/mud effects etc.To some extent its also about the assets that come with these terrains - vegetation, rocks, cliff faces etc that would help the community build out further mountain/cold weather scenarios.
  11. BIS has covered Woodland with Chernarus, Desert with Takistan, mediterranean/island with Altis, Jungle with Tanoa, think its time they went with Mountains/Snow environment. Urban needs better building/furniture tech! :)
  12. All, We are currently experiencing an outage to alivemod.com. Unfortunately, during this time persistent missions may not function correctly (although you should be able to load/save data). Our forum and wiki are unavailable. We will let you know as soon as the service is back up! Apologies in advance. Tup and the ALiVE mod team. EDIT: and we are back up and running at 0100 GMT
  13. You only need the dll in @ALiVE (at the moment) if you are doing map indexing on the client. Dedi Server 64bit exe hasn't been pushed to dev yet so we don't need to update ALiVEPlugIn.dll / .so yet. (i know there's a workaround using the -server param for those aching to test 64bit arma3.exe for dedi) Saying that we are testing 64 bit extensions as we speak! http://alivemod.com/forum/2636-so-someone-explain-to-me-how-this-new-64bit-vs-32-bit-arma-upda
  14. ALiVEmod.com The next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for ArmA3 Release 1.2.3 Hotfixes! Again another hotfix release. These releases are like London buses, you can wait around for ages for one to turn up and then 4 come at once... Anyway, once again thank you to the continued great feedback from the community. This release sees Whigital pop his Github cherry pushing several widespread code optimisations. We also fixed some regressions, ACE kills now get logged on War Room and we also fixed an issue with persistence missions getting stuck on the loading screen. If you do have any persistent mission issues please contact us on our forum for support! Thanks to everyone for feedback both here and on our forum! Download Grab the latest version from ALiVEmod.com Also available from PlayWithSix, ArmAholic and Steam (Usually within 24 hours of this post) Join the War Room Now! Please note that as with all updates, if you have an issue loading a mission made with a previous version of ALiVE, delete and replace the modules in that mission. Release HighlightsSupport for 1.66.139494 - Public Stable Code Optimisations by Whigital Fix issue where kills were not registered when using ACE medical with ALiVE War Room. Fixed issue where persistent missions were stuck on loading screen Update ALiVEClient.dll to fix crashing issues while indexing See full commit history on Github More Maps? The momentum is really beginning to build with the indexing tools and we are cracking through the backlog. Instructions for using the Map Indexer can be found on our wiki Known Issues & Support Existing bugs are listed on Github here. Feel free to submit bugs (with repros) or discuss any issues or ideas on our forum at http://alivemod.com/forum/. Manual Please refer to the ALiVE Wiki. All the info you need is there. If anything is missing or unclear, please let us know. Are you using Linux? ALiVE is fully supported on a Linux Dedicated Server (as well as Windows). In fact the ALiVE Official Server for testing is running Ubuntu. Here are some tips on getting ALiVE running smoothly on Linux and integrated with War Room - http://www.alivemod.com/forum/1916-setting-up-linux- dedi-server Acknowledgements and Thanks Particular thanks to all those on our support forum who have worked closely with us to identify bugs, provide logs and generally help us improve ALiVE. Your assistance is valuable and your dedication to ALiVE makes it all worth the effort! Disclaimer We may need to prune the persistent database data from the War Room, eliminating data that is older than 6-12 months. The ALiVE War Room database is run on a voluntary basis at a cost to the ALiVE development team. No guarantees can be given on the mission data stored or the availability of the service. We apologise for any downtime that may impact your MP persistent missions. ALiVE has transformed my Arma 3 experience, how can I thank you? Please consider making a contribution to our server costs if you enjoy ALiVE! It costs us $65 per month to run our War Room website and the ALiVE Database servers and every little helps. Donate here http://www.alivemod.com/#Donate Special thanks to everyone here for supporting us with donations to the ALiVE mod development effort. Have fun!
  15. Hey everyone, Its that time of year again! If you've enjoyed our mod, please support us by visiting our website and clicking on the link to vote for ModDB Mod of the Year. http://alivemod.com/ Thanks!
  16. ALiVEmod.com The next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for ArmA3 Release 1.2.2 1611241 More Hotfixes and Enhancements! We have quickly shipped another update to ALiVE. The last release had a slight build issue ahem, no worries, it didn't break anything, but we're releasing another 1.2.2 (build 1611241) to compensate. Fixes: This build fixes a few issues related to ORBATRON, profile spawns with civ_placement/mil_command modules and a long standing logistics persistence save issue. Enhancements: We've only gone and added persistent compositions! They weren't get persisted before, so scouting out roadblocks or enemy outposts was slightly spoilt when on mission restart some would change. We've also fixed an issue where roadblocks were not getting spawned on a mission restart. SpyderBlack has also started some optimisation work making some of our code 20% faster. Thanks to everyone for feedback both here and on our forum! Download Grab the latest version from ALiVEmod.com Also available from PlayWithSix, ArmAholic and Steam (Usually within 24 hours of this post) Join the War Room Now! Please note that as with all updates, if you have an issue loading a mission made with a previous version of ALiVE, delete and replace the modules in that mission. Release HighlightsMinor Fixes to SpyderBlack's ORBATRON Minor virtual AI fixes Logistics save more robust Fixed compositions that were incorrectly aligned to roads, removed incorrect faction assets Added Persistent Compositions Code optimization Various minor fixes and updates See full commit history on Github More Maps? The momentum is really beginning to build with the indexing tools and we are cracking through the backlog. Instructions for using the Map Indexer can be found on our wiki Known Issues & Support Existing bugs are listed on Github here. Feel free to submit bugs (with repros) or discuss any issues or ideas on our forum at http://alivemod.com/forum/. Manual Please refer to the ALiVE Wiki. All the info you need is there. If anything is missing or unclear, please let us know. Are you using Linux? ALiVE is fully supported on a Linux Dedicated Server (as well as Windows). In fact the ALiVE Official Server for testing is running Ubuntu. Here are some tips on getting ALiVE running smoothly on Linux and integrated with War Room - http://www.alivemod.com/forum/1916-setting-up-linux- dedi-server Acknowledgements and Thanks Particular thanks to all those on our support forum who have worked closely with us to identify bugs, provide logs and generally help us improve ALiVE. Your assistance is valuable and your dedication to ALiVE makes it all worth the effort! Disclaimer We may need to prune the persistent database data from the War Room, eliminating data that is older than 6-12 months. The ALiVE War Room database is run on a voluntary basis at a cost to the ALiVE development team. No guarantees can be given on the mission data stored or the availability of the service. We apologise for any downtime that may impact your MP persistent missions. ALiVE has transformed my Arma 3 experience, how can I thank you? Please consider making a contribution to our server costs if you enjoy ALiVE! It costs us $65 per month to run our War Room website and the ALiVE Database servers and every little helps. Donate here http://www.alivemod.com/#Donate Special thanks to everyone here for supporting us with donations to the ALiVE mod development effort. Have fun!
  17. ALiVEmod.com The next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for ArmA3 Release 1.2.2 Hotfixes! Thanks to the diligence of some our community members, we identified and fixed several annoying bugs and also took the chance to close out a number of small enhancement requests. We want to say thanks to Shukari for great bug reports and help in testing out ALiVE (and his first Pull Request!). Also to CoachWN, EasyEB and AUTigerGrad for bug reports and feature requests. Fixes: Logistics and C2ISTAR modules received a number of fixes to slingloading and tasks as well as placement of supplies, incorrectly orientated/composed compositions were fixed and there are minor fixes to the ORBATRON. Shukari fixed a stuttering bug and popped his cherry with a pull request! Enhancements: MarcelDev89 improved the player resupply UI by adding classname tooltips (as well as some handy bug fixes), Tupolov added an option to disable OPCOM roadblocks, added more patrols around compositions and improved UI/interaction with hostages/downed pilots.SpyderBlack updated ORBATRON to support Zeus and turrets. Thanks to everyone for feedback both here and on our forum! Download Grab the latest version from ALiVEmod.com Also available from PlayWithSix, ArmAholic and Steam (Usually within 24 hours of this post) Join the War Room Now! Please note that as with all updates, if you have an issue loading a mission made with a previous version of ALiVE, delete and replace the modules in that mission. Release HighlightsMinor Fixes to SpyderBlack's ORBATRON Critical fixes to Helicopter resupply More patrols around compositions Fixed compositions that were incorrectly aligned to roads, removed incorrect faction assets Fixed Panthera civilian population issues Fixes to player resupply UI Various minor fixes and updates (24 issues closed) See full commit history on Github More Maps? The momentum is really beginning to build with the indexing tools and we are cracking through the backlog. Instructions for using the Map Indexer can be found on our wiki Known Issues & Support Existing bugs are listed on Github here. Feel free to submit bugs (with repros) or discuss any issues or ideas on our forum at http://alivemod.com/forum/. Manual Please refer to the ALiVE Wiki. All the info you need is there. If anything is missing or unclear, please let us know. Are you using Linux? ALiVE is fully supported on a Linux Dedicated Server (as well as Windows). In fact the ALiVE Official Server for testing is running Ubuntu. Here are some tips on getting ALiVE running smoothly on Linux and integrated with War Room - http://www.alivemod.com/forum/1916-setting-up-linux- dedi-server Acknowledgements and Thanks Particular thanks to all those on our support forum who have worked closely with us to identify bugs, provide logs and generally help us improve ALiVE. Your assistance is valuable and your dedication to ALiVE makes it all worth the effort! Disclaimer We may need to prune the persistent database data from the War Room, eliminating data that is older than 6-12 months. The ALiVE War Room database is run on a voluntary basis at a cost to the ALiVE development team. No guarantees can be given on the mission data stored or the availability of the service. We apologise for any downtime that may impact your MP persistent missions. ALiVE has transformed my Arma 3 experience, how can I thank you? Please consider making a contribution to our server costs if you enjoy ALiVE! It costs us $65 per month to run our War Room website and the ALiVE Database servers and every little helps. Donate here http://www.alivemod.com/#Donate Special thanks to everyone here for supporting us with donations to the ALiVE mod development effort. Have fun!
  18. tupolov

