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Everything posted by Variable

  1. Sounds good! Uploading to the CiA coop server, games open to public, check my signature for details. Can the respawn be turned off?
  2. Variable

    Folk Mission Packs

    Great :) Uploaded to the CiA coop server.
  3. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    Damn... My bad. Didn't remember they were included. I'll send them to our server admin. Sorry :)
  4. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    Blakeace, any chance for a signed add-on and a server key? We would like to certify it on the Comrades in Arms coop server.
  5. Great news indeed! I'm using JSRS now and loving it. Another indication of the high standard we can expect from CWR2. Good job!
  6. Variable

    Singleplayer with epic plot

    Let me support that. BIS campaigns have failed miserably since OFP (that did include lots of leading, just so to remind you guys). BIS, if you can recruit the mission designers of CWC you should do that, and if not, give the new guys two weeks to research CWC and Resistance campaigns and it's features and instruct them to recreate the immersion, complexity and interest that these campaigns encompass.
  7. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    You are welcome. I am thinking of making a video of showing its features it in combat to promote it for CiA coop nights leaders. I'll let you know once I have something done.
  8. Woohoo! Thanks very much. It's good to know BIS responds to our requests. This will also make my taxi and bus drives much more fun :)
  9. That is very relieving... Good luck, and thank you guys!
  10. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    Blakeace, great job! Gave it a try during yesterday's CiA coop night and it was a great experience. The lower position is a great location for the name tags. Entered and got out of many vehicles, didn't reproduce the disappearing PRADAR. Although some inconsistencies that are hardly noticed, the alignment of the names is much improved. How is the list on the right turned on? There isn't any option for that on the menu. It was a good decision to let go of the numbers next to the names in the bottom bar, since we have the vanilla number on the icon itself. P.S - Is there an option to permanently show the bottom names bar? It's so useful I think in some cases I would like to leave it on permanently... Thank you very much for this great addon!
  11. It's wierd that for iPhone it's off by default but in android it's on by default... But as long as it has an option to remove it I don't see it as a disadvantage.
  12. What was the default status? For me it was turned off by default. That's why I missed it somehow... Sorry about that. I owe you an app.
  13. Stop saying Tapatalk has automated signatures!!! it has NO SUCH SIGNATURES! Cole, really, it's too bad you don'e read previous posts:
  14. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    Yeah, my command bar is a bit tweaked by an addon, sorry about forgetting to mention that. I'm not certain whether it's changing the size and position of the command pannel though. In any case, I think you should design the names bar for the vanilla bar and state in the readme that addons that change the HUD might cause inconsistencies. Personally, I will let go of any other addon just to use yours, and I think many others will as well :)
  15. Variable

    CiA co-op night

    First post updated according to the following:
  16. Already tried this... This app only provide access to the vBulletin forum, not to forums powered by vBulleting. See Jamie's comment below.
  17. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    Blakeace, I have played several huors of coop missions with friends with the updated PRADAR and these are my findings regarding the names bar, along with screenshots (click to enlarge): Design issues: 1. The names bar is just a bit too high. This cause the last text chat line to block it, when a battle is going on it will always be blocked, because of all the reporting that goes on, and this is a problem of course... See screenshots: 2. The names are too much to the left, making the last name not appear right above the corresponding soldier symbol. 3. It will be better to make the names centred to the middle of each symbol. Right now they seem to be aligned to the left of the symbol, makes the eye disorient a bit when trying to allocate each name to each symbol. 4. If the background line could adapt its length to the legth of the names and not go all the way to the left it will be better... Bugs: 1. Most of the times, sometimes from the beginning, and sometimes during the game, the numbers dissapear. See screenshot: 2. At one case, I think right after I got out from a car, the PRADAR disappeared completely, with no option to reboot it. 3. At one occasions the numbers were replaced with an "HO". See screenshot: I hope you can fix it all, it's a great implementation of a much needed feature! :)
  18. Variable

    CiA co-op night

    See Kenwort's amazing pics that were took during the last coop night: http://armedzone.com/gallery/?album=6&gallery=19
  19. Tapatalk has no added text like that. I just looked at the settings and It doesn't seem such option is even available to be turned on. What you saw on my screenshot is my "geo tag". it's turned off by default. I just activated this feature momentarily to see how it looks like.
  20. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    Can't wait to get home and try this. Name tags on the command bar was something I hoped for for 7 years, since I started playing OFP. Thank you very much Blake, I will let you know my inputs.
  21. Damn! I never knew the Arma 2 engine supports such high fidelity! I am impressed Max Power, and really looking forward to play your work! Thanks you!
  22. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    Thanks a lot Blake, this will have a hugh playability impact on me, and, dare I say, my team. I'm really looking forward to this!
  23. Yet another great mission by VanhA. Thank you for your missions!
  24. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    I agree. woooooooohoooo! man, you rock my world! I have been fantasizing about the names on the command bar for ages! When will it be usable?