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Everything posted by alpha9

  1. Am loggin into server, then script error line 4, then not able to join any vehicle
  2. alpha9

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    You guys talking about the game as it will have Blackhawk or Humvees, Well I hope its a modern army game and not a Lazer toys game of what they think a future military would be.
  3. Trying to autheticate online ends up with this error. Authentication Failed: Activation process has been terminated Internal error message: unlock code was revoked. anyone know whats the problem?
  4. Each time i log into server with 1.5 my game stop responding, anyone having this problems?
  5. ULB module is not working, if anyone managed to make it work please tell me
  6. alpha9

    Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

    ULB hud change to white will be better than green
  7. I got 2.93 Core 2 Duo, 4 GB Ram, Windows 7 Ultimate 32, GTX 260, main screen res is 1900x1xxx , game works but poor and sometimes FPS goes to 0 for few seconds, anyone can advice settings to try?
  8. mine PC is 2.93 Core 2 Due, 3.5G Ram, Windows 7 Ultimate, Nvidia Geforce GTX 260, A2OA works ok even with 10k distance view in some places, but sometimes it crash, sometimes in game framerate go to 0 for few seconds, i dont know whats the problem. (this happen even with normal graphics setting with 3k distance view)
  9. alpha9

    Coltan Blues

    where should i find the numbers?
  10. alpha9

    Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

    AC130 with the new Thermal System will be FTW
  11. I think making AH6X UAV with good cameras can fly high will be good instead of the Drone we got.
  12. On Youtube i saw a night battle video, soldiers had some kind of light on them, like a signal or something, some was blue and yellow colors, can anyone tell me whats that and where to get? thanks
  13. alpha9

    US Army 2009 Units

    :) playing wasnt purpose for video but found my self recording, the guys of army are nice i like them especialy when play with desert humvees, if possible will post another video for that
  14. guys i already have CAA1 manually downloaded since month or so, is this version better or same?
  15. the mod is nice but would be nice if you can add Sirens to the LandRovers (Police)
  16. am not expert with init.sqf i cant make it work, i put the mission in missions folder but when load i get cannot edit or play mission cause guns are missing.
  17. according to video, plane is nice but would be better with Flir and fire rate is too high need little decrease i think
  18. alpha9

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    Signed i want VBS 2
  19. i added thes modules but not much happens, i see some civilians and parked cars but no one driving and civilians are so few and sometimes i see no one, Ambient Combat not working for me, i dont know why should it work after certain time or what i dont know
  20. is there a way to make AI chopper fly more than 100, i tried with flyinheight but not working.