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Everything posted by abdecken

  1. abdecken

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Are the any plans to release boats?
  2. hey gman, could you clarify how do you enter players playerUID into the MCC Access module? '1231234',67566543','32543426' I am trying this but im not sure it really works as people are still able to login without being granted access.
  3. Did this issue ever get sorted. If I cannot restrict access to the mcc admin then I will have to remove this mod :(
  4. abdecken

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    can this mod please be updated with the audio fix and zeus fix included?
  5. me and my friends are getting this error on launching play withSix: "exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" problem seemed to start since the update. can anyone help?
  6. abdecken

    Northern Ireland Insurgents

    May I also request this and also adding groups into the config. I can try and help with the config if you will update the mod :)
  7. Did you ever put this feature in so that you can disable GAIA using smoke grenades? It breaks immersion when aggressors use smoke which is a big deal for me.
  8. I can not get the VAS weapons to be limited by the config. I have: //Allow player to respawn with his loadout? If true unit will respawn with all ammo from initial save! Set to false to disable this and rely on other scripts! vas_onRespawn = true; //Preload Weapon Config? vas_preload = true; //If limiting weapons its probably best to set this to true so people aren't loading custom loadouts with restricted gear. vas_disableLoadSave = false; //Amount of save/load slots vas_customslots = 9; //9 is actually 10 slots, starts from 0 to whatever you set, so always remember when setting a number to minus by 1, i.e 12 will be 11. //Disable 'VAS hasn't finished loading' Check !!! ONLY RECOMMENDED FOR THOSE THAT USE ACRE AND OTHER LARGE ADDONS !!! vas_disableSafetyCheck = false; //If the arrays below are empty (as they are now) all weapons, magazines, items, backpacks and goggles will be available //Want to limit VAS to specific weapons? Place the classnames in the array! vas_weapons = ["arifle_MX_GL_Hamr_pointer_F"]; //Want to limit VAS to specific magazines? Place the classnames in the array! vas_magazines = ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"]; //Want to limit VAS to specific items? Place the classnames in the array! vas_items = ["ItemMap","ItemGPS","NVGoggles"]; //Want to limit backpacks? Place the classnames in the array! vas_backpacks = [""]; //Want to limit goggles? Place the classnames in the array! vas_glasses = [""]; //Below are variables you can use to restrict certain items from being used. //Remove Weapon vas_r_weapons = []; vas_r_backpacks = []; //Magazines to remove from VAS vas_r_magazines = []; //Items to remove from VAS vas_r_items = []; //Goggles to remove from VAS vas_r_glasses = [];
  9. abdecken

    A3C: Name Tag Mod

    Great mod but could we please have some options to set in the mission ini such as display all names in a certain radius (not just your target) and disable rank in bottom corner please?
  10. abdecken

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    good mod, but I would like civilian units as well to create a proper environment for the rebels.
  11. They are East Asian in appearance (NOT really appropriate for Takistan). Shame the are Middle Eastern faces (for OPFOR) but no Middle Eastern civilians in the configfile :( All I can find is Faces for setIdentity PersianHead_A3_01 PersianHead_A3_02 PersianHead_A3_03
  12. Is it possible to get the correct Asian civilians for the Zargabad and Takistan? I am not sure if the config file has them in it but you can selected Men (Asian) under civilians in the editor.
  13. I have the same behavior. Seems the config.sqf is not working at all for the mission maker in MP. Will have to stop using until fixed.
  14. What is and how do you set the custom key to display names of surrounding units please?
  15. Has anyone tested this with ARCE or the Task Force Radio mod on a dedicated server to see if it works? It seems the method used by F3 frame work's name tag script prevents either mod from working.
  16. abdecken

    =BTC= Revive

    I am having trouble with using revive and the Task Force Radio mod. It seems when revived players have the independent radio instead of BLUFOR. Does this script set dead players to side independent until revived or something?
  17. I would like to use F3 but the name tags prevent the Task Force Arma 3 radio mod from working that my team uses. Seems to be that they both use the overlay to display something, but I do not know how/if this could be fixed?
  18. Did anyone get this to work? I tried the OP's method with but it did not work at all.
  19. abdecken

    Stratis P.D.

