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Everything posted by andersson

  1. I guess it's best to beta test the campaigns without any AI mods?
  2. Nice one! Time to move away from my laptop and kickstart my stationary :) Will play through and give feedback on the campaigns.
  3. andersson

    Shooting through Scopes etc.

    I voted "They are planning to use it" because I think it's hilarious to have that as an option in a poll ;)
  4. *Open browser, go to this thread, see nothing, closing browser and continue my RL*
  5. If I remember right someone else ported it. I downloaded it but gave up playing it. The port was alright but the campaign is not. It's just a lot of enemies and not much of a balance. It must be seriously altered to fit todays AI and view distance. You should be able to find the DL link in the CWR²'s discussion thread. edit: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?85017-Cold-War-Rearmed%C2%B2-Discussion&p=2213220&viewfull=1#post2213220
  6. So many memories to choose from.. One thing is from OFP. An enemy AI spetznas sneaked up behind me and placed a pipe bomb... I heard something, turned around just in time to see him place it. Shot him and managed to run away before the bomb went off taking down the house. That was not a scripted sequence. I have not seen anything like that again in any BIS games.
  7. andersson

    New take on Arma's keyboard control......

    I have used the numpad since OFP 2001. That way I can have all movement keys in logical order and dont have to rely on shift to walk etc. I had to rearrange some but this is the basics. I also use doubletap, for example if I doubletap lean it stays in leaned position. I use the arrowkeys for zoom and sight adjustments and page up/down for stance up/down (no need for the 3 defined stance keys). As I have an EZ-9900 keyboard I have an extra row of keys that I use. (http://www.electromike.ca/fileadmin/images/produits/450/P1194_KB-EZ-9900_EZ-9900-Clavier-Generique-Noir-USB-Canadien-Francais.jpg I use the rest of those keys for stance adjustment, lock, reveal and other stuff I want close. Enter is gear, G GPS, M map and so on. The numpad makes for a logical setup for movements without any shift combo juggling that my stiff fingers and poor brain cant handle. Works just fine for cars and boats too. If BIS give us more control over stance adjustment so we can define what keys should change it I could use double taps to get around it all in a very logical and fluent way. Right now the stance adjustments are a bit clunky (regardless of setup). For me more keys to define is no problem, bring it on! Rctrl is close and with double taps I can do whatever :)
  8. That was one of the best films I've seen for a BIS game. Impressed!
  9. Very nice, thank you :) Oh yes please...
  10. What purpose do a leaderboard have in this game? Maybe for some PVP death match in a ladder? As soon you go TvT it's all about team play and not to get most kills. I guess a leaderboard for a specific PVP deathmatch can be scripted or kept track of, so no need for BIS to include it. I always turn off kill messages and stats on my server as people can loose their focus on team effort as they might want to kill a few extra to score higher. I rather play with people that want to win the mission.
  11. andersson

    The guns you miss (until they get modded back in)

    M16 M203 Acog. And the AK47/74 ofcourse.
  12. andersson

    JUMP please!!

    I dont want a jump (as in an actual jump). However I wouldnt mind a climb action. That in order to get up on ledges that I could get up on in RL. Like a not to high wall, that loading platform I should be able to step up on, maybe even up on a roof/next level if its not to high. BUT I think it must be dependent on how much weight I carry. If not I dont want it. I dont want to see AT guys or guys with backpacks pull them self up on anything high. I dont have a problem with a marksman dropping his backpack and some gear to get up with his rifle to get a better overview, or anyone to get over a wall with his rifle. My dream would be this: when facing an obstacle and pressing todays "stepover" you start a climb animation which will transfer you into a laying position on top of that obstacle. 3 defined obstacle levels: 1 - waist high, 2 - shoulder high, 3 - as high as you can reach. All end up in the laying down position, but they use different animations. They also have different threshold on how much total weight you can carry. 1 - normal limit. A guy with a ruck or an AT can push himself up on a waist high level 2 - assault rifle + some other light objects or equivalent to a heavy machine gun only. 3 - assault rifle or something equivalent in weight. Alot of work I guess, but this I would love. /dream
  13. Good to see old Guba and Angelina. This thread is the reason I still go to arma2 forum, I'm so looking forward to the campaigns (and to finally play through the resistance campaign I missed due too much modding..) :)
  14. Sorry for OT, what song is that you used as soundtrack?
  15. andersson

    State of Gaming - Part 1

    I fully agree with mrcash2009 so I just give a link to his post as that could as well been mine: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151027-State-of-Gaming-Part-1&p=2348250&viewfull=1#post2348250
  16. andersson

