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Everything posted by almanzo

  1. almanzo

    Welcome back Ivan & Martin!

    Welcome back! Glad to see that reason won in the end! Good to have you back where you belong!
  2. Have you tried to contact the english company requesting them to stop commercially exploiting your work? I would very much like to hear what they reply with. And how has BIS handled this? Are they involved at all?
  3. I'd just like to add that the threats he directed at you are in themselves illigal, and could be considered as a serious crime in itself. This should not by any means be able to continue. I hope that you'll continue to be as transpartent as possible in this case, so that others might learn from it if something like this is going to occour again.
  4. almanzo

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    And again, I bet they are working on it. Hire the guys from six updater and make them part of the team. The system is allready there and working, sewing or bundling it together with the game shouldn't be a problem, and the user interface can allways be changed as long as the core system works, wich it allready does.
  5. almanzo

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Oh snap. I have a huge list of games on steam, I think it's around 130 titles so far. For most of the time, steam is very good. There are a few problems with it though. Servers are usually quick, and with a good broadband connection it's brilliant. Pricing though, is simply stupid. It's commonly way cheaper to go to the store and buy the game, and then register it on steam. Just doesn't make sense. Why pay more to simply download a game, when you can buy the game as a hard copy, and then have it on steam for redownloads in the future? The second thing, wich is a big issue, is the lack of freedom to decide where to put your games. This is especially true for people with SSDs. I want arma on my SSD, but I don't have room for all my games on my SSD. There are workarounds, but it's still stupid. And as others have pointed out, it sounds like a bad idea to force something like this, when such a huge portion of it's fan base are against it. It just doesn't seem like a good idea to deliberatly piss off your prime costumers. Celery, for instance, have contributed a whole damn lot to this game, and I can guarantee that the amount of work and love he has put into this game has resulted in revenue for BIS. Loosing costumers like that, doesn't really seem to be the best idea in the world. And that is also what makes BIS better than so many other studios. Where other studios are afraid that mod makers might make better content than them, so that they don't earn money from their DLCs, BIS understands that mods may encourage others to buy their games. I mean, imagine how ARMA would have ended up without the modding community. The wast majority of us never play vanilla ARMA.
  6. Hi! I have a problem with my joystick while flying. when going full throttle, the nose of the helicopter pitches upward. If I start on the ground, don't touch anything, then set throttle at full, the chopper goes up in the air, then it starts pitching upward, trying simply to loop. Why is this? Someone have a sollution? I am using Cyborg X joystick with updated drivers.
  7. Now for an update. It works as it should in Take On: Helicopters with the same key mapping. I find this weirder and weirder.
  8. Yes, I know. I've checked it several times, and it shouldn't be a conflict. The calibration should also be correct in the drivers. Just to make sure, I have the throttle mapped to "Inrease throttle (analog)" on the plus value of the throttle (or whatever is moving the tick away from me), and "decrease throttle (analog)" on the oposite. Going to check with TakeOn tonight, to see if the same problem is apparent there. The thing is, it seems to be true only when the throttle is full.
  9. Uploaded with ImageShack.us This has been going on for days now. Highest I've seen is on third place. Even over Skyrim! It's been persistent within top ten for over a week, maybe more. Rocket is surely making a lot of money for you. Seems like he is in for a promotion :P But yeah. A sincere congratulations to you guys. It's about time more people recognized the wonder your game is. It's a great spark for your future release of ARMA III too. Highly deserved
  10. Yeah, it was the impression I had. My intention was simply to see if there was a way I could help, I feel like doing something to help this become reality faster, you know. I know nothing at all about modeling or textures, or even military equipment and gear, but I wouldn't have had any problem contributing if I had that knowledge. I just can't wait to play this, as Cold War Crisis is by far the best game ever released. I wish you all the best of luck, and can at least promise you that I will promote your mod as much as I can once it is released. Oh, and if you ever wan't someone to translate into Norwegian for some reason, I'll be more than happy to do that (not that I find that likely to happen, but who knows :P). I am one of those people who are looking more forward to this than I am looking forward to ARMA III. Best campaigns ever! Thank you for doing this.
  11. If some of your crew is in Norway, I might take a position as coffee fetcher :P I hope this doesn't die due to the long development behind it. I can maybe try help out with the campaigns, but I feel like I am not on par with your skill level. I am only a low-mid level mission designer.
  12. Can anyone confirm this, and if they can, why does it work and what is the loss? I really don't get it.
  13. Thanks Metalcraze, my question is simply to understand how it affects the engine. If I could somehow understand that, I might have a clue.
  14. Can you try to explain what it actually does, and why it matters?
  15. If you need to have your game in a different location, there is tools to move applications installed with steam to different folders too... Simply google "steam mover"
  16. almanzo

    Take On Helicopters II ?

