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Everything posted by galzohar

  1. galzohar

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    How would one use the End Game spectator script for other missions? Is there any documentation yet for the API? RscSpectator_allowedGroups and RscSpectator_allowFreeCam - Can those be changed while spectating is active to force it to deactivate? For unit view, is there or will there be a way to limit it to first person only?
  2. Are you sure they weren't already up to date? It shouldn't allow you to launch a collection without updating it first, as far as I'm aware. So far the only thing missing for me is the automatic connection with teamspeak. And I also haven't tested the Task Force Radio plugin installation, hopefully it works.
  3. Is the yml format deprecated? Or should I still create a collection based on a yml file and just keep the yml file updated to change the collection's mods? When I change mods in a public connection which I shared, will anyone trying to launch the collection automatically get the updated mod list? Or will they have to click the link again to re-add the collection? Is there a quick way for a user to get to the collection I shared after he played with it once? Or does he have to add it to his collections (subscribe or whatever) and then next time select it from his favorites or whatever? It would be really helpful if there was very little room for error (on the user's end), both the first time joining the server, as well as the following sessions. Also, can it launch and connect to the Teamspeak server automatically? I didn't see anywhere to define additional apps for a collection.
  4. Are there plans for quick and easy "click this link to install all required mods and join the server" as we had with Six Updater and Play withSIX? If it is already supported, I couldn't get it to work with the new Sync. For me, this is a critical feature, as it moves most of the required knowledge from the user to the community manager, and the user can just click and play after following extremely minimal instructions.
  5. Yes, it is, when trying to explain it to someone else how to do it instead of telling him "click this link". Basically, I have players giving up on playing in our events because they can't figure it out. In the past, all they had to do was download Play withSIX and click a link, which no longer works.
  6. You can also set a variable in-game with other channel name and password. For the Arma-IL server I did it on a server-side mod, so all missions on the server have this feature automatically, and others who download the same mission will not need to edit it with whatever room name and password they use.
  7. I suppose with proper API use you might be able to make a dirty solution to prevent someone from setting his frequency to a forbidden value (simply force-change it back via script as soon as its set to the wrong value), but this won't really be clean nor pretty nor user-friendly.
  8. To prevent future teamspeak permissions issues, just create a room with no password, make sure everyone can join it (just to test that it is set up correctly), and only then edit the room to have a password. That way you rule out any non-TFR-related issues.
  9. galzohar

    Insurgent group looking for PvP Events!

    TvT is Team vs Team. No indication of bots anywhere. No more than PvP - Just like Team vs Team may also contain bots somewhere, Players vs Players may also have some bots somewhere in there. It's all up to whoever designed the game mode. Something can have bots and still be players fighting other players or a team fighting another team. There really isn't any difference between PvP and TvT, except that PvP might not be team-based (for example, could be free-for-all deathmatch).
  10. galzohar

    PvP / TvT similiar to EUTW/TacBF

    Start by giving DTAS a go, we have an event this Saturday at 20:00 GMT (22:00 Israel Time). Only Task Force Radio mod is required. Server and TS IP: ts.arma-il.info. Server port: 2302.
  11. PWS used to copy the DLL flawlessly to the correct Teamspeak folder. Same goes for userconfig. Unfortunately, recently I see more and more issues people have with this (and therefore need to manually copy, which wasn't needed in the past due to PWS doing it), and I've had this issue myself a few times.
  12. Are you sure you are all using the same frequencies? Some missions will run scripts to fix frequencies and/or configure TFAR to end up with desired frequencies by default, while some don't. Is direct chat working in all missions? Or is it broken for you as well? For us, the only (technical) issue with TFAR currently is bugs in Play withSIX that prevent SIX from copying the userconfig and .dll files into the appropriate directory, which requires the users to do so manually, which most don't know how to do.
  13. galzohar

    Looking for group to play with

    http://steamcommunity.com/groups/arma3pvpcommunity Join this Steam group for PvP events.
  14. If you stick to missions that don't stress your CPU you'll have great FPS. Especially if you don't push your graphic settings (max settings with GTX 970, at the most graphically intensive spot I could find near Kavala, I get 37 FPS in single player, no CPU bottlenecking since FPS is 60 while looking at the sky). Doubling the power of your current CPU is probably not going to happen at least until a new generation comes out. 2500k at 3.4GHz is a fine CPU to have for gaming. Keep in mind that the crazy missions that give you 15-20 FPS will still only give you 30-40 FPS at the most if you double your CPU power. With a more realistic CPU - A lot less. Again, I would try find nicer missions (like DTAS) before jumping in on an upgrade.
  15. galzohar

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    The problem is that, once those symptoms show up, it's already too late to manage your fatigue. If you end up having to engage an enemy just before those symptoms show up, you're screwed and you won't know it until you try to shoot back. The aiming instability is the first effect to be applied, but is not visible until you try to aim.
  16. galzohar