    Tao Folding Map

    Sorry for OT, but here it comes: Just drop the two addons extracted folders into you arma3 installation folder. So inside this addons zip file is a folder called @tao_foldmap_a3. Just extract that folder with its content into arma3 folder. No need to create any other folders. Do the same with UK forces addon and it should work. I guess you can just move the two mods out from your 'MOD' folder and your set..? If you like to keep them in a defined folder, like your 'MOD' it's possible. Then you have to either dump all addons together in there which can get messy, or define more exact where the game can find them. I wouldnt recommend any of that right now but I just wanted you to know there are different ways of getting it to work :) This, partly outdated, link explains the basics: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Modfolders To not continue this offtopic you can search the forums for modfolder if you want/need to know more, or just send me a PM if you cant figure it out. @Tao. Excellent addon :) Thank you very much!
  17. We need more control over our difficulties. In OFP (and armed assault?) the only difference were what you could enable. We all have our own ways of tweaking arma to our liking and many times it's not the way BIS sees it. Which is all right, until it's forced upon us for no apparent reason. One example is this "laser-rangefinding-command-cursor-thingy" vs "AI skill lower than 0.7" (and I guess the skill and accuracy is still tied together..?) Small things like this are annoying and unnecessary in this otherwise truly fantastic game.
  18. For me and my friends that circle is so small we could just as well have had our exact position marked. When we know our "approximate" position its a matter of seconds before we have our exact position. It's just too easy for us. If you make it bigger it loose the purpose I guess. So for me and my friends it serves no purpose at all except ruin our games. So please remove the circle and "click to center map" from veteran and elite, or make it an option. I have made missions where we are lost and have to find our way home. This "approximation" is ruining it completely as my group is quite good at navigating. We also play alot of missions where navigation is a key part. Please also enable the compass in map view. It's hard to check a bearing when you cant triangulate on the map. Right now any attempt to use any navigational skill is nerfed or impossible. A circle like that can be an optional toggle for those who want some help. Personally I want nothing to do with it. I would also like to see the GPS in no way connected to the map. And the GPS should not change between numbers and map as in arma2 depending on map view or not. I rather see a true representation where one GPS got the small map or only grid numbers regardless of map view or not. The map should be, when all difficulty settings are off, just like a paper map. I would actually prefer it to not be as detailed as it's been so far in the series where you can see individual bushes. Personally I would also like to have that start position centering removed. The first time you open up the map its centered where you started. Sometimes that's enough for people to find their position in no time when they are supposed to be lost. edit: this feature made me really afraid that you BIS have lost your bearings... Imho this is so against what this game has been all about. Sure I can understand it as an option, or a module for certain missions, because different people want different things and gameplay differ. So ofcourse you should cater for it. But DO NOT dumb you game down. Please.
  19. FFS... What is BIS doing..? Let me get some grid numbers if I have a GPS, not some magic circle on my paper map. I don't even carry a GPS and I still get that information! That must be a bug. edit: aaarrrgggh!!! I just found the "move map to player position" button!! What the flying fuck! How will we ever be lost in a mission now?? Any navigational training is also a lost case. And how do I use the compass when I'm in map view? As it is now we have no use of our navigational skills. edit 2: Ok, I see now how they are thinking. We dont have a "map", its all a gps. I dropped my map and tried to open it up and then I get this message "Cannot connect to the positioning system". I guess it makes sense that all soldiers carry GPSs in the future. In that case it doesnt make sense that the GPS is so shit. A GPS today can pinpoint your location atleast on the meter.... Will there be papermaps in A3? I really hope so, I dont want to use this GPS in the jungles of Vietnam or at Normandie.
  20. I have had the feeling of "oh no not more enemies again.." from armed assault onwards. It was tough in OFP, because it was tough. In the newer games it feels hopeless as it is just too much enemies and too small margins. I'm not interested to win a mission just because its hard, I want to be in a mission because I enjoy it. Hopeless Ramboing with small margins is not fun.
  21. I just checked it to confirm. On veteran all extras disabled and I still see that bloody red circle. Why oh why BIS... FFS. Ok if its part of some setting, or if its some module you can activate in a mission. But default. Again, why? This makes navigation boring, I can't make any missions where you are lost and it's very strange seeing a dynamic circle on a papermap. I take it's an alpha bug?
  22. andersson

    unclear when I hit

    The kinetic effect is always less then the recoil, so don't expect any hollywood effects from that. Then if the body reacts from the pain, that's another thing.
  23. Say what? How to turn it off?
  24. An honest question; whats wrong with a script? Why doesnt an anti-TK script work?
  25. andersson

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Agree. The UI must work regardless of VAC or not. For some reason I mixed it up with "hard to see keyboard issue".