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Everything posted by weaponsfree

  1. weaponsfree

    midrange terrain texture replacement

    Very cool. Will try out in game, but seems sharp 2 has that ideal balance. Sharp 1 really does help in hiding troops (as seen by gammadust's shots). But it's just too intense / ugly through optics. Thanks again Bad Benson, this mod has given the game a great visual boost.
  2. weaponsfree

    midrange terrain texture replacement

    That would be very cool. The ultra version is indeed pretty good functionally to camouflage players at the midrange, but it's just too ugly through optics. I'm sticking with your "strong" version for now. But if you can make an intermediate version that takes the functionality of the Ultra, but makes it less jarring like your strong version, may be that sweet spot. Thanks again!
  3. weaponsfree

    midrange terrain texture replacement

    Looking forward to trying it out when I get home from work. At a distance look great. If you work out the kinks in the "dark blotches" I think these midrange problems are pretty close to solved (with current game engine as it is).
  4. weaponsfree

    Blood Mist

    Thanks man! But of course it's nothing major, just a personal preference in case it's an easy tweak for you to have a "blood disabled" version. If not, no problem. I just find it unrealistic to see lots of blood instantly appear all over a character model the second a bullet hits. The best effect would be your mist, no blood decals on the texture, but the blood pooling effect on the ground.
  5. weaponsfree

    midrange terrain texture replacement

    The strong version is great. Ads that extra layer of grit and detail to the midrange. Well done.
  6. weaponsfree

    Blood Mist

    Nice job Mao, looks great in game, will be using it from now on. Do you know if you can make it work without Blood being enabled in the settings? My simple preference is not having blood decals on enemy bodies (I find it less realistic generally speaking to see super bloody bodies), but being able to see your mist effect on impact. Possible you think? All the best and thanks for the great effect.
  7. weaponsfree

    Blood Mist

    Will try when I get home. Does it trigger if Blood is off in the settings? Cause I'd like to have this effect but without the bloody body textures that appear on a killed character.
  8. weaponsfree

    midrange terrain texture replacement

    Looking great! Gotta try it tonight. With the current system of what generally looks like "spray painting a tiled ground texture", it's a question of choosing the right texture to fit most of the colors. The vanilla texture (mostly rocks n rubble) looks strange when it's painted green. Your texture (what seems mostly grass/leaf clutter) may look strange when painted yellow. From the screenshots I've seen, what I like the most about your texture is that it is "busier", seems like it's a more 3 dimensional ground. Although looking through scopes almost always breaks the illusion. Looking forward to other possible versions!
  9. I know there are a lot of threads discussing this, but my focus here is a barebones and light respawn with kit (including optics and clothing) script. From what I can see, nedley is trying to make just this, but is stuck on the optics: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148547-Add-Remove-Optics-Working-on-Respawn&highlight=respawn I'm looking for a simple and light respawn with the gear you had when killed, and having trouble finding something like what I was using in AO (see spoiler). What I've found to date seems to have a lot of extra features, doesn't save optics and clothing, needs to be modified to fit your specific kit, needs you to save the kit manually, has kit saves every 5 seconds, etc. Sorry if this thread is starting to spam the topic in question, but hoping that it might catch the attention of someone who has something closer to what I'm looking for, or someone who can help nedley. NOTE: My current solution to the problem is using Riouken's excellent Selectable Loadout script in conjunction with the vanilla respawn. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148371-RSLO-3-0-Riouken-s-Selectable-loadouts-Module After death, I run the script, to reapply the desired kit. Giallustio has a great revive and respawn script, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148085-BTC-Revive but I'm having trouble getting just the barebones revive with kit aspect of it working by itself.
  10. weaponsfree

    Respawn player with SAME GEAR...

    Thanks Zipper5, will try using this. Nedly, seems you're looking for a script that gives back your kit as it was when you died? That would be indeed glorious.
  11. weaponsfree

    Respawn player with SAME GEAR...

    Oh yes, a must script!
  12. weaponsfree

    How good is the AI...?

    First impressions of the AI : The Good: - I found they weren't overly accurate at range, since I had some good moments setting up my squad's position while under fire. Moving along my line of fire crouched, while my soldiers returned fire, seeing bullets snap into the ground and trees around me was nice. - An Ifrit did a good job of chasing down my squad, and pinning me down behind a rock while enemy infantry flanked. - I felt that infantry used terrain fairly well, as I saw them retreat back behind a ridge once they were properly suppressed. - Use of infantry grenade launchers was effective (felt that while on the receiving end) Not so good - I did not notice very effective use of cover (objects like rocks and buildings), but Stratis is pretty sparse in it's country side, so not sure if it was lack of objects the reason. - AI shoulders their weapons and points them in wrong directions a lot. At friends, generally around them. I would prefer seeing the weapons being shouldered when pointed at least within 180 degrees of known enemy locations. 90 even better. - Helo AI is no good in air combat. They can't hit each other, so I had a few helicopters fighting each other for 10 minutes, not being able to hit each other. Have yet to test CQB, will try soon.
  13. weaponsfree