    STRATIS P.D. 6 Player COOP Mission features 3 custom skinned Police vehicles, including Land Rovers, helicopter, and SWAT APC and a new Police speedboat and 2 new heavy pistols released in the latest patch (Zubr 45 ACP and 4-five .45). Requires no add ons just the vanilla game to play. Description: The Mayor has been threatening all week he will have the chief's ass unless we do something about the presence of a gang of smugglers operating from the Island. The old man dosn't realize we cant always do things by the book. Those criminals will escape completely from the island in less than 24 hours after we make our move and we have to act quickly to apprehend their boss before he gets away. They may call me a loose cannon and make me hand over my gun and badge, even suspend me indefinitely, but these scum are going down! The gang is lead by 3 Iranian male suspects. They are equipped mainly with a range of handguns and small arms. Bring in all 3 main suspects dead or alive. The department has 4 urban camo patrol vehicles for day to day duties. We have a military APC for our SWAT team refitted with non lethal weapons (non operational water cannon for riot control). The department also has an unarmed search and rescue chopper at its disposal. Features: Requires no add ons just the vanilla game to play 3 custom skinned Police vehicles Red and blue Police vehicle lights 2 new heavy pistols released in latest patch (Zubr 45 ACP and 4-five .45) New Police speedboat released in latest patch Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d9axp5jrdlcaewj/StratisPD.Stratis.pbo Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=191505015 Installation: Extract the .pbo file(s) to your Steam/SteamApps/common/ArmA 3/MPMissions folder. Hints: Use your armored vehicles for protection and as mobile cover Plan your attack Be mindful of you and your enemies weapon ballistics
  20. Repeatable Trigger Name: "triggerone" BLUFOR detected by OFPOR on Act: script=[] execVM "mortar.sqf"; mortar.sqf: _mortar = [mortar1,mortar2] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //--- selects a random mortar unit out of array //--- find random unit inside trigger _triglist = list triggerone; _uni = _triglist call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; hint format["%1 is being targeted", _uni]; _center = getpos _uni; //--- central point around which the mortar rounds will hit _radius = 25; //--- random radius from the center turn lower for closer hits _pos = [ (_center select 0) - _radius + (2 * random _radius), (_center select 1) - _radius + (2 * random _radius), 0 ]; for "_i" from 0 to 8 do { //--- set range of how many cycles you want the mortars to run _mortar commandArtilleryFire [ _pos, getArtilleryAmmo [_mortar] select 0, 1 //--- number of shots per turn per unit ]; //---hint format["%1 is being fired on", _uni]; sleep 10; //--- delay between rounds }; however the mortars seem to fire only 3 rounds. :( I am not sure if the unit is being passed from the trigger correctly.
  21. I want to create a spectating script to use as a training aid for our squad when practicing on our server. I have a unit named cameraman and a repeating trigger on radio channel alpha: condition: this && player == cameraman on act: nul = [] execvm "icons.sqf"; nul = [] execvm "camera.sqs" in the icon.sqf I use some code to show all player unit names: onEachFrame { { if(side _x != side player) then {drawIcon3D ["", [1,0,0,0.7], position _x, 1, 1, 45, (format ["%2:%1m",player distance _x, name _x]), 1, 0.03, "default"]} else {drawIcon3D ["", [0,1,0.5,0.4], position _x, 1, 1, 45, (format ["%2:%1m",player distance _x, name _x]), 1, 0.03, "default"]}; } foreach allunits;} but it seems the drawIcon3D does not show up while using the camera.sqs :(
  22. Is there a way to limit weapon choices (such as restrict all Launchers) or have a limited amount of ammo for a certain weapon?
  23. abdecken

    AI Helicopter search light

    name your helicopter heli1 in the editor and put in the init.sqf
  24. seems it does not work and only returns [] after the last patch
  25. I seem to remember the main menu has a birds eye view with nato icons overlaid. I am just not sure how it is done, but is it possible to open a pbo file somewhere and look at the mission?