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Everything posted by [aps]gnat

  1. [aps]gnat

    Floating object in air

    ATTACHTO something? Or place LANDCONTACT points in your roof addon
  2. Danger! This addon / config BREAKS the A-143/Buzzard (and maybe other? ) The A-143 won't roll, won't move on the ground at all. Haven't worked out why, but likely related to this CONFIG entry. class PhysXMaterials { class DriveOn : PhysXMaterialBase {
  3. [aps]gnat

    Tools for create new maps for arma3

    Cruel, very cruel !
  4. [aps]gnat

    Too many vertices

    BB Looked at the model and config - driver/gunner/cargo proxies have to be in most LODs, not just the first - You need to STRUCTURE - TOPOLOGY - FIND COMPONENTS in Fire, Shadow and Geometry LODs - For driver/cargo etc Stances, in CONFIG you are missing; - You need to chop off your GEO lod at the waterline and add faces (i.e. a bottom) so it floats at the waterline - If you want to use simulation = "shipx";, you need to read the various threads that discuss it. Otherwise use simulation = "ship";
  5. Its a Pack, you can not break it up, its all very inter-dependant.
  6. [aps]gnat

    PhysX Discussion (dev branch)

    You were the one making the wild claim. Nop. Nothing speculative from me until I get Tools and a Biki Sorry, PhysxMaterials wasn't what I was refering to. PhysxMaterials are different. Only limited info in the LCS thread.
  7. [aps]gnat

    KEYS: No action menu

    Wow! Nice find.
  8. [aps]gnat

    PhysX Discussion (dev branch)

    1) I own it 2) There was a major discount offering a ~year back
  9. [aps]gnat

    PhysX Discussion (dev branch)

    WHAT ?! Bullshyt ! LOL .... its a SOLID product / sold to military organisations around the world. ..... you just have to look at all the VBS2 video to see it's FAR from glitchy Yes, always has. No, only for "sound" As one who has played with ALL this stuff many time (in OFP/ArmA1/ArmA2) I say to a few here, "Less talk, more experimenting". It will answer a lot more of your questions. :) The new Physx LOD and the "boat config parameters" are my new mystery to solve. But I will not waste my time using the old tools .......... waiting .......
  10. [aps]gnat

    making gate, animation

    Use search in these forums as "walking through geometry lod" is a very common mistake.
  11. [aps]gnat

    making gate, animation

    Is that a texture on you object? Where are your textures now, in P drive/addon folder names? When you mapped textures how did you do it When you mapped the texture onto the model in O2 did you reference only P drive? Is there any reference to that texture in an RVMAT? Is there any reference to the texture in the config.cpp? Are you packing with BinPBO?
  12. [aps]gnat

    making gate, animation

    Not enough info to fault find likely you have defined an incorrect file path
  13. [aps]gnat

    Too many vertices

    Odd Have you looked at this sample ? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?158772 Failing that, PM me the whole thing and I have a look.
  14. [aps]gnat

    Visitor 3 packing map for mod

    Whereever it says "IslandName", thats supposed to be changed to YOUR island name
  15. [aps]gnat

    making gate, animation

    yep, you got the idea
  16. [aps]gnat

    Too many vertices

    Hmmmm doesnt sound right Do all Resolution and View LODs have the Proxies? If you are in cargo, can you see others sitting in cargo? If you view an AI piloted ship, can you see the pilot/driver ? In O2 do you see "proxy:driver.001" "proxy:cargo.001" "proxy:cargo.002" etc in an editor window? BTW, you need transportSoldier = 4; in your CONFIG.CPP
  17. [aps]gnat

    Hole in mesh in-game. Also RVMAT troubles.

    Well hopefull those who proscribe the the "named workspace" will answer, because I don't / never have used "name spaces" (i.e. DGC) But my guess; Drop dgc\ from dgc\dgc_combine\combine\basichelmet\data\newhelmet_co.paa If that doesnt work, drop; Drop dgc\dgc_combine
  18. [aps]gnat

    making gate, animation

    Animations are defined in MODEL.CFG User Actions ("open door" etc) are defined in CONFIG.CPP In the model, you simply have to make sure the door(s) have their own unique names each. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_How_to_animate_a_model http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config
  19. @Chortles Yes, given John and Saul permission. If they don't create an appropriate carrier version, yes, I'll consider doing such for ArmA3. @Battleship & Modder No, no plans as such.
  20. . Sukhoi Su33 Flanker-D Beta 3 - ArmAII version . . In homage to Footmunch and and his Friday releases back in the OFP days! Sukhoi Su33 Flanker-D Single Seat Fighter Bomber Conversion of Footmunchs OFP unit by Gnat to ArmA New Features: - Removed "tidy" actions - 5 Loadouts using Missilebox - GPS/INS System targeting system - Flares added (per many requests) - other tweaks Required Addons GLT/FRL Missilebox CBA: Community Base Addons for A2, OA and CO README's Check before complaining Su-33 - Readme DOWNLOAD Su-33 on Filefront Su33 on Armaholic GLT Missilebox Community Base addons Have fun.
  21. [aps]gnat

    Too many vertices

    Sounds like you haven't made any View LODs Have you opened any of the BI provided sample p3d files to see what is normally required? At a min. you need a CARGO VIEW lod, but you can also add specific Pilot/driver an Gunner LODs
  22. [aps]gnat

    Visitor 3 packing map for mod

    Best to provide you CONFIG.CPP Click "Go Advanced" and use the "PHP" tags to post your config code, or paste into http://pastebin.com/ and post the link here. PS. I dont do help through PM, no one else gets to learn anything that way :)
  23. [aps]gnat

    Too many vertices

    Create-Proxy, type in "gunner" Create-Proxy, type in "driver" Create-Proxy, type in "cargo" Note that you will ONLY see them in-game. Theres no easy (or even hard) way to view during design phase.
  24. [aps]gnat

    Hole in mesh in-game. Also RVMAT troubles.

    DOUBLE CHECK spaces in names ..... they are an simple and common mistake Also try; In O2 open "Tools" -> "Mass Textures and Material renaming" Check the list Is there a second RVMAT listed? Is newhelmet_co.paa listed twice? (A sure sign that theres an error in the text, i.e. a space) Any in RED? (A sure sign its not found) BTW, your RVMAT looks wrong; class Stage1 { texture="COMBINE\basichelmet\data\newhelmet_nohq.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { That texture path looks like another problem.
  25. [aps]gnat

    Too many vertices

    Save the fence.p3d in the same directory as your main file go back to the main model and "CREATE PROXY" BROWSE to the fence.p3d file - make sure you are browsing the P drive Select it, select OPEN Save Done