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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom


    I guess it's work in progress for ArmA 2 and the one your downloading is for ArmA 1!
  2. Thanks for this tool, it works very well for updating Kju's CAA1 and it's easy to use :cool:
  3. jw custom

    CAA1 public release

    @Drew I wasn't aware this mod was updated this frequently so i just downloaded Yoma's Addon Sync to see what it was all about. At first glance it looks a little scary but if you just follow the pictures here... http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/cbp-caa1/Yoma_Addon_Sync_Server You will be updating in minutes, very easy :)
  4. It is running a lot smoother now with the beta's, but there have been a lot of posts regarding performance problems in the campaign. I haven't played the campaign so i can't say if the preformance issues is due to extreme amounts of units or something else like the scripting. Do you only have problems when playing campaign missions or also when playing custom missions?
  5. Maybe it has something to with the scripting in the campaign/SP. I have never played the campaign as i have no interest in it. I can set up my own scenaries with tons of units in air and on ground and everything runs fluently. One thing that really can suck out performance/fps is a wrong combo of mouse smoothing + Max pre-rendered frames. If i change my current settings i either experience stutter like every 10 seconds, constant stutter or bad performance/fps whenever little action occur, this depends on how the settings is. My specs: Core i7 920 GTX285 Gigabyte EX58-UD4P 8GB DDR3 Ram Windows XP 32bit SP2(yeah i know, 8GB ram...) Arma settings: Res: 1680x1050 3D: 100% VD: 3500 PP: Off (sometimes on low on night missions, great smoke effects) All other settings is on High. If i can have HUGE battles with my rig you should be able too aswell. So try experiment with that mouse smoothing setting and the... GPU_MaxFramesAhead GPU_DetectedFramesAhead ...settings in your ArmA2.cfg
  6. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    He is full of it, he never uninstalled ArmA 2 just like his prolly posting in these forums under his secret alias :dancehead:
  7. I just went on a Domination server and tried driving trucks, ambulance, jeeps, apc and motorbikes but my box simply refuse to CTD :p
  8. I voted i prefere english. Same goes with Windows XP it's also in english though it's not my native language.
  9. I drove a HMMWV in domination without any problems!
  10. Just played Domination without any problems. Addons used: CAA1 Panthera Avgani Afghan Village Desert Mercenaries and BlackOps Desert USMC Sound of War WarFX Particles WarFX Tracers
  11. Well i hosted the mission i tested in but played alone! I will join a MP game and see how it goes.
  12. Man i must be really lucky with my box, ArmA 2 has been running great on my box since release and still does on latest beta :cool: But i feel sorry those pestered with CTD's and other major issues :(
  13. Just played for an hour without any CTD's. Custom mission with quite a few units on map. Let me know if there's any specific situation you want me to test. XP 32Bit SP2. Core i7 920 + GTX285
  14. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    It does say PRESS ENTER my end :p
  15. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Wow you got so far, i almost quit when i saw "Press Enter" :D
  16. jw custom

    Zipper5's Missions

    Sounds great Zipper :cool:
  17. Try load mods in a different order. I've tried a few mods that didn't work unless they were first in the command line!
  18. jw custom

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    Makes the AI ultra KILLERS :eek:
  19. jw custom

    Flight Sim'ers: Lock On 2.0 Announced

    Indeed, that was what really fascinated me about Falcon 4.0 :cool:
  20. jw custom

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    Did you remember to restart mission after using beta patch?
  21. jw custom

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    Yeah it's all good but nothing beats playing with humans, that be against AI or other humans :cool:
  22. jw custom

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Yeah and thats the problem if it pays off good i fear it's the start of the end, the pc audience will suffer like it has many times before.
  23. jw custom

    i lost two good men :(

    lol sad is such a strong word :p
  24. jw custom

    Submarine Pack - Subs

    This sounds really cool :cool: