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Everything posted by TristanYockell

  1. Well, it seems the sounds are hardcoded with P85 vehicles "not literally", but it has proven impossible for me to get them to use alternate sounds of any sort. wss or wav or ogg, and does not matter location either. They will always and only use BIS sounds. I have run out of ideas, now excuse me while I go bash my head against a wall lol.
  2. This pbo is to make P85 tanks use Chammys sound mod, it should work, but it does not. I have it for download here, only 4kb in size: If someone knowledgeable could take a peak at it, that would be more than appreciated. Thanks for your time. http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=93b9137ef1c94782a7cb4a2a2f221512
  3. I'm just posting this in both of the sound editing threads that I was posting in. I'm not really sure what to put as P85's Class for this sound mod config file: ]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CSM version 2.0 // Vilas P85 Tank Weapons module // // Author: India Kilo // Last modified: 14.01.2010 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CfgPatches { class CSM2_P85_c_Wep_Veh { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.03; requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons","CAWeapons2","CSM2_s_Weapons","[b]What goes here??"[/b] }; }; }; #include "P85_Wep_Veh.hpp" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. TristanYockell

    Sound Editing

    Alright I have a mod all set up, configs are error free. Only problem is I don't know what to put as p85 class in required addons?. This is a mod to change the cannon sounds only, and it uses the sounds within chammys sound mod. heres the config: ]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CSM version 2.0 // Vilas P85 Tank Weapons module // // Author: India Kilo // Last modified: 14.01.2010 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CfgPatches { class CSM2_P85_c_Wep_Veh { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.03; requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons","CAWeapons2","CSM2_s_Weapons","[b]What goes here??"[/b] }; }; }; #include "P85_Wep_Veh.hpp" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5. This is the relevant weapon names in P85's cfgweapons.hpp. The Coxial MG on tanks already uses the new sounds which are great by the way. Other than that, you already have sounds in the proper calibers already. IE 85mm 100mm 105mm 120mm 125mm ect. class p85_ASU_D70 - use 85mm sound class p85_PT_D56 - use 85mm sound class p85_GV_2A31 - use 125mm sound, enless new howitzer sounds available class p85_PAL_155 -use 125mm sound, enless new howitzer sounds available class p85_PN_2A44 - use 125mm sound, enless new howitzer sounds available class p85_Leo1_L7 - use 105mm sound class p85_Leo2_M120 - use 120mm sound class p85_105_M68 - use 105mm sound class p85_120_M256 - use 120mm sound class p85_T55_D10 - use 100mm sound class p85_T62_2A20 - use 120mm sound class p85_125_D81M - use 125mm sound Thats basically it for P85 tank weapons, minus bmp 1 2 and bradly/lav bushmasters, but if you make a simple config I can add them after. Download link for P85's weapons config file : http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=6a87951d11999aa4adacdd15f2e41ff1 Vehicle weapons start at about 90% down the config file.
  6. The only place anywhere within the P85.pbo's where I can find anything to do with sound file config for weapons is in P85_Config.pbo, in H folder, and then Cfgweapons.hpp. Inside Cfgweapons.hpp there are the different weapons and cannoncores ect. I change the location of the sound file I wish it to use in the cannoncores. Instead of it being \CA\data\weapons\120gun Id instead make it \SoundmodPBOname\100mm_fire.wss or something along that line. Whatever soundmods released that have sounds I like ect. But it never works, there is nowhere else in the P85 configs anywhere, that have to do with weapon sounds, yet when I change the only relevant info, it still does not work. It will always use vanilla BIS 120gun or 125gun sounds.
  7. So I need a seperate config file besides the P85 weapon config?. We cannot just change the Soundfile source under the P85 CannonCores? essentially telling it to use a certain sound file in your CSM2 pbo? Like say "D-10ST; cannoncore" yaddy yadd sound = {\Soundmod\weapons\100mm_fire.wss ect.? I'm totaly lost when it comes to writing my own config, but I wasent really aware that you needed one.
  8. TristanYockell

    Sound Editing

    Hmmm cant seem to find anything. Perhaps I should just do a total reinstall?.
  9. How difficult would it be to make P85 tanks use your sound effects?.
  10. TristanYockell

    Sound Editing

    This is what I mean, my sound file is named totaly different from all others and yet the vehicle never uses it. It always uses the vanilla one. Too me this makes no sense, I must be doing something wrong.
  11. TristanYockell

    Nice_Boat Tank Damage System

    I can post it after work if that is ok by Nice Boat?, I'm not sure if he would mind as its heavily edited and its his work.
  12. Looking very forward to this mod, especialy the realism version.
  13. TristanYockell

    Sound Editing

    I'v been trying to get some cannons to use different sound effects. Its strange though, I edit their config information and tell it where the new sound file is. But it never uses the sound file, always the original from inside CA\ yaddy yadda 125gun files. {"\P85_wpn3d\sounds\T64fire.wss", I repbo the folder p85_wpn3d with the new fire sounds and put it exactly where it should be but nadda. Anyone have any ideas?.
  14. TristanYockell

