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About maxnwil

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi! Really excited about the Eden Editor- I've been looking forward to it for a long time. I have only two suggestions, but they are pretty broad. First: Add more breadth in assets- I love the compositions we have, but we've had only 1 serious roadblock for a while now. Adding more compositions, or better yet, letting us make our own and save them, would be awesome. Second: Please try to make basic modules easier to use/more standardized. An example would be a revive function- being able to plop down a module and instantly have players be able to revive each other would be perfect. I would also love to be able to plop down some sort of group-respawn module, so that the whole squad respawns at once. Essentially, I would love it if we could actually make basic missions (Capture the flag, Horde defense, Deathmatch, whatever) with AI working alongside players within a few clicks. Not everyone knows how to code :( (Also, I know that plenty of people know how to set up all these scripts on their own- please go easy on the "L2P n00b" stuff. I'm looking for usability here.)
  2. maxnwil

    Save Zeus Map?

    Yeah I would much rather have zeus as a 3D editor than MCC- I gave MCC a shot, and it felt clunky and wasn't as smooth and delicious as zeus. I really enjoyed the power at my fingertips, but it needs to be more refined and intuitive
  3. maxnwil

    Zeus Feature Request Thread

    I love how many of the initial requests ended up in the game. Gives me hope that future requests might also make it in. Top priority for me would be the ability to save ZEUS missions (I know, probably have to wait until the full 3D editor comes out, but still. This would be amazing) On a smaller scale, it would be amazing if I could just save custom groups- the ability to make forts, outposts, more options for roadblocks, custom squads, etc.. Definitely a big ticket item for me. Also, better mapping abilities- I love the pretty zones in the campaigns, and I would Love to be able to draw my own big green zones that say "FIA Territory", etc. As far as the little things go: -Helicopter landing routines that don't fly 300m upward, especially when landing under fire. "Hot landing" would be awesome. -squad commands as zeus. Being able to control your puppet's squad. -force AI: being able to override AI to tell someone to SIT STILL would be great. -laser guided airstrikes: when my players ask for airstrikes, I have to decide how accurate they are- Id like to be able to place a bomb and have it home in on their IR beacons. -area of effect "fire mission" artillery: let the zeus say "8 rounds, this type, 3 seconds apart" and place it, and then over a certain area the bombs fall. That's about it, I think.
  4. maxnwil

    Can't Connect to server

    Actually, I managed to find a solution: When filtering for each other's games, click the "steam" button in the upper right so that it reads "Gamespy". Then you should be able to find it.
  5. So a bunch of friends and I have been trying to get some Zeus games going, and at least half of us, (and sometimes every single one of us,) gets the error message "Can't connect to server". We've tried forwarding the ports, disabling VoiP programs, etc. but can't seen to get it working. Is there a master list of fixes for this that we could try? Thanks in advance, if anyone can help us out.
  6. I, too, would love to be able to save/load Zeus games. It would allow us to use Zeus before the mission starts, to help games get going faster.
  7. maxnwil

    AI respawns

    Oooooh- Upon closer inspection, I see that it is "respawn for blufor" A follow up question; why can't we make AI respawn? I feel like that should come hand in hand with players respawning.
  8. maxnwil

    AI respawns

    So I'm trying to get the AI to respawn endlessly in Zeus. Any suggestions? I select the "Object respawn at (BLUFOR/whateverfor)" option, but then when I blow them up, they don't come back. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
  9. So, I used to be in the Dev Build, but I was having compatibility issues playing with friends who weren't in it. I opted out, but now I'm trying to opt back in. Is this possible? Any guidance on the matter?
  10. So, I used to be in the Dev Build, but opted out to be able to play with my friends, and now the option to opt back in is gone. Any idea what I should do?
  11. maxnwil

    Laser Guided Artillery Rounds

    How can I fire manually? I place an m1119, but i cant get the "target" button up. Help!
  12. Alright, I have a couple of questions that are probably obvious, but I can't get the answer. (NOTE: All of these questions pertain to the multiplayer scenario that shipped with the game called "superpowers") So here goes: 1st: How do you use the artillery that you can build at outposts? I can't see anything if I get in them. 2nd: How do I get airstrikes? 3rd: Can I get Fixed wing Aircraft? If so, how? Thanks for the answers ahead of time!