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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. ziiip

    Noob Addons

    Try the Bundeswehr mod and LandTex.
  2. Or if you are lazy, just use this script command: player exec "camera.sqs"; setacctime 0.1 Edit: also showcinemaborder false
  3. Aye, nice leopard. And good stuff by the others too!
  4. I'm gonna try to make something happen. Edit: which doesnt mean a lot.
  5. I googled colostomy and I am not amazed.
  6. I went through Myke's excellent tutorial and quickly realized that modeling is not that hard. Although you should switch to Blender after completing that tutorial, it will save you some headaches.
  7. I spent an hour to transform tris into quads yesterday and today I see this upade, so I try to use this plugin again(didnt work in the past) and now It works. -.- Which means thank you! :D
  8. For the best experience: remove every NVG from the game, set the time to night, add flashlight equipped weapons and flares.
  9. ziiip

    Parental controls

    Adult game, lol. I was playing OFP when I was 10 and guess what, I'm not typing this in a mental care clinic.
  10. You could make the opfor units join a west side group and then make them join an east side group at a given point. Although you will have to create waypoints via triggers in that case. Or you can try these: nameofsoldier disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; nameofsoldier disableAI "TARGET"
  11. ziiip

    Chechen War Russians

    I dont see how it's not MP compatible. Johncage must have been kidding. Anyway, I really love how these look. That vest+replaced helmet makes them look a look better. And boy, doesnt that artillery crew look fantastic.
  12. I have a problem now that the vehicles that have their damage set to 1 do not spawn in a destroyed state but explode when the mission starts. Is this intentional?
  13. I dont know why your FPS drops suddenly (maybe driver), but dude, you want to play the most demanding game ever in 1920x1080P? :D Find one monitor that has a native res of 1280*1024. For measuring the VGA performance, I suggest 3DMark (to make sure your VGA is not faulty).
  14. Not exactly press coverage, but ARMA2 is the full game in Hungary's most read gaming mag this month. http://www.pcguru.hu/pcguru/galery_popup.php?img_id=112519
  15. Why is it that PVP in multiplayer has no AI at all but the framerate still sucks hard?
  16. No, addons dont work in the demo. I'm not sure about the number of scripting commands that work. OA is available on Sprocket though for digital download.
  17. ziiip

    Graphics engine improvement

    I doubt there is another option. Even Arma 1 runs bad on my PC. :D
  18. Apache in Takistan and Charnarus. 1280*1024 maxed out screens in PNG format. http://img23.imageshack.us/g/arma2oa2010090501082818.png/ Edit: more wallpapers added.
  19. ziiip

    People with i7's

    Maybe having AA on max is the reason.
  20. ziiip

    What's Your Age Group?

    I'm 20 now, started 10 years ago with OFP.
  21. Is there a machine on the planet that can get Warfare to run at about 45 FPS?
  22. That trailer did look good to me. Not as hot as OA but not bad at all.
  23. ziiip


    :d :d :d