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Everything posted by d3lta

  1. I love Arma 3 more than Arma 2: -better body moviment -better gear -editor bugs fixed -graphics stunning -good sound - save mode it's ok on mp - physx best regards Enviado de meu MZ604 usando o Tapatalk 2
  2. Hi all I fix my problem, I reinstalled my driver beta 7. It's ok now. Enviado de meu MZ604 usando o Tapatalk 2
  3. I'm using a asus hd 7970 dcu2 top, temperatures range in 60-70 with default control. But it's strange, I dont have problem with arma2 or other game. but, thanks for all best regards Enviado de meu MZ604 usando o Tapatalk 2
  4. i want to see acre from bohemia, less bugs, more easy install and configurations... Enviado de meu MZ604 usando o Tapatalk 2
  5. Great!!!! Very Thanks Lifted86 !! Best regards. D3lta
  6. Hi masters, How I search a item (Cobalt_file) in a ammobox? I tried getWeaponCargo, but I'm failing..... Best regards D3lta
  7. d3lta

    Welcome back Ivan & Martin!

    Welcome back, heroes. Enviado de meu MZ604 usando o Tapatalk 2
  8. This is not important. More important is know if ARMA is optimized for Radeon HD7970 and if drivers it's OK. I guess not. :( I see ARMA running better on NV cards. :(
  9. d3lta

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi masters, Is broken the feature "Hand Grenade - Adjust Throw SHIFT-H"? Best regards
  10. Very Thanks Wolffy.au Best Regards
  11. hi masters of mso, I have a very very newbe question about persistense using mso, after a server rebooting is possible the mso mission to retrieve last status data (position, gear) of players? sorry my english is not enough. best regards.
  12. Hi masters, I created a script to move the player after your death for a specific place (by markers ) in the map, but, after death, the player become invisible, no shooting more from IA. :j: What's the problem of this script: waitUntil { waitUntil { ! alive player }; waitUntil { alive player }; _antdst=100000000; _mksel="rpw1"; for "_x" from 1 to 10 do { _posmk = format["rpw%1",_x]; _dst = getMarkerpos _posmk distance getpos player; if (_dst < _antdst ) then { localize format["MARK_DEF%1",_posmk]; _antdst = _dst; _mksel = _posmk; }; }; player setPos getMarkerPos _mksel; playSound "SinoRess"; false }; Is Setpos bugging? :confused: Ps. I'm using ARMA2:OA , without Addons. Best regards
  13. Thanks Demonized, My tests are: FIXED Problem, shooting from AI it's OK. init.sqf: //[] execVM "respawnctrl.sqf"; or Problem Backs Again,not shooting from AI.... init.sqf: [] execVM "respawnctrl.sqf"; I tested only the script in a clean mission and problem gone. I don't know about this strange behaviors in .sqf script language... frustrating =( I will to use another method to respawn in my main mission. "Time is money".... :( Best Regards
  14. Tophe, thanks by support. Now, The problem turned out, after I removed the folder five times (non-sense for me).... Below, the .TA2DST , see the "G:\steam..." to combined mode..... // Settings file for TA2DST v1.3 G:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ARMA2OASERVER.exe @ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_USNavy;@ACRE;@CBA;G:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;G:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead;G:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion True False teste m16 x 2302 10 3 3 0 False False False False 3 33 False False 3 128 512 256 128 2000 0.010 160 25 2000 True True False True True False True True False True True True True True True True True True False True True True True True False True True True True True False True True True True True True True True True False True True True True False False False False True False True False False True False False True False False True False False False True True False False False False False True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False 1 1 0,55 0,3 1 1 0,7 0,5 1 1 0,9 0,75 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 True :::MISSIONS::: [uFA]co@24_ACE_BattleofHusybah.fallujah.pbo [uFA]CO20ACEACREIncoming.Takistan.pbo co@03_Academia_TK.Takistan.pbo co@04_CortandoCabecas.Chernarus.pbo co@05_Academia_AT.Chernarus.pbo co@06_Academia_SF_Xplo_Ace2.Zargabad.pbo co@06_Academia_SOFLAM.Zargabad.pbo co@06_AcademiaMedica_ACE2_A2F.utes.pbo co@10_CQB_Treino_A2F.utes.pbo co@10_FlashAttack.ProvingGrounds_PMC.pbo co@18_Academia_RADIO_ACRE.utes.pbo co@22_OpBlackout2_ACE_ACRE.Chernarus.pbo co@26_AmeacaNuclear_ACE2_ACRE.Takistan.pbo co@26_OA_ACE_Restrepo_A2F.Takistan.pbo co@29_TempChern_EP1_ACE_ACRE.Chernarus.pbo co@40_Academia_Infantaria_A2F.Chernarus.pbo Co10NeptuneSpear(ForAce).fallujah.pbo Co12_ACE_Battle_of_Husybah_v1-0.fallujah.pbo Co12_ACE_Nasiriyah_Battle_v1-1.fallujah.pbo LHD_Spawner.utes.pbo mso_12_a2co_cti_us_vs_tak_vs_gue_4-0.zargabad.pbo mso_13_a2co_coop_usmc_vs_ru_4-0.fdf_isle1_a.pbo mso_13_a2co_coop_usmc_vs_ru_gue_4-0.lingor.pbo mso_16_a2co_cti_cdf_vs_ins_4-0.chernarus.pbo mso_16_a2co_cti_cdf_vs_ins_4-0.cmr_cicada.pbo mso_16_a2co_cti_us_vs_tak_4-0.takistan.pbo mso_17_a2co_coop_guer_vs_ru_4-0.utes.pbo mso_18_a2co_coop_us_cz_vs_tak_4-0.zargabad.pbo mso_24_a2co_cti_us_vs_tak_vs_gue_4-0.takistan.pbo mso_32_a2co_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-0.takistan.pbo mso_32_a2co_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-0.tup_qom.pbo mso_32_a2co_coop_baf_usmc_vs_ru_ins_4-0.chernarus.pbo mso_32_ace_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-0.takistan.pbo mso_32_ace_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-0.tup_qom.pbo mso_32_ace_coop_baf_usmc_vs_ru_ins_4-0.chernarus.pbo mso_70_a2co_tvt_usmc_vs_gue_4-0.utes.pbo mso_70_ace_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-0.clafghan.pbo mso_8_a2co_cti_us_vs_tak_4-0.zargabad.pbo mso_8_ace_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-0.zargabad.pbo NuclearTest.Chernarus.pbo Test_AutoMove.Chernarus.pbo Test_MissX.utes.pbo Test_Sniper_Shoot.utes.pbo Teste_Missil_IGLA.Desert_E.pbo :::CHECKED MISSIONS::: co@29_TempChern_EP1_ACE_ACRE.Chernarus.pbo :::MODS::: @ACE @ACEX @ACEX_RU @ACEX_USNavy @ACRE @Blastcore_Visuals_R1.2 @CBA @fallujah1_2 @JayArma2Lib @JSRS1.4 @LEA @sthud @stmovement BAF BEsetup DirectX DLCsetup dll Expansion\beta G:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 G:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead G:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion :::CHECKED MODS::: @ACE @ACEX @ACEX_RU @ACEX_USNavy @ACRE @CBA G:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 G:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead G:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion
  15. Update. The last problem backs again after a long time , but now, see the issue: :mad: - I remove the TA2DST folder - I enter in TA2DST - rebuild settings with ACE2 and ACRE - save the profile - exit from TA2DST - I enter in TA2DST - When I select the profile again, I see the msg : - I select YES and I lost all my settings again....:butbut::butbut: Help-me.... =(
  16. Hi masters, how I get the actual version of acre using a script in my missiom? Best regards
  17. I have the exact same problem here. No Acre = No Game to me.... =( When I get PRC119 from boat, I switch to same frequency to contact another player and he hears me, but I can't hear him. Help-us nourberNou.... I'm using ACRE V1.3.12.459 and TS302. Best Regards
  18. Hi masters, the script below make me crazy, the objective is detect how many opfor is in area BASEPOINT. When I execute in preview-mode or ingame-server, it's ok, BUT, when I execute in dediserver, the script fail completely, no indication in .RPT about problem or correct execution messages (localize messages).... private ["_listaEnts","_totalent","_y","_lado","_totinsurg","_posPoint"]; if (isserver) then { // Checa continuamente se SolnichSegura está segurada ou não waitUntil { _posPoint = getpos basePoint; _listaEnts = _posPoint nearEntities [ [ "Man"],200]; _totinsurg=0; _totalent=count _listaEnts; localize format["###checking %1 units",_totalent]; for "_x" from 1 to _totalent do { _y= _listaEnts select (_x-1); _lado= Format["%1",side _y]; if ( _lado=="EAST" ) then { _totinsurg=_totinsurg+1; }; }; localize format["###%1 detecteds",_totinsurg]; if (_totinsurg>0) then { SolnichSegura = 0; publicVariable "SolnichSegura"; } else { SolnichSegura = 1; publicVariable "SolnichSegura"; }; sleep 15; false }; }; What happened here? Ps1. Before Patch 1.60, the script it's ok. Ps2. I don't want to use triggers. Ps3. I use Squint. Ps4. I use -showscripterrors parameter... Ps4. I see server log file (.RPT) .... Best regards
  19. Update: I solved my problem. I moved the h=[] execVM "blahblah.sqf" from INIT.SQF for a trigger with countdown to 15 seconds and condition "isserver". The scripts are ok now. But I dont understand, why when I put the execVM in init.sqf, the bug back's again.... Thx for all Best regards