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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. ziiip

    X: Rebirth

    Considering that you can walk onboard the Skunk, you can definately have that sense of ownership in this game too.
  2. ziiip

    X: Rebirth

    Nice screenshot on the Tumblr page of the game. http://x-rebirth.tumblr.com/
  3. ziiip

    X: Rebirth

    The preview on gamona.de actually mentions that the game has new physics.
  4. ziiip

    X: Rebirth

    It's not english, but gamona.de has posted one.
  5. Not questioning its legitimacy, but why on Earth do people give away games just like that? I understand that some high-profile youtube gamers get promo codes, but that doesnt even scratch the demand on a site like this, so it must be average guys who feed the system?
  6. ziiip

    X: Rebirth

    X Rebirth demo video The guy in the video says the combat feels considerably better this time around. Edit: There's also a video about trading and mining. And a second trailer: A fresh dev interview:
  7. I personally died a lot and I decided to save after every couple of kills. ;D And it wasnt because of the FPS. Maybe I'm a crappy player?
  8. I wanna place some vehicles and turn them into wrecks to create a scene that had a battle going on previously. The problem is, however that the setdamage command will make them explode and burn, which I dont want to have. All I need are the wreck models themselves. Is there a way to do this? Edit: stripping the vehicles of their ammo and fuel stops the explosion for some vehicles but they still burn.
  9. this setVehicleAmmo 0; this setfuel 0; this setDamage 1; this setDamage 0; this setDamage 1; This works for cars and armored vehicles. :D
  10. So what if I want to have Varsuk and Ifrit wrecks without explosion and smoke? Is that impossible to do?
  11. So what is the classname of the wreck of Marshall?
  12. Annoyingly neither of these work.
  13. I put the following in the init: but the vehicle exploded normally.
  14. ziiip

    Behaviour "careless" is useless

    It's also useful when you are in a very dire situation and the number of opponent makes in pointless to even try to engage them. In this case, you tell the AI to be careless and run for you life.
  15. Finally a bunch of CSAT missions to break the NATO monotonity.
  16. ziiip

    Enhanced movement and more

    Is that "dropping to the knee" anim when falling from a height part of the vanilla game? Because if not, that's worth getting ingame. Jumping building looked good too, so some of your work is not obsolete.
  17. ziiip

    The what have you bought thread

    Nice to look at all the cool stuff you guys have. ;D I myself have bought this ICE-T EMU model.
  18. ziiip

    Development Blog & Reveals

    New rain effect finally! :D :D So pretty. :cool:
  19. ziiip

    Development Blog & Reveals

    AFAIK the only reason it has modeled interior for the driver compartment is because it can be seen from the passenger's compatrment.
  20. ziiip

    Battlefield 4

    From the technical side, is there anything that BF4 can offer besides a smoother framerate that ArmA3 cant?
  21. ziiip

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    The Hungarian Playdome gave ArmA3 a score of 8.5. Pros: -spectacular graphics -huge playground -complete freedom that you can expect from the ArmA series Cons: -Like all titles so far, this has some initial problems -Unknown, futuristic weapons and vehicles -less possibilities than what we have become accustomed to -missing campaign Graphics: 10 Sounds: 8 Gameplay: 8 Atmosphere: 8 http://www.playdome.hu/cikk/37833/arma-3
  22. ziiip

    Grand Theft Auto V

    Is driving while abiding the law still problematic? In IV, if you stopped at a red light and another car was behind you, it would always try to pass you because it didnt realise you were witing for the green too.