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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. Try get the files to P drive with FuturaToP.bat
  2. Thats weird, have you tried re-installing the arma 3 tools? Besides that i got nothing, sorry :(
  3. When i use the configurator the settings doesn't seem to stick. Have you tried adjusting the settings within buldozer [ESC]?
  4. Have you checked if the file exists at that path?
  5. No just skip the tools and P drive setup part in the atlas tutorial. ***EDIT*** When i setup P drive using this youtube tutorial i was missing the A3/Data_F/halfa.paa so i had to create the folders manually and copy halfa.paa in there else i would an error when coming to the "FuturaToP" part of the tutorial.
  6. Try start over and set up P drive this way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDjPzSuI8Vo
  7. jw custom

    Uk Life Mod

    Good luck with your mod :)
  8. jw custom

    Free Games

    I really enjoyed this game on PS4 B)
  9. jw custom

    "Naked" part of random?

    try using floor instead of round:
  10. What do you mean by it doesn't display the same P drive? What set of folders are you comparing it to?
  11. jw custom

    ponds.... are arrived

    In deanosbeano release thread on armaholic he write: Not sure what that export data is.
  12. jw custom

    ponds.... are arrived

    Whats your path to the pond data on P drive?
  13. jw custom

    Terrain Builder Crashes

    Try and see if this will fix your problem: Extract config.bin from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Dta \bin.pbo or whereever you installed ArmA 3 into P:\bin
  14. The quality and details in this terrain is BI standard, simply stunning B)
  15. Sorry for the late reply, forgot to check this part of the forum. Can you upload you mission somewhere and PM me the link so i can see whats going on. I think your other problem is because the units which you switch to aint a 'player' at the time CAS is initialized... i will give it a look later and see if i can fix it(i i remember correctly is just a 'player in array' i need to change).
  16. jw custom

    Error with a Buildozer

    1). Make sure your steam ID in steam_appid.txt on P drive is 107410 2). Extract config.bin from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Dta \bin.pbo or whereever you installed ArmA 3 and copy it into P:\bin
  17. I can't, everything freezes up within BD/TB I have tried many times, everytime i see what looks like blue-ish sky and the "aim-box" in the middle of the screen.
  18. Thats what i get, buldozer is lightblue.. no message or anything. Only way to make TB respond is to kill BD in the taskmanager. I've tried many times but with no luck, i guess i have to live with creating forests on many layers so i can hide them.
  19. Try add this: requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredaddons[]={"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data"}; also you have some wrong paths in there like: sound[] = {"YOUR_PATH\to\your_sound",0.057177827,1}; There is quite a few of those.
  20. The RPT file doesn't help. BD RPT: 10:02:58 InitSound ... 10:02:58 Error: CoInitilizeEx (XAudio2-1st trial) return 80010106 10:02:58 InitSound - complete 10:02:58 PhysX3 SDK Init started ... 10:02:58 PhysX3 SDK Init ended. 10:02:58 Root "scripts" folder no longer supported, 'scripts\editor.sqs' ignored 10:02:58 Root "scripts" folder no longer supported, 'scripts\editor.sqs' ignored TB RPT: Connecting to buldozer... Warning: Connection Established... Creating landscape... Texturing surface... Creating objects... Creating road network...
  21. Waited 40 minutes now and TerrainBuilder/Buldozer seems frozen,completely non responding.
  22. Ohh i didn't wait that long... waited a few minutes and thought it was frozen :P I only have 56k, i'll try again and have a little more patience :lol: Thanks for the help B)
  23. jw custom

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    Yes but when your are stuck with something you can ask there, don't be shy :P
  24. This is my very first attempt at creating a terrain and many thanks goes to Richie, Jakerod and others for their help and tutorials B) Santo is until recently a secret held island containing top secret military installations... the plot thickens :P World size: 10.2 x 10.2 km
  25. jw custom

    [WIP] Terrain - Santo

    A few pictures of station 1: http://i.imgur.com/Boxakby.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Eri4GpO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yEVq5Nq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/CyPJWFE.jpg