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sgt gul

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Everything posted by sgt gul

  1. sgt gul

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    i cant order here in the netherlands yet, the dimensionplus.nl website isnt even updated :S it still gives no price indication or when it iwll be released. I have boxed version of Arma 2. So i dont want digital download. any other online places to order here in holland?
  2. hmm i am confused now, it seems that we will still have some fps issues. we will only know for sure when we got the game, it will be different for everyone. Some will have good and some less experience.
  3. hello i cant get this to work, how do i replace the original russian troops with these+villas weapons?
  4. that is very nice to hear, cant wait to try it out. One more thing, how to install OA? does it conflict with arma 2?
  5. sgt gul

    Campaign Svoboda where?......

    thanks pal, sorry for late reaction
  6. sgt gul

    Campaign Svoboda where?......

    i am confused, i couldnt get it to download. anyone of you tried it out yet? is it worht trying for arma 2?
  7. i am not so experienced with overclocking, i never done it. Could you help me with that? and if i overclock, will the cpu get more warmer? please help i want to play so badly BTW any link on good vegetation mod?
  8. i used chammy sound mod, but i get very strange sounds during gameplay. And i get different sounds from the weapons when firing single or burst :S and the voices get very low sometimes. but i will try maddmatt effect mod. thanks
  9. hello fellas, these are my specs: AMD X4 phenom 9950 Quad 2.66Ghz 6GB ddr ram (3,25 available) Windows 7 ATI HD4870 1GB DDR5 and i play at low/normal settings. i dont understand, it is laggy. If i play without GL mod i get better fps. but still it isnt what i want.
  10. hey guys, does the mod include any form of sound and effects mod? is it compatible with one?
  11. Hello, i was absent for a very long time. My pc could not handle arma 2 very good, but recently i update from vista to windows 7. and i must say it looks like it has improved a bit. :confused: anyways, i was wondering if a conversion has been made of the original operation flashpoint campaigns. If i remember, there was a conversion for Arma but not yet for Armed Assault 2?
  12. thanks guys, ill start with the demo version then. The mod is nowhere finished... gl to them
  13. hi guys, how is the progress going? i was absent for a long time :)
  14. sgt gul

    Dutch Army

    woohoo cool addon, i will be in the real dutch army soon. i have enlisted. keep up the great work guys.
  15. jezus take it easy, why get all mad about questions? its like a fucking dictatorship around here
  16. sgt gul

    would like to feel part of a larger force

    you could try playing user made missions and campaigns with Group Link+Ace2 mod. It gives a whole new experience, AI flanking and reinforcing positions and calling in artillery fire on your position.
  17. sgt gul

    very bad fps

    i will try that to, and whats the bestmethod to test fps? in the editor? or campaign and multiplayer
  18. sgt gul

    very bad fps

    and whats maxmem line? i changed my resolution also, it goes much more fluent now. i had it on 1280 and now on 1028.
  19. sgt gul

    very bad fps

    hmm oke i will try that, and i read somewhere that you have a line to put in your exe file. so that it counts4 cpu? does it improve something? and what do you think about my system? slow or fast or normal?
  20. sgt gul

    very bad fps

    hi guys these are my specs, what is the best option to play arma2? (video options).: AMD Phenom 9950 Quad-core 2.60Ghz 6GB ddr memory Vista Home premium 32 bit. Ati EAH4870 DDR5 1gb memory i dont get good performance, any help on this? BTW i cannot change texture detail, it changes videomemory also. cant they be changed seperatly?
  21. sgt gul

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    is her name Damsel? i found her at the house with a red golf 4 car. But i acnt do anything with her, i dont understand>
  22. sgt gul

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    ahh really? how did i miss that? i never got any message about that. so i have to search the norht end of pavlovo for the girl in a house. thanks
  23. sgt gul

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    guys i am stuck on the second mission, the recon on pavlovo. Ive eliminated everyone in the town, got past the car crash site. So when all the stuff was over, junior radiod about terrorist attack. But didnt get any reply, so now i am stuck in pavlovo. What to do next?
  24. Hi fellas, i was absent for a long time and i saw that a new patch was released. So i installed it, i also have some old mods installed like sound mod etc. I saw that ACE2beta is out, and that it has its own integrated mods like sound mod and unit packs. Can someone help me with gettin set up, i am confused how to install ace2beta. :butbut: