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Everything posted by sbua16

  1. Can you not disable the behaviour for player squad via the in-game Lambs options?
  2. Just had a great experience clearing a town. Lot's of enemy garrisoned, with 6 friendly teams all with hunt waypoint's in the centre of the town. They all seemed to work together to clear through the town. Clearing one building all together, then moving on to the next one. Separate groups coming together as one and clearing the same series of buildings, is that by design? or just happy coincidence due to having their hunt waypoint's all in the same spot? Also, after half the town was cleared all teams stopped, is there a limit to how many times they move within one hunt waypoint? [EDIT] Just read the description and it says this only targets players, but it seemed to work well against enemy?
  3. Brilliant to see this back in action. I've been checking in on this thread weekly to see any news. Time to get back in to the game I think. Fantastic news on the CBA inclusion
  4. Also patiently awaiting the next release!
  5. This negative spam persists amongst all AI groups regardless of whether their part of the player squad or not. For me personally, I just use the variable that nKenny helpfully provided to disable danger.fsm solely in my squad so that I can control them how I like. That way I can both have full control of my teammates, and have the added benefit of having an enemy AI that is generally more dangerous and varied than before.
  6. @spyderblack723 @HeroesandvillainsOS I do indeed. I should reiterate, the actual app key opens up the menu just fine. It just doesn't work when rebound to any other key (The sound plays, but the menu doesn't open). I can't use the app key however, since the keyboard I actually use doesn't have one, and obviously switching to an old half-broken keyboard, albeit with an app key, to play this fantastic mod isn't ideal. Also, this is without any other mods installed, just using AliVE and CBA so I imagine it should be reproducible unless something reeeally weird is going on my end.
  7. I'm currently having trouble rebinding the Open Menu (My keyboard doesn't have the App key). I have the latest version of CBA_A3 I have the latest version of AliVE both from steamworks I've tried rebinding both the 'use action 20' and 'Open Menu' in the configure addons menu, after every change I restarted the game. I get the Open Menu sound, but the menu itself doesn't open, and I've plugged in an old haggard keyboard with an App key and the Menu comes up just fine. I've tried various keys, including the letters, numbers, right windows/shift etc etc, made sure none of them are bound to another action but it just doesn't want to play.
  8. Are there currently any AliVE configs available for the factions?
  9. Do we have to add any modules/optional pbo's or anything to activate the Medical AI? I tried popping some AI down. Put a couple of rounds in some legs and waited for a few minutes but no one did anything.
  10. I don't, no. Seems to just crop up when I sync PLA units
  11. No problem. Thanks for the mod :) The units are: China - People's Liberation Army Infantry by Majoris.
  12. Getting a whole bunch of errors after placing a couple of Sector placements and linking them to a couple of leaders Line 238. 197, and 194 in the fn_BLSpawn.sqf it seems to be cycling through. Downloaded via PWS, using PLA and RHS units [edit] Seems to be a problem with the PLA units. took them out replaced with RHS opfor and the error's gone.
  13. AI utilising the new medical features hasn't been implemented yet.
  14. This is my main gripe at the moment. As someone who rarely ventures in to multiplayer, the new system seems to be a step back from what AGM had implemented. Even when playing multi-player enemy squads are affected with entire squads made immobile due to the leader getting hit in to an unconscious state and the AI powerless to do anything until the unit bleeds out. Everything else, fantastic. Just the AI inability to use the medical system.
  15. Cheers mate, will try it out today. [edit] Also, I notice that the feature slowing down the leader has been been deprecated as of v0.14, but I've only really noticed this behaviour re-arise in I think either 0.18beta or 0.18final. [edit2] Also, I realise that it may be a taste thing with one or two units breaking off and doing their own thing. Other people may prefer to have individuals in a squad work with autonomy and be a bit more aggressive rather than as a single team unit that's maybe a bit more passive.
  16. I've had this happen in particular quite a few times. I feel like, in general, a squad usually get's split up too much and cohesiveness just kind of goes out of the window; like everyone's just kind of run off doing their own thing.
  17. New release candidate. Just input Arma3Update140RC as a beta access code in Steam.
  18. sbua16

