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About Nuttex

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  1. It's for the same reason why copying playable units in the editor doesn't save their playable state.
  2. Nuttex

    Fallout 4

    Having heard about Bethesda being the developers of Fallout 4 instead of Obsidian, disappointment is all I feel. Expect Fallout 3.5.
  3. Nuttex

    Steam discussion

    You mean two weeks? The way it works now, in addition to the previous policy of allowing pre-orders to be refunded at any point prior to product release, they now allow you to refund games within two weeks of initial launch (as well as the two hour limit). Another interesting thing someone's noticed is the warning Steam gives you if you attempt to refund a game that was purchased 6 months ago or more - it says that you can't refund anything bought outside of that 6 month window. I think I may have an explanation for this: the new refund system permits automatic refunds with no reason given within two weeks (as per the cooling off period in the EU) and if you played less than two hours. However, if you fall out of that category, but attempt to refund the product within 6 months of purchase, you will get your money back as long as you provide a valid reason (what that reason might be is up to question). There has to be a reason why they put up that 6 month warning. Also, the refund policy states that if you bought a game for full price right before the sale and then refunded it only to buy it again discounted on sale, Valve will not consider that an abuse of the system.
  4. Nuttex

    How much Arma have you played?

    Potentially thousands of hours of OFP+ArmA. In total it's 2,000h clocked in on Steam, give or take. I used to play with mostly retail copies.
  5. Nuttex

    An open letter on basic ARMA:CWA support

    I definitely support this. Nothing I can add aside from what has already been mentioned above. The show must go on.
  6. Hmmmmm... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9mc1hIAdo0
  7. Sounds an awful lot like the Kingdom of South Sahrani :rolleyes:
  8. Would it be possible to replace A2's Eotech scopes on miniguns with A3 ones? Better texture and the reticle isn't actually painted on glass unlike the old scope.
  9. Nuttex

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    I can definitely confirm that as something that's been present since at very least Operation Arrowhead. We always head that problem on our servers with both vanilla and custom vehicles. Our only known solution was to make everyone bug out and have driver get in back first. Even then, we'd achieve the desired result about 50% of time. Try to make a ticket in the Feedback Tracker.
  10. Let me throw in my two cents here: Why is M-20 chambered in 7.92x57mm? Why not go for 7.92x33mm (which would actually make sense, StG 44 used it, for instance)? The former would be just too powerful to be used in an AR, not to mention that the cartridge hadn't been used by anyone since 1990s for military purposes. But then again, why would Germans not have one of standard NATO cartridges? Why Mauser? The company has been dead since 1995, only Mauser Jagdwaffen currently exists (it only manufactures hunting/sport rifles though).
  11. We were aware of that, but thanks anyway.
  12. Try to add that to Feedback Tracker as a desired feature.
  13. Meanwhile, we had a little bit of progress with CLIP and TES versions. http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae232/nuttex2/qr34rafafas_zpsa4470f9c.png (328 kB) http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae232/nuttex2/sajdgasgagalgjsdl_zps87052dd7.png (266 kB)
  14. Seen that. We really want to make it as realistic as possible (although there will an attempt at creating a custom Altis camo scheme for, say, AAF), so his tips would be perfect here. Would it be appropriate to create a thread about that on RKSL forums?