    I was to suggest the same thing as PurePassion... You need to have ARMA II though, but I'd recommend it... Chernarus is a beauty!
  17. I just wan't to add one little thing to this thread, simply to point out something amazing. There is one response to this question, and it's from a BI developer. This right here DnA, is why I consider Bohemia interactive to be the best game developer out there! There is not one single game company with better costumer service and community care as BI! I struggle to find threads with problems where no developer has answered questions or offered help. You deserve so much respect and attention for this... You should be made into an example for the whole gaming scene. Keep up being great!
  18. almanzo

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    Sure am, a new graphics card at least.
  19. Hi! This whole modding issue has given me a real headache. I really don't understand anything, so it would be very nice if someone from official from Bohemia could actually address the issue, as it has sparked quite the controversy in both the ARMA community, and the Iron Front community. What I have come to understand so far, is that there is no way for moders to make mods and publish them themselves, and that all mods must be released as official patches through IF-developers approved by them beforehand. No pizza gun, in other words. It's also rather confusing whether or not we as consumers are able to choose what mods to use, and what mods to not use, but that is maybe not something BI can answer. What I would like to be answered is why they have chosen to do this. I really don't see how restricting mods for Iron Front is in any way beneficial to Bohemia, since alot of IF costumers are ARMA costumers too. I must admit that I feel cheated, as many other feel. There has been an abundance of information regardless the modding situation as a whole, and I think at least we deserve some answers. I would also like to take the opportunity to urge Bohemia to reconsider the whole issue. Please let us be able to make mods for this game, so that it can fulfill it's enormous potential. The game is dying because of this matter. In addition, I find it very, very strange that BI contributes to the confusion by making two subforums about mods to the game, when they are the ones who have restricted modding in the title. It just doesn't make much sense!
  20. I will most certainly not buy the announced ARMA II DLC at least. I've bought the two we got so far, simply becouse I like BI. I am not so sure anymore. But it is a problem, especially since the devs choose mods for us. The player don't get the oportunity to tailor the game to his needs anymore, like we can with ARMA II. Mods like the ingame mission creators where made out of need, tailored to the communities that made them. Not all wants them, so now we get a one fits all solution with very little flexibility. Yes, I think that is a cumbersome prosess, and it's going the wrong way. What makes ARMA so great, is essentially the mods. I would have stopped playing years ago if it wasn't for the mods.
  21. This is the statement from the announcement made on the iron front forums: http://forum.iron-front.com/showthread.php?358-Iron-Front-Liberation-1944-Modding-possibilities-Announcement "Dear Iron Front Fans We have to apologize for our incorrect statements about being able to provide exactly the same possibilities and process of community modding for Iron Front as Arma does. There has been a misunderstanding on our side until very recently about our agreement with Bohemia Interactive on the possibilities and limitations. Iron Front will allow modding, but there are limits and certain things to keep in mind. This is to not violate both our agreement with Bohemia Interactive and the license a modder accepts when he is using the BI tools suite.[...]" Prior to release, and for quite the amount of time after released, the impression they (the IF developers) gave, was that the game would have the same modding ability as ARMA had. Me, and alot of others believed that to be true. It was stated several times. It sounded like an awsome product, and it was the main reason why I didn't mind the more or less buggy release and lame sound quality. I knew it would be modded, sooner or later. Now, what do we have? A game with very little content, without the option to have it moded, unless the modders goes through a painfull and complex prosess to have their stuff released. I've been a BI costumer for years, and would never, ever expect them to do this to such a large portion of their own community. It's absolutely obvious that most costumers of IF, or at least a very large portion is part of the arma community as well. I did never in my wildest dreams think that Bohemia would do such a thing to us, and I am really thinking about NOT BUYING ARMA III due to this. I find it rotten, simply rotten. And I think bohemia should be ashamed of this. It's a large stain on the reputation they have as a community friendly development team. Seriously BI, please reconsider this. Please let modders have the tools they need to make Iron Front the great game it has the potential to be, as the community did with ARMA II. Without the work of the community, you wouldn't have as many loyal fans. You know that. Don't throw the trust you have away over this matter. Let Iron Front be the great game it deserves to be.
  22. Kbourne: Not everyone pointing out their complains are morons. I really, really see the beauty in this game, but with constant crashes, it's difficult to cope with. It's pretty clear the issue is with my graphics card though, and I hope for a fix really soon. That's one thing, the other is that I feel it's sad that a game this great, might put so many people off due to lack of proper testing. It's not tested well enough, as the multiplayer problems show, and the massive amounts of trigger errors in the campaign. I've encountered many.
  23. I've been looking for the same thing. It's either a script to put in the init line, or it's one of the modules present. Tried several of them without any luck so far.
  24. almanzo

    Crash to desktop

    All the time. Does the game crash completely, or do you still have sounds running as if the game was still running? If so, press shift and numpad - at the same time, release, then type "flush". Works for me, but it's still annoying. What graphics card do you have?