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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Do you mean a button to toggle sitting down and one that you have to hold to sit down?
  2. I never understood that argument of yours. Takistan is essentially based on Afghanistan and Iraq in almost every way but name. The only way it differs is that they are socialists rather than Muslims. What's not realistic about that? Chernarus is the same. It's situation is similar to that of Bosnia, Serbia, Chechnya (stretching it a bit). BIS' fictional countries have always had a realistic position relate-able to that of the present day. It's a hell of a lot more realistic than a full-blown conflict blowing up between two of the largest superpowers on the earth and not having WW3/a nuclear holocaust.
  3. It's not hard to utilize the mission editor to build around Arma 2's remaining flaws. All it takes is time, patience and practice. That can be done now, the issues with the game can be fixed over time. ;)
  4. Zipper5

    Wikileaks diplomatic files.

    I'd hedge my bets on 4chan, seeking the lulz. ;) Frankly, while I wasn't utterly surprised at what the previously released documents contained, I'd guessed a lot of it was going on... It's still shocking to me.
  5. Might as well be, given the storylines that Codemasters' story-writers draw up. :rolleyes:
  6. Zipper5

    ArmA II/OA Campaign Coop

    Do not bump your thread for no reason. If people aren't responding that's because they have nothing to tell you. Please don't do it again.
  7. Or stopped fighting each other for that matter.
  8. 'Tis different when it is America and China.
  9. Leaning is impossible in the PC version because they can't figure out how to make it work on a console gamepad.
  10. Ironically no, it wasn't. Just another thing to add to the reasons why DR sucked. :rolleyes:
  11. Zipper5

    WarFX Particles

    Thread locked by request.
  12. While that may be a bit of a slow intro, its got an interesting style. Nonetheless, that story you've made sounds very cool, Dead3yez. I look forward to seeing how it pans out. :D
  13. ^this. CWR's AKs will not have a burst-fire mode. ;)
  14. Pre-set recoil animations will do that...
  15. Do not get it off Steam if you don't have Combined Operations bought via Steam as well. It will not work. It quite clearly says so, but people miss it sometimes... BIS' store is completely secure. I've used it twice already - once for OA itself, the other for the BAF DLC, and I'll use it a third time for the PMC DLC.
  16. Zipper5

    PMC DLC and Helicopters...

    Himmelsfeuer, I think everyone who needs to be aware of this issue at BIS is aware of it by now, and they'll most likely fix it in some upcoming final or beta patch. If they don't know it already, your constant spamming of the issue over and over will certainly catch someone's eye. For the record I have yet to experience any issues aside from aesthetic with the choppers bobbing up and down, and I use them quite a lot in my missions. Thread locked.
  17. The PMC DLC, so far, will not be released as a hard copy. It is DownLoadable Content for a reason, after all. But are you forced to buy it through Steam due to having OA on Steam? Or are you able to get it from BIS' own online store?
  18. Zipper5

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    Now now, folks, please try to keep things... Decent.
  19. Sorry but: yhhxJzeVrI0 ^ Gameplay. It looks just as bland, uninspired and unoriginal as the rest of the over-flooded "tactical FPS" genre. That opener the commentator makes speaks to exactly what Codemasters are doing - appealing to the COD, Battlefield, HALO, MOH players. No matter what they insist, they are not targeting OFP fans anymore.
  20. Zipper5

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    Didn't Arma 2 just get patch 1.08? ;)
  21. Thread moved to the complete section since the island has been released.
  22. Zipper5

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    Perhaps it's something that can't be fixed easily, then?
  23. Zipper5

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    I've had the "blinking grass" for as long as I can remember. Way before 1.55.
  24. It's a bit odd that we're jumping to conclusions that this DLC won't have as much content as the BAF DLC, let alone the possibility of it having more. The only way we'll know the true extent of the content will be when the 30th arrives. And given the way he says it, Richey, perhaps the character's name is actually Poet? "Don't be a pussy, Poet!" rather than "Don't be a pussy-poet!" Towards the end the guy says "Poet, man, you know I can't do this!" as well.