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Everything posted by smookie

  1. smookie

    Switching weapons on the move

    Well problem is that the way the gestures work now is that they have to begin and end in the same pose since they are simply masks over regular states. If the actionset changed along with the gesture that would bring possibility of implementing this smoothly straight into engine...
  2. smookie

    Switching weapons on the move

    I cannot help much as to my understanding switching between action sets via gesture is impossible at the moment. As always, slight chance this gets attention in one of the patches.
  3. smookie

    Switching weapons on the move

    Nice work. Its a shame this happens outside of the animation tree and it would be definately beneficial to plant it there instead of guerilla scripts (as much as I like them personally).
  4. Please contact me on this subject (as a game producer, not BI dev).
  5. smookie

    Pistol animation is bad

    1. I have made sprinting animation with pistol in one hand only [Future Soldier - like], will release it as seperate addon if allowed. 2. Recent design decision was to revert to sprinting with pistol aiming downwards...
  6. smookie

    Arma 3 Inventory Overhaul

    What about socks and eyes for different contact lenses?
  7. smookie

    Reload animations (in the final game)

    No technical possibility so far but there is a lobby for this :)
  8. smookie

    Movement speed tweaking

    Thanks for your input guys. We are looking into all the issues, will try to deal with as many as possible.
  9. smookie

    Movement speed tweaking

    Target speeds (forward, sideways is 80%, backwards is 70% in most of cases): Standing, launcher, raised: Sprint: 16 Jog: 13.5 Combat pace (missing anim): 8 Walk: 4 Crouching, launcher, raised: Sprint: 15 Jog: 11 Combat pace (missing anim): 5 Walk: 3 The fatigue issue are rather prone to overall design decisions. Prone sitting animation will gets its own rotation anim (so no longer butt/feet slide on the ground... erhm, well at least not in the same animation state:P) and perhaps even some motion animations.
  10. smookie

    Shooting around corners

    Its actually only $4.99 for each stance :) Because obviously people dont need blindfire in every situation :D
  11. smookie

    Ladder Animation and Sound

    I had some plans for this but this probably will become a nonofficial mod as it will not look decent enough (or make sense in terms of immersiveness).
  12. smookie

    Movement speed tweaking

    Before the update of OP: As for sprinting, I was planning on testing out: limiting the rotating speed + disabling 45 degree sprinting in favour of 22,5 degree (to indicate the player is moving fast).
  13. smookie

    Ladder Animation and Sound

    Havent yet get to ladders really and the current ingame system is not helping. Definately i will research possible solutions to make more immersive.
  14. smookie

    Shooting around corners

    As you know, i am a big fan of blindfire but probably wont get a green light for it here. I will do a blindfire mod though, unofficial one.
  15. smookie

    Stealth Kills?

    Personally i am a fan of melee combat system and i am willing to help out on animations side whoever will be taking on the knives (or any kind of melee weapon for that matter) :))
  16. smookie

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    I need a clearance for this, i would pretty much like to have blindfire in vanilla, alltough I understand it complicates the controls even further which is perhaps thing to avoid with already complicated adjust posture system. If implementation of this additional feature does not work however, i suggest you best wait :)
  17. smookie

    A prone lean is needed

    You are just lucky because the urban prone left and right might hit the dev build very soon :)
  18. smookie

    JUMP please!!

    Making climb/jump animation is not a big deal at all. Making it work, now thats a different story. Vault(jump) animation awaits the ones who can find it and reimplement it :)
  19. You have no idea what you are talking about - ArmA4 will be set in Wild West.... OOOPS
  20. How is physx engine related to stepping onto boxes? I wish that too btw.
  21. smookie

    Better animations?

    Yes I did but of course acting crew was not limited to the two of us. Nevertheless, for gameplay purposes the mocap data had to be processed to fit the design. An example: the step over animation was mocapped with one hand resting on the obstacle and the other hand holding the weapon and aiming (the primary concern of mine of supposedly realistic ArmA2 animation was the fact it made you defenceless). The legs obviously did not go so high. The design of the feature however had to be more universal then just limited to one type of height etc. and to make it super proper it would take insane ammount of resource compared to the benefit. So the solution was worked out in which the legs were raised slighty higher manually as well as to put the other rifle on the hand. Also, on side note, I fail to see how ArmA2 animations were any more realistic than ArmA3, especially that the equipment/weapon weight factor is being brought up. It makes no sense to me, looking back at ArmA2 animations which clearly display no feeling of weight what-so-ever (the acting didnt even account for it).
  22. smookie

    The Grenade Thread

    My thoughts are I like the idea throw around corner type animation for obvious reasons :) This feature is highly WIP, btw.
  23. smookie

    Better animations?

    I suggest totally rebinding your keys to your expectations because there is no better option. For instance, my current preference is: W,A,S,D - general movement V - zoom in C - toggle crouch X - toggle prone Z - look around 2xV - step over LCtrl (+ 1st mouse thumb button) - adjust Space (+ 2nd mouse thumb button) - tactical pace (temporary) LShift - walking (Temporary) LAlt - sprinting (temporary) T - throw Ctrl + t - toggle throw G - inventory RMB - aiming down the sights (temporary/toggle) + hold breath And there would be maybe dozen of people who would agree with me :)
  24. smookie

    Better animations?

    Yes, there were some recent design decisions made to introduce ironsights mode into tactical pace.