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Everything posted by Variable

  1. Variable

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    hehe yeah... that's the perfect way to describe it. LJ, I'll try to provide an RPT the next time it happens.
  2. Variable

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    But now I have a problem also with my own launches. I can barely hear them, and the little I hear sounds broken, too.
  3. Variable

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I don't edit, I just play SP missions made by the community.
  4. Variable

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I'm seeing more and more cases where the AI is slowly moving with their weapons up in bore-sight, even in aware state, and I'm starting to lean towards letting go of SP completely because of it. For the love of god, fix that already. It should be high priority!
  5. Variable

    [SP] Icarus Burns

    This looks great! Just yesterday I read about Operation Entebbe and Operation Mikado. Glad you picked the concept up.
  6. Variable

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Been years since I authored a mission... Thanks for the explanation (I was really curious, I wasn't cynical).
  7. Variable

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    What is the use case for that?
  8. You might want to wait for kju's professional response but I'm certain that you can. That's what Lite versions are mostly for, and this is how it worked on kju's previous releases, for example - IF mod in Arma 2.
  9. Variable

    FHQ Arma 3 COOP missions

    Jesus guys, the page of the best coop mission pack can't go without some screenshots!
  10. Variable

    A-164 Wipeout HUD MOD

    Looks great! Thank you. Will you add a CCIP piper?
  11. Guys, here's kju's Patreon page - http://www.patreon.com/PvPsceneWorkshop For whoever willing and capable, and have been enjoying kju's contributions, I think that's a really nice way to support him and ensure he'll continue to enrich our community.
  12. Variable

    A2 Island Lighting Fixes

    Love the lighting fix. Will this work with the latest AiA TP?
  13. Congratulations! And wait, is there Patreon page? I would like to contribute!
  14. Variable

    Arma3 Videos

    High volume MG fire
  15. Variable

    Wiggum's Coop missions (no respawn)

    Sounds great, looking forward to it. Let us know if you need any advice.
  16. Variable

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I understand that it's not ideal to introduce such a serious change to a game after the release, but better late than never considering the damage is merely a loss of some player, adjustment effort by others versus so much more happy other players (I don't have accurate data of course, I'm basing my assumptions on the fact that fatigue and encumbrance has been requested since almost ever, on amount of people supporting it in the forums and the people I play with). I think the Fatigue is the biggest improvement to the Arma series in years. I played enough of it to really miss it when I play missions that disable it.
  17. Variable

    Weapon tests

    Great! Looking forward to your results. ---------- Post added at 10:29 ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 ---------- Oh, while you are at it. Can you check two things that completely confuse me regarding the Wipeout (and maybe the other aircraft weapon systems). 1. I can't seem to lock manned targets unless I hit the "cycle empty target" control. The regular "cycle targets" control doesn't seem to do anything for me. 2. I can't seem to lock AA missiles on other aircrafts using either of the above controls. I must be doing something wrong but I'm not the only one, friends have also complained about the same problems.
  18. Variable

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Perfectly explained maturin, and I think you convinced me to try the fatigue bar mod...
  19. Variable

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    The mindset is that every movement or action should produce a sound. When you look at other games you see that Arma is very lacking in the sound richness respect. For example - take a look on Ground Branch's (not even released yet) weapon and equipment handling.
  20. Forbesy got a few: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=254618749 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=254703389 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=255043235 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=252406442
  21. Variable

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    There are so many sound effects that are missing from the game. Examples - Infantry Rifle lowering, lifting and going into boresight view. Switching to pistol Turning on and off rifle flashlight/IR pointer Armour and Vehicles Sounds for tank turret hydraulics (which were there since and OFP and disappeared in Arma 3) Sounds for switching on and off view modes in weapon sights Sounds for switching between optics modes and zoom levels in gunner and commander sights Fellow players, please add more that you feel missing. Sound features matter, and add a lot to immersion. It seems to me that the effort to add these features is rather low, while the benefit is great. Are there any plans to introduce more sound effects to Arma?
  22. Variable

    [COOP] Anvil mission collection

    Ok, I can do that. So I take that the missions will not become impossible with one life per player?
  23. Everybody suffer from that. Every time BIS updates their islands, the object IDs are reset, causing missions that use these IDs to give that error. However, on 90% of the cases, that is NOT mission breaking. Of course if the ID is an object that has to be destroyed the objective won't complete, the same for a critical WP that is attached to an ID. If you are playing SP just confirm the prompt, play the mission and notify the author. The annoying part with this is dedicated servers because missions with these error are not playable at all on them unless -nologs is used. That's most annoying and BIS should change that.
  24. Variable

    [COOP] Anvil mission collection

    Thanks mecharius! Will be hosted on the CiA coop server. I do hope that these missions don't have respawn?