    JSRS3: DragonFyre - LITE

    It's simply because you don't mention what these scripts are used for, whereas in your subsequent posts you detail what has actually been taken out to improve performance, its ambiguous. People like to know I guess. I imagine some people aren't even really aware what scripts are, so to these people these changes could literally be anything.
  19. That's great to hear Fabrizio. Really enjoying what you're putting out so far. Open terrain isn't so much a problem as units usually still have some sort of support from the rest of their squad (although a minimum of pairs being allowed to attack would be fantastic). Obviously with buildings involved single units being sent out on attack orders by themselves is usually always counter-productive to the longevity of that unit's life. Have you any ideas on the minimum amount of units that would be allowed to attack around more built-up areas?
  20. First of all, thank you Fabrizio for this excellent Addon. Secondly, is there any way that I can limit the spread of AI away from their Leader? An example would be the leader giving an attack order to a single AI. The AI then runs off to single handedly engage a target that's amongst a whole group of enemy without any support from the rest of the squad; happens particularly in Urban environments, when you'll see lots of single AI units just running about doing their own thing. I used to use set enableAttack False; to force some sort of squad cohesion but this is overridden by bcombat.
  21. I don't think the argument has ever been to compare ArmA with other games' accuracy. It kind of goes without saying that because of the way ArmA handles damage (the more realistic nature I guess), different ways of handling accuracy are required, that's a given. I think it's safe to say that everyone's pretty much already on the same page about that.
  22. sbua16

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    Haha, what the hell. Can't we just have the 3D editor please? I despise being a negative nancy, but who's going to use this brand-spanking new MP experience? the Wasteland lot, or the realism orientated clan lot. Neither, I'd wager (and any other groups apart from those 2 are fairly negligible). We've been calling for a 3D editor for nigh on 12 years, and now you're on the precipice of creating one, you release it in this weird, quasi-usable Multiplayer format. I don't know... 'Whatever' I guess. I'll be back here with the rest, using MCC and waiting for the actual game update we've been looking forward to - A.C.E
  23. sbua16

    AI ignoring commands when in combat...

    I've gone a step further and un-installed the game. It's borderline infuriating how much potential this game has, only to be squandered by poor design choices with concerns to the AI. I don't really play multiplayer, and I haven't got enough time in my life to join a clan, so I'm left with single player, which I love, but I just can't get around the fact that the AI is simply broken. It does cool things every now and again, but it all just seems so haphazard and random, nothings really been done to really improve it. It's just clunky and unpredictable. I don't want to continue to buy into the series (in alpha this time) and wait for a year for mods to come out to throw a couple of band-aids at the problem. "Learn to mod", "Fix it yourself!" I hear some of you cry. How about no? How about I pay for a game rather than a crash course in programming, I don't want to, and haven't got the time to learn a new language just to just to get to a stage where I'm ready to test and debug, re-write code, test and debug, re-write, test and debug, rewrite code etc etc before I'm happy with how it plays. BIS,Take some risks, throw shit out, streamline the interface, I assure you it'll pay off in the end, don't give us outer space in ArmA 4 (complete with one functioning spacecraft, and 20 minutes with of "oh, that's pretty cool"). Give us a game worth playing, AI that you can sit down to and say "Yeah.. that works really well", and features that we care about.
  24. sbua16

    AI ignoring commands when in combat...

    So we have to make 10 keystrokes (or there abouts) just to make an AI move somewhere. Wow, it's almost like they haven't updated the AI/command structure in 12 years.. oh wait, that's exactly what's happened.
  25. In the original OFP they would indeed issue a return to formation order. This was only after the unit had gone a very large distance away from the squad leader. The problem with unit cohesion as I see it, is that the squad leader will often tell individual units to engage an enemy, that individual unit will then break off and effectively do his own thing until the enemy unit is dead. Often this can lead to massive spaces forming between the main squad and random units that belong to that squad. So you'll have a squad leader heading towards the waypoint, and several elements of his squad spread out all over the battlefield. This isn't how a squad works in my experience as British Squaddie. A squad should, generally, stick together and work in units as small as fire teams, which work together on a cohesive and (as much as possible) structured basis. The way OFP/ArmA has had it's AI handling the squads is just wrong, and not at all authentic. Unit cohesion hasn't been there in 12 years, and I think we'll probably have to wait another 12 years to see the AI doing something that resembles something other then a bunch of individual units running around seemingly at random, tied together with only the loosest of proverbial strings.