    Nice_Boat Tank Damage System

    I have the script loaded up with all of the P85 vehicles and their weapon systems. Been doing tests with it on desert maps and I must say it is working quite well. The kinetic energy rounds are noticeably less effective past 1000 meters, its a nice touch of realism. Its also really nice to actually notice the difference between wasting your rounds on frontal shots and getting the sweet kill shot side on. It is a vast improvement over the vanilla system.
  15. TristanYockell

    Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

    How Can I make this latest version and Zeus AI compatible, they don't seem to be working together. I'v got a big battle going on in the desert but they wont engage beyone past 8-900m or so, even though they can see each other for around 2000m.
  16. TristanYockell

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Would this AI system affect P85 units?.
  17. TristanYockell

    Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

    How can I turn off the screachy radio chatter while im in a tank. EDIT: nevermind I found in the userconfig... :rolleyes: silly me. Nice mod by the way, thanks muchly.
  18. TristanYockell

    Nice_Boat Tank Damage System

    Yeah I have consulted him a few times, but he has been very busy. I'm waiting to hear back from him on weather or not all of the models are using the same damage sections. It gets a little more confusing for me once I get into the turret parameters. I need to learn the basics of the config layouts and how everything is linked together. When I look at the current config files, 75% of the coding I don't know what exactly it does, or how it is links to other coding in order to give vehicles/weapons certain parameters. I mean, so far I can't even figure out how to change the ammo count to realistic values for the p85 tanks. I know where the values are, and change them, but it has no effect in game. It's going to take me awhile to figure out what everything does and were all the little tid bits are hiding, that I am currently missing. I have even toyed around with making seperated P85_tank damage values like you have posted above, Say for example P85_tank1, P85_tank2 ect. ect. and telling the T55 for example to use P85_tank1 armour values, and the T-62 to use armour values under P85_tank2, but it ends up causing game unstability and doesnt really seem to work properly. And then one gets into ACE, I don't even know what and where as to how they're systems work. I'v been trying to figure it out, but looking at the configs that are 2 miles long is quite the cluster F if you know what I mean. Trying to get it so you can cause HULL damage and Turret Damage to show up on the damage indicators in game still evades me as well..... All p85 tanks only seem to take and show damage to the tracks or engine despite apparently having the same "sections" listed.
  19. TristanYockell

    Nice_Boat Tank Damage System

    I just don't have the knowledge to merge with ACE 2 system, its quite complex and I don't have the coding skills yet. This is idealy what I want, but when it will become a reality is anyones guess. As it stands right now I don't think the p85 vehicle models don't have the right allocated damage sections.
  20. TristanYockell

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    Centurion Tank would be a cool addition :). Kinda looking at the possibility of making a Yom Kippur War 1973 mission.
  21. TristanYockell

    Nice_Boat Tank Damage System

    Ok thanks a bunch, when I get home I will give it a try. I already had the weapons and armour values in, I just don't know about the VEZ sections ect. Anyway as for it being important to me, It just bugs me when my games are not as close to realistic as I can get them. I'm sick of BF2 style armoured warefare :). Add too this, I have a sweet spot for vintage armour.
  22. This mod looks amazing I must say, always been an avid fan on ww2 equipment and history. Quick question, is there going to be realistic ballistics and armour properties for the tanks in liberation?. Something similar along the lines seen in ACE 2?. Abilities to ignite fuel or ammo stores, crew damage system ect.
  23. TristanYockell

    Nice_Boat Tank Damage System

    Nope, I currently incorperated the T-55, T62 and M60A3 into the script. The M60A3 has a hit damage of 530 for HEAT and 480 for APFSDS. The armour of the T-55 is 425. It will not make the T55 exploded, even after all ammunition is expended. It only damaged the tracks and engine.
  24. TristanYockell

    VILAS addons release thread

    The only incorperation im talking about is the armour values, crew protection systems ect. We're talking about using the realistic vehicle characteristics with Vilas Vehicles. As it is now, it is only possible to damage either the treads or the engine with vilas tanks, and then they just blow up. ACE has the ability to damage many different parts, there is the ability to shoot and cause some damage, no damage, or completely destroy depending on angle, range ect. you have the ability to kill select crew members ect. If you shoot a tank, it may only knock it out, or it may set off the fuel, or it may set off the ammunition which would result in a huge explosion ect. I realise that the vehicles work with ace, but they are using BIS's Arcadish vehicle systems. This is not the fault of vilas, this is the fault of BIS for creating such a crappy system for armoured vehicles. If I for example shoot a T-62 in the turret from 1500 metres with a 105mm rifled gun. It is either going to glance off the round cast turret, or its going to penetrate and damage the turret, gun, or kill/injure the gunner,loader ect. Possibly cause spall and do other damage like setting off ammunition, IE- ACE 2's System. As it stands, you can shoot the tank in the turret, and it will instead just turn the engine or treads red, this makes no sense. I am trying to improve the damage system slightly by using Nice Boats scripts, but it is not working properly.
  25. TristanYockell

    Nice_Boat Tank Damage System

    Nevermind, after testing, it seems to make the tanks indestructable, yet the crews still bail out after a few shots. It is impossible to get the p85 tanks to explode under this script though for some reason.