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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. You mean this? http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/8881/arma2oa2010081016242334.jpg If yes, you might need to restart the game.
  2. I'm pretty damn sure I saw a page on BIKI that had extensive info on camera scripting, explaning things like "black in" and "internal" and listing other command for the cam...but I can't find it for god's sake. :| Pls can someone post a link?
  3. What are all these monster resoltutions? I only have 1280*1240 and I still have utterly shit performance as soon as there is a non-dwarf amount of AI on map (40+ fps or alt+tab for me though).
  4. Have you noticed how a lot of times one headshot wont kill the enemy? Pretty lol, and I dont have extended armor turned on. :j: I mean from distance.
  5. This into a unit's init box: player exec "camera.sqs"; showcinemaborder false. Control the cam with y,q, mouse, and numeric buttons. Edit: you have to restart the mission for the cinemaborders to actually disappear, or alternatively launch it via a radio trgiger, then u dont have to restart.
  6. ziiip

    Island Of Nicosia

    Could you please make some better looking ground textures? Like in Landtex. I feel the island would be perfect then.
  7. I didnt try MW2, so what was so bad abut it? I think it has sold 20 million by now. Maybe the campaign is crap but COD is all a bout MP, right?
  8. ziiip

    Stop The AI

    Sweet, thanks! ^^ May I ask where you learned this fancy command "structure".
  9. ziiip

    Stop The AI

    Is it possible to disable lots of AI without writing a book? I tried this [unit1, unit2] disableAI "anim" but sadly that command doesnt accept arrays. :(
  10. I had this problem once. I had a trigger to spawn in enemies, but I had to be in the trigger too. So I put this in the triggers condition box "player in thislist". The problem was that I had a unit called "player" and when I played as someone else I had this bug.
  11. Maybe a quad-SLI of the Nvidia flagship cards and and Intel Extreme (the one around $1000) 4 gigs of RAM and the best HDD., @Rexehuk Wow you have stuters with that CPU? I thought it would easily hadnle the AI. : \
  12. ziiip

    Using backpacks/rucksacks

    M2HD_mini_TriPod_US_Bag_EP1 cannot be disassembled. :(
  13. ziiip

    So many black soldiers?

    Hey I noticed this too. :D I wouldn't mind but for some reason the black faces look less quality than white and arabic to me.:confused: Either the devs went lazy with those or I have issues. :D Anyway, the setFace command is your friend.
  14. You're a good modder Vilas, why don't you correct them? ;)
  15. Looking good, I give it a shot.
  16. Heh, I was about to post that I'll just use triggers and the addWaypoint command but you were faster. :D Thanks, I'll try it! Edit: great, I havent figured this out in a year!
  17. Isn't is possibly to somehow make it repeat more waypoits? Cycle is great if I want something to go back and forth between two positions, but can I make them cycle through more than 2 pos?
  18. Yep, thats the problem. It's not in the editor and I can find it in any "class list" either. Maybe I can only palce it in an island creator?
  19. You should answer my question, because the rest is half a year old. :P :D;)
  20. How can i place this kind of fence? http://img820.imageshack.us/f/fenceu.jpg/ I wanna make a farm with chickens behind fences, but the editor only has industrial types.
  21. Yea only 2 secs but a lt of people saw it. : P