    FDF Podagorsk 1.1

    With the Alpha only hours away, I figure I may not return to Arma 2, perhaps ever. So I decided to have a last drive around in the game and chose Podagorsk. Drove all the way from the coast to what I saw as the last building in the north. Turned out to be a little snowman easter egg. Nice last touch for Arma 2. Thanks again for the great map Goeth!
  14. Hey thomsonb No problem for me, I am thinking I'll purchase it myself (only DLC I don't yet have) to support BIS, but many of my friends are far from solid fans, and got on the bandwagon with Dayz or after some considerable insistence on my part. So the additional 100mb download can be an added cause for "bah never mind" when trying to entice some buddies to join a Flashpoint mission. I know it's ridiculous to ask that you put time and effort into making a Combined Ops only version for the sake of some lazy friends of mine, but wanted to mention it would help spread the mission around in my group. Otherwise thanks again for the great mission!
  15. Just a quick question. The armaholic posting states that it requires ACR. Is this the case? I'm still at work (yes on a sunday), so can't fire it up just yet to find out.
  16. Mister Thomsonb, it is most excellent to see this come out! Was hoping you were still working on an MP version! Now just have to convince my friends to dust off the game and join me. Thanks so much for your work!
  17. weaponsfree

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Sweet trailer. Some personality in the animations are great. From the blog, the question I found the most interesting, which seemed to be a round about way of asking "Will animations still queue, have delays, and rockuy interpolation?" was "What about the way the game engine handles the animations and new movements? Will there be any improvements at a more technical level?" The answer is a bit vague but keeps me optimistic. I'd say if nothing else changes other than ragdoll and new animations with some personality, I'd be happy. But I'd be ecstatic if improved in every other aspect as well.
  18. weaponsfree

    [SP] Flashpoint: Chernarus

    Superb as usual. Thanks Thomsonb!
  19. Between drinks and lazing about on Christmas day, I recreated from memory the first mission I had ever made back with OFP. I was waiting for CWR2's Malden to be released for a while so I could nostalgically edit. Give it a try if you like. http://www.gamefront.com/files/21122474/LaRiviere.rar An amphibious seize and hold mission on Malden. - It can be played as MP or SP. - Has CLY bandage script and generous 20 second MP instant respawn. - It has an ending, but I think individual enemy stragglers tend to drag out the simple "OPFOR not present" trigger.
  20. Thanks for the holiday gift guys. It's christmas morning and my favorite gift is opening Malden island :)
  21. I dedicate my 100th post to a COD rant! I remember playing COD 1 and 2 with pure pleasure. They were a nice action fix that sometimes OFP and arma lacked. They had a wonderful formula of pure action, mixed with well paced set pieces and a feeling of working to clear out enemy positions. Then came MW, and I realized that pacing was apparently too boring to the average gamer. That cinematic feeling of running while under fire was pretty much the only thing that mattered. I discovered the invisible enemy spawn halt line. I remember being in a particularly difficult section of MW, I was being overwhelmed by infinite respawning enemies. I tried to crawl through a drainage ditch to try and avoid enemy fire. I shot only one or two bad guys, and crossed the invisible spawn halt line and silence fell across the battlefield. Ridiculous moments like this coupled with the fact you can never clear a position because of infinite enemy respawns caused me to start disliking the series. I like being rewarded for being a good shot, for employing tactics, for properly clearing a position. Instead, COD started simply rewarding crossing an invisible line. It's true the Multiplayer is another thing, but even that has been nerfed over the years. I remember COD games, where snipers could hold ground (I guess that's called camping these days) and force a team into either charging the line together, or using diversions to get soldiers across the kill zone. I've played MW and MW2 multiplayer games, and they are fun, but they are basically Goldeneye matches. Rush the center of the map, and twitch kill everything that moves. Snipers can set up positions, but maps seem to want snipers to just find a perch, get a few shots off, and be flushed out. It is not to say the games don't have value. And for the players that want a quick action fix, it delivers in spades. The multiplayer is what it is, and I understand it's fun (having racked up hundreds of Goldeneye MP hours myself). I just miss the days where it had balance between action and gameplay. Action junkies still got a thrill out of the first COD's, I don't see how sales would have been affected by keeping that balance.
  22. Excellent work! I was talking to a friend about how middle distance textures are what is lacking in Arma 2. Looks great up close, and at a long distance, but 100 - 300 meters, it's not as impressive.
  23. weaponsfree

    Emita City

    Great stuff bracer!
  24. weaponsfree

    Wall Street Occupation

    Out of your previous post, I found this to be the core of the argument. I don't usually like to refer to economists, because they are much like religions. Chose one that supports your view, and quote it endlessly. That being said, Simon Joshnson was the IMF chief economist in 2007-2008. A recent article of his in the Atlantic draws parallels between emerging markets and the 2008 financial crisis. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/05/the-quiet-coup/7364/?single_page=true "Some on the right like to complain about Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, or even about longer-standing efforts to promote broader homeownership. And, of course, it is axiomatic to everyone that the regulators responsible for “safety and soundness†were fast asleep at the wheel. But these various policies—lightweight regulation, cheap money, the unwritten Chinese-American economic alliance, the promotion of homeownership—had something in common. Even though some are traditionally associated with Democrats and some with Republicans, they all benefited the financial sector. Policy changes that might have forestalled the crisis but would have limited the financial sector’s profits." Seems to me if the government had not been an actor in the drama, the actions taken by the financial sector would have been the same: The securitisation process eliminates almost all risk, therefore we MUST push home ownership to riskier markets. If we don't someone else will, and we will fall behind. As long as I'm cherry picking economists, there are some very interesting interviews on the Renegade Economist youtube page. I enjoyed this interview in particular. http://www.youtube.com/RenegadeEconomist#p/u/0/7F2FKxxN_IE It's true the 99% aren't very focused. But when you look at the issues at stake, the vast amount of interconnected systems that distribute power and divide labour, it's not easy to come up with one or two demands that address them all. My personal beef and the reason I sympathize with the 99% movement (and to a degree the Tea Party) is that concentrated power is dangerous. Markets are generally good at dividing labour, but they are also incredibly dangerous systems that can give a few people a huge amount of power over others. Too much power in the hands of government and private oligarchy is something I think everyone should be wary of.