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Everything posted by Nephris1

  1. Your words in Silolas ears. What is the problem about offering 2 variants? 1. PBO Version as it is 2. Script Version as the classic style DAC keeps its identity, what it imho absolutely have to, and each user/serveradmin can decide himself if to use a pbo or scripted version on a server.It makes less sense to pack it from one pbo to another. An inclusion into a mission folder would guarantee the biggest userbase. Dont receive any errors with -showScriptErrors ,neither on dedi server nor listen (coop here).
  2. Well if another DAC version extracted from its pbo gets perhabs released, why should it then be packed again into a pbo? I know CBA is a common addon, and quiet often in use,as it is also in my always loaded list. But nevertheless there are still people out there, playing ArmA2 vanilla or with addons, that does not require CBA. Yes there is a world next to ACE :) Furthermore people playing SP dont need CBA, if they play vanilla. The script version is not complicated at all. Most get adjusted inside the triggers and called via the init. And for the rest, he added a wonderful Readme in german and english version. And i mean those who are familar with DAC1 and 2 also know where to change the files inside the scripts, btw this principle is working not just since yesterday. Besides all: No error msg atm on my dedi.
  3. Due the Readme of Silolas DAC , i presume u were in contact with him awhile DAC ot developed. Do u got any expieriences in a symbiosic use of DAC and GL4? Means where should GL4 be initialized (using the mission folder init) to get all generated units implemented in th events config or just as usual, after Dac_Value >3 etc. As we cant use the sounds of GL4, if we use GL4 in mission folder init., would it be possible to use the GL4 FX sounds in the sounds folder of a mission, and in the description.ext of course?
  4. The reason for me initial post. Of course i wont rape for any sake me virgin stock addon folder. My question pointed to eaxtract the pbos content and run it as "classic DAC way", but as DAC needs the logic, i am interested in a workaround, i am sure Silola can post a clear answer though. Besides the complex script framework of DAC io really love the DAC_config_Events.sqf and the new ways of freedom got offered by DAC to implement on each event a own script, which opens complete new possibilities like EH ,fct.... on each wp etc pp. Great feature.
  5. 1.Although the question has been kind of handled above. Is there any workaround for not using DAC as modfolder and so in classic style inside my mission folder. I guess it needs a substitute way for the defined logic, as all scripts could be extracted as they are in their structure into the misison folder. 2.I can remember n DAC1 - as i missed ArmA1 almost completely - we had certain priority problems awhile initialisation of DAC and the init. file. What should be executed via the DAC_config_creator.sqf and what should keep in the init file? I suppose the init. file keeps being primary in initialisation. But in earlier times we had some conflicts, when i remember right. So a words on that either would be nice. 3.Months ago we had Mapfact Forums for support. If all questions regarding DAC will be posted here, the thread will become as messie as the ACE thread. So any plans of a own DAC Support (sub)forum (this is no offense vs BI forums of course).
  6. Great Thing Silola! Congratz!:)
  7. Well atm i didnt reach the point i was supposed to do so .... Nevertheless, i got another prob atm.# As this scripts are worth using by night only, some units should shoot by random a flare, otherwise the "flare-drama" wont get running. I treid to implement a triggered flare, but of course this didnt work, due to the EH. If i make a unit shoting flares like each 600 sec ,just for controll view or whatever , how should i implement this one in your composition? Edith sais: I played, or better gambled around and i think i got a way that satisfie me. Means i got one initially flare shooting unit, that makes the stone rolling. I thought i must have to give that initially shooting unit the EH fired _unit addEventHandler ["fired", {_this execVM "EH-flares.sqf"}]; But it seems to work without.....???
  8. Hi Carl, tested your scripts and working as it does, cheerz.
  9. Couldnt bother with ArmA2 these days, as we played and lost Championsleague today, nevertheless i ll try to get it work tomorrow!
  10. Sry m8, same here, i get directly the mdg "Fo Fo no longer operating" although he has enough targets.
  11. For converting missions and using them analog to already existing ones it would be handy, if the Wehrmacht would be on Bluefor and Russians on Opfor...even cause Opfor is already speakng russian ingame. My opinion. For those who want to play with western allied and russains vs Wehrmacht it would be crap, but to be honest these parts of allied never really fought togehter but a few shots in the south of Berlin and western of Murmansk.
  12. Did i mention it works like it does ?! Cheerz m8! ---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ---------- I would like to refer to one of your scripts, that make an AI shoot flare into the sky by knowsabout, as i do not want to make AI shoot flares by executing triggers e.g. Well this is your script (i changed it to vanilla class) hint "jo"; private ["_unit","_check","_leader","_flarechance","_mags","_one_flare","_one_flare_muzzle"]; _unit = _this select 0; _check = false; _flarechance = 0.6; _enemylist = []; while {alive _unit} do{ if (flarefired) then {sleep 10.123 + (random 10)}; _leader = leader _unit; { if(_leader knowsAbout _x >= 0.7) then { _check = true; sleep 1.123; }; } forEach list tEastAriAllEnemies; if (_check && !flarefired && (random 1 < _flarechance) && !(call fn_isDay)) then { _one_flare = ""; _mags = magazines _unit; { scopeName "xxxx1"; if (_x in d_flarelist) then { _one_flare = _x; breakOut "xxxx1"; }; } forEach _mags; sleep 3.345; if (!flarefired && alive _unit) then { if (_one_flare != "") then { flarefired = true; sleep 1.234; _one_flare_muzzle = "GP25Muzzle"; _unit selectWeapon _one_flare_muzzle; _unit doWatch [getPos _unit select 0, getPos _unit select 1, 200]; sleep 1.234; _unit fire [_one_flare_muzzle, _one_flare_muzzle, _one_flare]; sleep 31.234; if (random 1 < 0.7) then {_unit addMagazine (d_flarelist select (floor random count d_flarelist));}; }; } else { flarefired = false; }; sleep 30; }; sleep 1 + (random 1); flarefired = false; }; I created a trigger 5000x5000 called it tEastAriAllEnemies, triggered by bluefor.In activation: nil=[] execVM "enemydetect.sqf" I hoped to make one of the grenadiers shooting flares as soon as they know enough about any bluefor unit, but nothing happened, So i expect sth wrong here. Can u give me hand once again plz?
  13. Not at this state of the script. As no unit will be added to the array....and the script wont be executed by a streetlamp if u use a EH. So the answer is no, relating to that script as it is.
  14. Hi Carl, thx for your effort posting your script. I tried to get it working. My EH executes but i cant notice a difference on AI behaviour. Perhabs i am missing something. I created a testmission ,if u r interested to have a look, i would appreciate that. As this feature is imho a very interesting one, the more for earlier battle campaigns before NVGoggles. Nevertheless it is a bit annoying that AI reacts on fire at night as well as on daylight.
  15. Do u think u could implement a flare pistol aswell? As we dont have a flare gun in Vanilla Arma2 and flare guns were more than common in ww2, and even more at the eastern front i would realy apreciate this. That way missions by night could be done aswell,...not mensioning iots tactical use in mp misisons. Could u also point out what side axis and what sie allied is fighting for? I mean keeps Russia on the same side in editor as on vanilla or will the german take the OPfor side in editor? Thx for your effort, really looking forward for this mod!
  16. Nephris1

    SP Mission "The Cleaner"

    Hi Wüstenfüchs, great to see ya back and your mission. Can still remember the bet tests sessins with BadAss. Gonna check ya mission of course although it is SP. Greetz Simba
  17. Nephris1

    CAMP - Dogs Of War

    Hasanyone tested it in Coop so far? I suppose there are some differences in the endcondition (not thinking about dedicated though) triggers.
  18. I dont play ArmA2 much ,but when i update ACE the userconfig is not up2date and inside the downoaded ACE folder is none to update it with Very annoying. What am i doing wrong?
  19. Why dont u use correct Briefings? We are playin a lot coop, but i cant justify a mission at me m8s that has no briefing.... I mean it is not your first map,so imho a briefing owes to a map as a mission target does. In principle i like ur maps coz they are quiet basic.
  20. Nephris1

    Thirsk Island

    Yes same here. Hiding works behind bushes etc only.
  21. I think we dont care about the badges being there or not, as i dont wtach the batches ingame. But u r right in "we dont care to wait longer"....even without any badges.
  22. I already opened a thread a few months ago,which i cant find anymore, about the not present relaod animation. Is it possible that this animation is now visible to everyone in OA? In the trailer at 1:30 sec a lying soldier is doing a kind of reload anim,which he cant finish due a movei cut. What i your interpretation to that?
  23. Nephris1

    Thirsk Island

    Great Island, love those finnish style! But me neither like the sound. Even it would be in Real life..although i never expieried like that....i´d appreciate to lower the volume of the walking sound by half.
  24. Of course it makes no sense to create a ww2 mod without the correspending units. But it is of no importance if it the 95th Infantrie Division,the 184th Jägerregiment or SS Division HJ. You can play with each Wehrmacht,SS,US,....ww2 unit,no need to take care of certain extra batches to determine the troops affiliation, what was u wished to be in the first release. Well however, this is not the thread to discuss this topic anymore, and at the end it is just a point of view,as it is the Invasion 44 thread, and i guess their dices already rolled.