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Fox '09

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Status Updates posted by Fox '09

  1. Fox feels like making multicam us army men now

  2. you should totally make MW2 PMC delta force of honor units

  3. It is pretty painful to do. Oh well have fun :D

  4. hey, how did you weight that star trek guy? btw a bit too busy for those blue prints.. but one day ...

  5. Kole confrigger guy

  6. Give it A test with a smaller terrain grid


    But still 20km

  7. Drop the green . Takistan looked nice and it doesn't have any green in its satmap

    .. I think

  8. Man, still in Orlando :( When I'm back maybe we can start on op restrepo if ya haven't already

  9. Ak47 pouches on top of 2 mag shingles with CATs and bayonnets in between ?

  10. I Agree but unfortunately he's the only guy on bi

    Who is actively following my projects

  11. Star trek boat tanks :(

  12. More character monotony :(

    We should make .. Boat tanks together

  13. wow i can make fun of u too look at ur dumb threadhttp://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=61847 = i hope you feel bad

  14. why you pickin on me , is it cause i'm black?

  15. enad is p. dumb huhhh @ pmc stuf ye

  16. trashed but i'm redoing them :)

  17. =thats u

    btw you saw enads dum post in the martins thread ? :rolleyes:

  18. kewl, kewl. But they still let ya wear lbe's ?

  19. wtf LBEs? but ok , i'll see what I can do , ty sir.
