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Everything posted by AnimalMother92

  1. Or whatever key you have for looking down mounted weapon sights (turrets, vehicles). Same thing.
  2. AnimalMother92

    sideChat...but not?

    Glad we pretty much got it, I've been wondering for awhile. Good thing you mentioned the Game Logic trick, that got me thinking. No clue how to make the writing more opaque sadly :(
  3. AnimalMother92

    sideChat...but not?

    Alright I figured it out. Here we go: Define the messages in the description.ext class CfgRadio { sounds[] = {}; class RadioMsg1 { name = ""; sound[] = {}; title = "John Doe: Hey!"; }; class RadioMsg2 { name = ""; sound[] = {}; title = "Bob: How's it going?"; }; }; Make a chat.sqf logic globalRadio "RadioMsg1"; sleep 2; logic globalRadio "RadioMsg2"; Place a Game Logic named "logic". Make a trigger and put this in the activation: nul=execVM "chat.sqf"; Result:
  4. AnimalMother92

    sideChat...but not?

    Nice one Arma-2-Guru. Definitely getting closer. Only thing is that globalChat messages appear in caps. With globalRadio the messages that were defined in the description.ext looked more like in the picture.
  5. AnimalMother92

    sideChat...but not?

    Thanks W0lle :) Almost there, except I still have this appear when the conversation is triggered: BLUFOR (John Doe): "hey." I've used setIdentity and got a trigger to initiate the chat sequence. I also defined the messages in the .ext just fine. I'm just trying to imitate the look from the BIS missions. Name of person: "blah blah blah." :confused:
  6. Will the new update be on the SIX network? I just ran the updater but there was no new version available. Thanks.
  7. AnimalMother92

    FDF Podagorsk

    hmm which is correct: is someone from Podagorsk a "Podagorskian", "Podagorskan" or a "Podagorskite"? :p Are there any updates planned for this island?
  8. AnimalMother92

    FDF Podagorsk

    Wow those are very nice photos! truly one of my fav maps
  9. AnimalMother92


    I'm pretty sure that's not a Caiman. RG-33? Anyways, love these MRAPs and thanks for the picture credit ;)
  10. AnimalMother92

    WarFX Particles

    buh-dum-ching! :p It's a good ethic OS.
  11. AnimalMother92

    -=/UP-ARMORED Vehicles\=-

    :eek: those are some really cool reskins!
  12. sorry to hear Mark. :( I really enjoy your sound mod!
  13. AnimalMother92

    -=/UP-ARMORED Vehicles\=-

    Picture time! :cool: Thanks for the update. It would be cool if you could include some woodland variants for use on Chernarus. I know irl they are all tan because of where they are deployed but it would be nice nonetheless.
  14. This map is going to own. Great work arb :)
  15. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    Those are looking great
  16. AnimalMother92

    AnimalMother92 Presents...

    If you want to play in single player mode, place the .PBO file in your \Missions folder. It will show up under "Scenarios". If you want to play in Multiplayer, place it in the \MPMissions folder and you will be able to host it when running an online game. :)
  17. AnimalMother92

    Thirsk Island

    wow great stuff! must...hold..on...waiting....
  18. Thanks :) one little thing: could you remove the "m" from units display names (when you mouse over them)? It's fine having that as a tag when they're in the editor, but it seems strange in game. For example when you're used to mousing over a unit and seeing "Rifleman", but instead see "m 18z etc etc" it looks a little funny. Just a suggestion..
  19. cool video just wish I could pronounce the name lol
  20. AnimalMother92

    AnimalMother92 Presents...

    Little heads up on future stuff: I'm going to try and get out some updates for current missions before shifting my attention to... Full campaign: -Set on Podagorsk -Coop enabled -Made for ACE2 -Spec Ops style missions ...and more! (once I think of stuff :p ) ETA early June 2010.
  21. I get this fairly often and now it seems as if it simply occurs after a certain amount of time even without any gaming going on. Last night I left my machine on with Arma 2 running at the main meu by mistake. When I woke up in the morning the game had apparently crashed but it was actually still running the arma2.exe in the task manager. This problem/render window dying bug seem to be happening a lot post 1.05 and is ruining long game sessions :(
  22. AnimalMother92

    Units "sink" into the ground?

    They're supposed to. It simulates grass.
  23. Does anyone know if the old SIX updater has to be completely uninstalled before updating to a new version, say 0.8.1? Also is there much need to update SIX updater itself?