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    Karel's background is game play systems - editor modules, ZEUS and 3DEN... Yoris is similar. In fact Yoris's twitter description is Dynamically Procedural Bohemian. I think Orange DLC will be a significant overhaul of the editor modules and introduction of new dynamic gameplay systems that bring the battlefield "alive" :) The original design concept for both Arma 2 and Arma 3 was to have some element of procedurally generated scenarios and missions. However, in Arma 3 this was never really achieved. Of course this alone probably isn't interesting enough, so maybe we will finally get persistent MP campaigns (ala Falcon F-16 campaigns) with playable content and systems that allow players to create their own. A lot of the plumbing is almost there... I believe the VR development is happening in Czech Republic, so doubt its Orange DLC.
  19. Actually that is incorrect, I believe it should be: ACE_IEDLandSmall_Range_Ammo, ACE_IEDUrbanSmall_Range_Ammo, ACE_IEDLandBig_Range_Ammo, ACE_IEDUrbanBig_Range_Ammo This is because we want ALiVE to place armed IED's
  20. tupolov

    TAC-OPS DLC discussion (speculation and hopes)

    BIS state "a package of playable content: 'tactical operations' that focus upon challenging, replayable and authentic military gameplay" Playable content.... assets and SP mission? MP missions? Just missions? Replayable? Maybe a more dynamic approach to missions? Authentic military gameplay... so unlikely SWAT etc, but hopefully more aimed at Urban Operations (UO) or Operations in Buillt Up Areas (OBUA) for us Brits. Hopefully this represents the recently more common "knocking down doors" missions in search of terrorists in urban environments. You can imagine a host of CQB style weapons and equipment (shotguns, breaching devices, mirrors, ladders, wire cutters, attachable charges, micro drones/surveillance devices, abseiling/fast roping etc). These weapons, equipment and "scenarios" would require some engine updates though: New animations to support CQB Improved weapon collision detection :) Destructible or a damage model for doors, kinda crazy they did it for windows but not for doors... :) Improved AI movement in buildings Furniture in buildings - that doesn't kill FPS. Use of interior fixtures/fitting/furniture for cover by AI/players Ability to enter building via windows, sky lights without injury More fun with opening doors quickly (i.e action menu) Mechanism to cut fences or blow holes in walls (simlpe replacement of undamaged fence/wall with damage one? Or dynamic destruction?) Shotguns would likely need a new bullet/shot simulation Mirrors should be doable with RTT Fast roping! lol Moveable ladders so you can climb various obstacles. Probably too much for them to take on... They also stated "This development is an opportunity for us to learn how to continue to support the platform, fund our project..." So. maybe BIS are going to experiment with micro-transactions and sell individual weapons/equipment etc at $1 a pop ;)
  21. tupolov

    Tanks DLC Feedback

  22. Please get support on our forums http://alivemod.com/forum/
  23. tupolov

    No War Room [ALiVE] - WIP

    To be honest, none of this is needed. We have always had the ability to save to a local DB, we've just never detailed how you achieve that. We did let Sean know this, but I guess he is keen on heading down this path - and there's no problem with that. The reason we chose not to support a local DB option is because of the PITA it is to support 1000+ groups of people trying to admin their own DB. Its much easier for us to support a non DB solution for you guys (i.e. a single central DB for us to manage). All you need is an internet connection and a config file. It makes our life easier and yours. Still, if you want a local DB solution, please go here https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/issues/97and vote it up! Cheers, Tup
  24. We'll release when BIS releases the next drop of Arma 3 - very soon!