    PvP / TvT similiar to EUTW/TacBF

    Well, we play DTAS with IDF mod now, but it's not a large download and well-worth it. Same goes for Task Force Radio mod. It has 2 teams fighting for a flag alright... But it's a single flag, single life, and with a time limit for attackers while defenders wait for them in ambushes or try to flank. Keep in mind "CTF" has a completely different meaning than what you think. "CTF" refers to picking up an enemy flag and carrying it back to your home base, gaining score. Respawn is generally a bit behind your own base/flag. Killing a flag carrier makes him drop the flag, and touching the flag an enemy dropped flag makes it go back to your base. CTF works much better in arcade games, where running around fast and dodging shots is more viable. In Arma, by the time you clear your way (or even half-way) to the enemy flag, the enemy would have respawned and counter-attacked you, making it very difficult to make any flag captures (with some exceptions, like an absolute noob team, or a team that gets completely spawn camped, or a game with very low player count and multiple covered approaches, so you can go around the enemy and get the flag). In any case, realism is not something that CTF is based on :)
  17. galzohar

    Server admin access for JIP players.

    The functionality doesn't need to be removed. However, a voted admin should be possible to vote off. This is currently not possible.
  18. galzohar

    GunGame TDM

    GunGame Overview Based on the concept of ArmA 2's GunGame by GossamerSolid, I created something similar for ArmA 3 alpha. This mission is supposed to be something fun to do in the off-hours and/or while waiting for more players to join the server. Currently supports up to 40 slots, but more can be easily added if needed. Features - Kill enemies to rank up. As you rank up, your weapon will degrade, making it more difficult to gain higher ranks. First team to have a player reach maximum rank wins. - Teamkilling makes you lose rank. Suicides count as teamkills. Teamkilling when your rank is 0 or less will also kill you. - Enemy kills you score right before you die will not count. - Enemy kills you score while outside the marked zone will not count. Zone area changes based on number of players. - Rank is saved for players who leave the game or crash and return before round ends. - To avoid spawn killing, spawn system will place you inside a random building outside of the zone, trying to maximize the distance of your spawn position from the nearest player. - Notifications specifying rank up/down and reminder that you need to get inside the zone. - Includes variants for Startis and Zargabad, as well as vanilla and IDF. Zargabad variants require All In Arma mod and Operation Arrowhead. IDF variants require the IDF mod. Stratis vanilla variant can be played with no mods installed. - Task Force Arrowhead Radio support - Players start with the appropriate radio and cannot pick up other radios. Download Mediafire (v1.06) http://www.mediafire.com/download/pg1x1wj60ze7wdl/gungame_v1-06.zip Armaholic (v1.06) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20705
  19. galzohar

    GunGame TDM

    Version 1.06 - Worked around mission parameters bug introduced in Arma 3 version 1.44. See 0024051. First post updated.
  20. Version 1.13 - Restored spectator script (seems to no longer crash the game). - Added Titan HE and Titan ammo loadout to attackers. - Increased default preparation time to 1.5 minutes (3 minutes for first round). - Integrate new BIS group management system from "End Game" game mode. First post updated.
  21. It is working, but it is scripted and suffers from the same bugs every other group management script suffers from and/or has to work around. Except in this case they haven't worked around any of the issues. More details here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?189495-End-Game-MP-Mode-Feedback&p=2951239&viewfull=1#post2951239
  22. Is there a "correct" way to save a radio? As in, from radio class name with ID, get a no-ID class name plus some kind of data that can be saved in a way that can be loaded later to configure a new radio. Something like: // For saving. if ([_item] call fnc_isRadio) then { _baseRadio = [_item] call fnc_baseRadioName; _config = [_item] call fnc_radioConfig; // Save it somewhere } // For loading [_baseRadio, _config] call fnc_addRadioWithConfig;
  23. I'm getting the error on main branch (you need to enable -showScriptErrors for that, or else the error is hidden but it's still there). Any chance for a fix sometimes soon? It is rather confusing for new players who install the mod and need to be able to tell a true error from a known one.
  24. If you use Play withSIX it will easily update all dependencies, including any future ones, all automatically with one click. The problem with dependencies is that no matter which one you choose, you will have someone wanting the other one. I'm sure that if someone makes an appropriate config he wouldn't mind that you distribute it :)
  25. galzohar

    PvP / TvT similiar to EUTW/TacBF

    If you want to make money and buy stuff as you progress you should go to King of the Hill, though for me that's not my style of play. If you want something more tactical and competitive, you can try DTAS, though the real tactics start to show when you play it with an organized and skilled group. There is also Total War, which is a bit similar in style to TacBF, but again, not really my style. You can find events for Total War and DTAS in the Arma 3 PvP Community Steam group. Possibly other events may be posted there as well. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/arma3pvpcommunity#events DTAS used to run events mod-free, but now we run with IDF mod and Task Force Radio required, along with optional shacktac hud, shacktack stamina bar and JSRS3. You can easily get the mods through Play withSIX with 1 click, though. Details on our website www.arma-il.info.