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About burdy

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant
  1. Oh wow, thanks Rydygier! I was aware of the command but totally misused it in practice.
  2. Hey, Is there anyway to disable the AI from issuing combat ineffective commands? I am trying to make a push map with respawning AI. The problem I run into though, is that the AI only re spawn when the whole group is dead - HETMAN will often times send groups with one member back behind the lines. Is there anyway I can make HETMAN send these 1 man units into combat as normal teams/disable such rest commands?
  3. Thank you, EDIT : Nevermind - figured out my last question - didn't realize that (_this select) was referring to the sequence and should remain 3 (in the destroy.sqf).
  4. Last thing, So trying to add a "scanner" which detects enemies within a radius, preventing you from placing the Rally - this is not working. Suggestions? _play = _this select 0; _name = _this select 1; _markname = _this select 2; _Toclose = 0; Close = _play getVariable ["Close",objNull]; ObjVar = _play getVariable ["ObjVar",objNull]; _rallyExists = !isNull ObjVar; _distanceExists = !isNull Close; _distance = {if ((side _x == west) && (_x distance _play <= 700)) then { _play getVariable ["Close",_Toclose];} else { _play getVariable ["Close",objNull];}} foreach allunits; if (_distanceExists) then { hint "Enemy too close! Must not be within 700 meters of an enemy soldier"; } else { if (_rallyExists) then { hint "Rally already placed!"; } else { disableUserInput true; sleep 5; _name = "LIB_AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Large" createVehicle position _play; disableUserInput false; _play setVariable ["ObjVar", _name]; _markname = createMarker ["_markname", position _name]; _markname setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markname setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _markname setMarkerText format ["%1 Rally", _play]; [_name, ["Destroy Rally Point", "Destroy.sqf", [_play, _name, _markname]]] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true]; publicvariable "_name"; } };
  5. Okay that works - problem is, is that everything works but destroying the physical crate - presumably because the crate doesn't have a "name"?
  6. So cool, that works! I edited it a bit so I dont need to deal with making the marker names strings _play = _this select 0; _name = _this select 1; _markname = _this select 2; ObjVar = _play getVariable ["ObjVar",objNull]; _rallyExists = !isNull ObjVar; if (_rallyExists) then { hint "Rally already placed!"; } else { disableUserInput true; sleep 5; _name = "LIB_AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Large" createVehicle position _play; disableUserInput false; _play setVariable ["ObjVar", _name]; _markname = createMarker ["_markname", position _name]; _markname setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markname setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _markname setMarkerText format ["%1 Rally", _play]; [_name, ["Destroy Rally Point", "Destroy.sqf", [_play, _name, _markname]]] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true]; publicvariable "_name"; }; However, on to the Destroy script - for some reason everything in the script works (or I should say, the marker delete works) but destroying the object - it instead sets the players damage to 1. _play = _this select 0; _name = _this select 1; _markname = _this select 2; _name setdamage 1; _play setVariable ["ObjVar", objNull]; deletemarker "_markname";
  7. [squad1, ["Build Rally Point", "RallyPoint.sqf", [squad1, rally1, west_rally_mark]]] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true]; _name builds the physical rally, _markname puts a marker on the rally which will be used as a teleport, and _play gives the name of the player which lets the script know where to place the rally. So far, everything works up until the script not allowing me to build multiple (have not got to test the destroy addaction though).
  8. Hey, So working on a rally script. Problem is, the script fails to detect the object being created, and thus wont recognize that the rally is down, allowing the player to continuously make rally's. _play = _this select 0; _name = _this select 1; _markname = _this select 2; if ({alive _x } count [_name] > 1) then { hint "Rally already placed!"; } else { disableUserInput true; sleep 5; _name = "LIB_AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Large" createVehicle position _play; disableUserInput false; _markname = createMarker ["_markname", position _name]; _markname setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markname setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _markname setMarkerText format ["%1 Rally", _play]; _name = _name addAction ["Destroy Rally", "Destroy.sqf", _name]; publicvariable "_name"; };
  9. Couldn't you theoretically at least make it accessible for the AI via script commands? Cant imagine the AI bugging out too hard if you simply fired the stand up command on a c47.
  10. Hey, it appears manually firing the attach commands (e.g statement = "[this] spawn LIB_G_TowAttach;";) as well as the standup, staticjump, etc commands do not work for AI. Any reason as to why?
  11. Hey, So currently I am trying to make a script which counts the amount of non-player units in a vehicle, and ejects them. if (isserver) then { _veh = _this select 0; _unit = {!isplayer _x} forEach crew _veh; sleep (random 3); {_x addBackpack "B_parachute";} forEach (units _unit); { {unassignVehicle _x} forEach crew _veh; (_x) action ["EJECT", vehicle _veh]; sleep 1; (_x) action ["openParachute", vehicle _veh]; } forEach (units _unit); }; This is what I got now - the issue is I can get the script to work without the _unit part (meaning, all units in the vehicle will disembark), however, as soon as I add that _unit part and try to keep it only AI who eject, I get a whole host of issues.