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Everything posted by andersson

  1. Yes please BIS. You scare away customers with hard AI. Let us choose AI precision. Also put easier values as default and let user tweak them up.
  2. Adjust key or not, it would be good if we could define our own key/keycombos instead of adjust+up/down and urban prone. I can , in my key setup, find logical double key presses to facilitate the new moves. Example; when prone - the normal lean right key I use as roll right. If I double tap that I could do an urban prone. Best would be to have an urban prone left and right. Fits right in for me.
  3. andersson

    Please Make HUD Elements Optional

    I wouldnt mind that feature myself. Even if crosshair is enabled on the server it would be nice if the my local setting (crosshair disabled) would work for me. I get no advantage so why not.
  4. defk0n, thank you so much!!!!!!!! :D Now BIS has to fix the floating zone with trackIR and it's all good.
  5. One of my few banana-posts, that info deserves it. Thanks for that KC :)
  6. andersson

    How "far" can you go with mod tools in ARMA3?

    This is not updated for arma3 but it can give you some info https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Modelling Also take a look at arma2 modelling section http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?97-ARMA-2-amp-OA-MODELLING-(O2) I haven't done any modelling since OFP but there's plenty of very competent people around here.
  7. In the first video you could have reloaded a smoke instead of shooting off all HE rounds first. Just scroll your mousewheel until you get that action :)
  8. andersson

    Getting AI to use fire support

    How to set it up for the player? I'm trying to figure out how I can call in rounds from the mortar. No editing forum...
  9. I was checking the forum as I was about to suggest some improvement myself. I agree that it would be nice to define our own stance modifier keys. I never use keys for prone, crouch and stand (default z,x,c), I only use stance up and stance down. They are assigned to page up/down (I use numpad for movement). It would be so much better for me to adjust my stances by using modifier key + page up/down instead of walk forward/backwards. This way, hopefully, I could do it while moving as right now I have to stand still to adjust them. Maybe I can find a way to re-define some keys in the config, but this should imo be a choice in settings. Let us choose ourself as we all have our preferences (mine dating back to OFP 2001). I also totally agree that their should be left/right lean in prone, instead of now being the lowest stance only to the right side.
  10. andersson

    Unable to wear enemy uniform?

    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17263 So it will not be in the game as a default feature, and the reason is AI and MP rules. That doesn't stop anyone to make a mission where it's possible to swap uniforms with the enemy.
  11. andersson

    Unable to wear enemy uniform?

    As requested: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_New_Scripting_Commands_List This might be of interest for you, I haven't tried it myself: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addUniform BIS is not spoon feeding us. They give us buckets and you can choose yourself what and how you want to play this game. If you want to switch uniform, make a script in your mission and you will have it. If you want to know how to do it, this is one of the places you can find info: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?162-ARMA-3-ALPHA-MISSION-EDITING-amp-SCRIPTING
  12. andersson

    Metric System Option

    You forgot the britts.. But they drive on the left side of the road too so I guess they just want to be incompatible with the rest of Europe ;)
  13. andersson

    Need Stance Indicator

    I understand that people want it, but if implemented please give us the choice to see it or not. I don't want it and I never needed it the last 12 years.
  14. andersson

    We need to talk about grenades.

    I guess I could throw grenades quite quickly IF they were all prepared. But how much time between each grenade if they are in pouches/pockets? Not only do you have to pull the pin, you also have to get it out of your pocket/pouch. Yes, we can all agree on that this system needs tweaking. I would like to see some more time readying the grenade before I can throw it. It cant only be about reload time, it should also be a delay before you can throw the first grenade.
  15. andersson

    How to prepare steam to install Arma3 on your ssd

    Ok, I obviously missed this thread... After reading this thread I see it's possible to install on another location in steam app now. BUT when I activated my arma3 product it downloaded it without asking where I want to install it. Do I have to copy the steam folders to another location before downloading, or can I do it now and then use steam to move it? This is probably simple stuff, but it's news to me and I haven't got a choice yet from the steam app to choose folder to install arma3 into... edit: I installed steam for avp classic 2000. Back then I installed it where it is today and I have only used it to start avp classic until today. I do not want steam on my ssd. So how do I move my arma3 installation using steam app? Right now arma3 is in R:/Games/steam/steamapps/common/arma3, I want it into G:/arma3 ?
  16. andersson

    How to prepare steam to install Arma3 on your ssd

    Hi, As a new steam user I was momentarily quite agitated that I couldn't define my own installation folder for Arma3. I installed steam on a hdd raid I have, but I want arma3 installed on my SSD. After some googling I found this program, steammover: http://www.traynier.com/software/steammover With this simple program it's possible to move a steam game to whatever folder/hd you wish, so now I can have my less demanding older games on the raid and arma3 on its dedicated SSD. It's not about arma3, but as we are forced to use steam this program might come in handy. It's very strange that this simple feature is not in Steam.. If there's a dedicated steam thread on this forum feel free to move this there. I could only find the discussion about steam, but I figured this didn't fit there.
  17. andersson

    Bistore closed

    I will wait until this first storm has settled. Not much choice anyway as I want to buy from bistore :)
  18. andersson

    CAA1 public release

    @CiforDayZserver: I think this project falls under BIS license for the released MLODs (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?66013-MLOD-of-all-vehicle-and-soldier-models-released!). See if you can find any documentation about it in the download. If it does you should find it there. If I remember correctly a mod under this BIS mlod license give other mods the right to use it, but all their work falls under the very same license. I'm not 100% about this anymore but please read up on the link I gave you. I'm quite sure Kju doesn't have the pew files. I remember I helped fixing the roads for the AI. Its all done from the "outside".
  19. CWR2 is the only thing that remotely give that unique sweet feeling I had on Everon 10 years ago. I'm willing to pay BIS a lot of money for a CWR3 expansion.
  20. andersson

    Which version will you be buying?

    Supporter. 1 reason only; I dont mind giving BIS a little extra after all the hours of fun they been giving me since 2001. I dont care about the music, maps, armax and definitely not the badge, but to get the DLC's for free is convenient.
  21. When armed assault came I never looked back at OFP. When Arma2 came I saw no reason to play Armed assault. I will probably never uninstall arma2, all thanks to you. I just love the 1985 and resistance campaign. That alone will be the reason arma2 will live on my computer for as long as I play games like this. Thank you for all you work, and thank you very much for sticking to it until its finished!!!
  22. andersson

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Happy Birthday me :D 5th of march. Thank you BIS for my birthday present, its all for me no?
  23. andersson

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Agree. And to say that modding will die is strange... How do the arma2 players who bought it through steam do it? Just like the rest of us, they download and install mods. As we all can do with arma3. Even a dev told us that in this very thread.
  24. andersson

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I'm not a user of steam (will be I guess...). One question. Is it possible to play steam games in MP LAN without internet connection? If we all buy arma3 through steam, activate online but then meet up with our computers were there is no internet, is it possible to play then? (If someone think Im stretching it I mean, a LAN game in a cabin is quite nice :), what happens if internet goes down and we are all at my place playing). How do steam handle situations like that? (I will not ask what happens if steam goes out of business, as I guess we have arma7 by then...)
  25. As a BIS fan-boy I know that bug ridden or not it will improve and I know that the core of the game is what I want. So its not a completely blind purchase. I dont pre-order games of obvious reasons. A BIS product I could pre-order as I wouldnt mind the risk to waste a few bucks on them as they have given me so much the last decade and all I had to do was to buy 3 (4) games. Feels like the bang-for-bucks is in my favour. Still I dont pre-order, simpler to buy it when its there.