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Everything posted by dlegion

  1. dlegion

    explosives fix

    hello again! i really wish to merge this awesome simple and efficient script of Kauppapekka into stealthstick's EtV script (so i can finally attach a charge and detonate just the one needed !). i think the relevant part is where is the "attachTo", here is the code of this part: in case you need the full script, i paste it here : really thanks for the help, fixing this its like the end of a many-years-long nightmare for me :)
  2. dlegion

    eden editor bug

    hello, i discovered after the 1.68 update, that in eden editor, many properties in list, like a common trigger "activation - none" , does not work. for example, in a common trigger, "type" list works (clicking let you choose the guarded by... end... ecc.. as usual) but the "activation" field does not work. clicking on it doesnt open the list to choose your option. same for respawn modules and many others. pretty total-broke the editor right now :(
  3. dlegion

    reveal object

    Works perfectly and was simple solution !! Really thanks man, "cursorobject " was the way to go !! Thanks !!
  4. hello there! i've a problem, apparently simple. working in a dedicated server JIP respawn situation, i have a script that works with friendlies, but not on enemys. i tried in console " player reveal cursorObject; " while aiming at the enemy soldier, and then it works perfectly! can someone suggest a way to execute this command like every 2- 3 seconds , or a better way to do so? very thanks !!
  5. dlegion

    reveal object

    Ah nice news ! Will try it and report back ! Thanks guys ! EDIT Tested
  6. dlegion

    reveal object

    Ah nice news ! Will try it and report back ! Thanks guys !
  7. dlegion

    reveal object

    well...i did my best (and i know its bad), and i made this: initPlayerLocal.sqf [] execVM "DtargetRefresh.sqf"; DtargetRefresh.sqf while {true} do {player reveal cursorObject; Sleep 3;}; it works...i'm just worried about performance...will it be just local , right? and will run the command for the whole game-time be a problem ? is there a better way? thanks guys!
  8. thanks man ! that help me understand !! actually Gcredits is a global variable for a (side, G is for GUER side) factory, that has credits added at every "round win" by its side. i already update it in another script called by a trigger, and when you open the factoary you already see how many credits are left, but i wished to have them constantly displayed (and updated at least at every round win), so players can have an idea of credits of theyr faction and enemy faction at any given moment (i have also a Bcredits for BLUE side). i'm sorry, i really do my best to learn, but i work 9-10 hours a day and have also other real life problems, and invest the few time left in learning this would mean finish a simple script in 2020...and i've already edited many others like R3F_LOG, SMS explosives and Zorylias 3D explosives and many others...its a too time consuming task :( thanks for your understanding guys !
  9. hi all ! i wish to have a sort of "on screen constant scoreboard", that constantly displays a variable (in my case lets name it: "_Gcredits") i really have no idea how do this, any help will be appreciated, thanks guys ! ( i need it works on dedicated server, JIP and respawn)
  10. dlegion

    reveal object

    really noone can help with a "reveal object loop " ? plz :)
  11. maybe i'm doing something wrong, but sadly it display a "score 0" message in the middle of screen :( i wish to have it displayed in the upper right corner of screen (or at least in a corner) and display the actual value of my variable (was not set at 0 and will change during game)
  12. dlegion

    reveal object

    Im worried about performance....maybe adding a sort of "if iskindof "man " will help ? And how keep command local to client ? Thanks !
  13. ok...if i understand correctly: initServer.sqf : missionNamespace setVariable ["Gcredits", 0, true] ; initPlayerLocal.sqf : missionNamespace setVariable ["Gcredits", 0, true]; with uiNamespace do { [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46}; disableSerialization; _ctrl = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", -1]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [safeZoneX, safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.5, safeZoneW, safeZoneH * 0.04]; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; while {true} do { _ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[ "<t color='#8f8f8f' align='center' size='0.7'> Score:%1</t>", missionNamespace getVariable "Gcredits" ]; }; }; }; is it correct? if not...i beg you, can you write the code please ? thanks guys !!
  14. setvariable....set the variable or am i wrong ? i need to read a variable, display on screen constantly, and when this variable changes, update the display!
  15. i'm sorry...but i dont understand where to put :(
  16. probably yeah! where i have to put this code ? thanks man !! EDIT: i tried adding it to "init.sqf" and then on "onPlayerRespawn.sqf", and i tried to define my variable with : Gcredits = Garsenal getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; but still dont work, it gives an error about "undefined Gcredits". and i see a message: "score any" at aiming poin in center of screen. any way to move the display in the upper-right corner ? thanks!!
  17. dlegion

    reveal object

    awesome! thanks man ! the script works perfectly on SP and local MP, the desired effect is to have "drag" and "melee kill" actions while aiming at an enemy soldier. on dedicated actions dont show up, but as i saied, aiming at an enemy soldier, and as admin opening the console, and writing "player reveal cursorObject" and pressing "global execution" make it work. here's the code: script is not mine, but more or less i understand its raw meaning (i edited some parts to forcewalk while dragging objects...all comments with "D" are mine). in fact also R3F_LOG logistic script has the exact same problem with enemy soldiers not recognized and action not showing up, thats why i imagined a sort of "script in loop" that checks every 3 seconds "player reveal cursorObject", but probably to work this has to run on server...thats the part i dont know :( thanks !
  18. dlegion

    [R3F] Logistics

    ok guys, i put hand on R3F _LOG script, and thanks to KillJoe of R3F, i was able to fix a couple of things: fix to enable logistic on everything, included men i edited this: and to fix the credits not working on dedicated server (with JIP and respawn), i edited this: hope this helps guys, and incourage to use this really, really really awesome gameplay-enhancer script! thanks R3F !
  19. hi all! i'm trying to make R3F_LOG creation factory credits work on MP, dedicated, JIP, respawn. following instructions, seems they work good on SP and local MP, but on a dedicated server, after a trigger add the credits, the factory stop to show credits, and script get bugged, allowing you to buy everything, but never creating it, breaking the script. anyone have ideas about this ? thanks ! EDIT i think is a problem of variable broadcasting or something like this ! EDIT 2, SOLVED. solution at this topic page 13:
  20. dlegion

    Local Global variable issue

    sry but i tried everything and not working for me. i'm in a MP-dedicated-JIP-respawn situation, factory get initial credits, but after trigger add them, when i open factory, no credits are diplayed, and if i buy something script crash leaving me in "creation" whitout end. any idea? thanks ! EDIT **** SOLVED , really thanks to DAVIDOSS for pointing me in the right direction ! thank man !
  21. dlegion

    Sector rewards R3f Credits

    Works on dedicated too ? Im stuck because dont know how execute this (server only, client, both....nothing seems to work properly )
  22. dlegion

    explosives fix

    Works on dedicated too !! Really thanks man, awesome script, you re great !!!
  23. dlegion

    explosives fix

    yeeah it works perfectly in SP ! tonight will test it on dedicated! huge thanks man !!
  24. please forgve my ignorance, i already searched the forum about this, but no luck. where i can find a list of the "type" or "class" (dunno whats the correct word) for the item kind ? i mean like : car, tank, plane .... what are the others ?? thanks guys!
  25. dlegion

    type class list?

    perfect! thanks man ! hope to share my results soon with you all :)