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sniper pilot

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Everything posted by sniper pilot

  1. sniper pilot


    heh i used that (before i posted)... it doesn't really come up with anything usefull... but I will look at other modders for an example! Thanks....
  2. sniper pilot

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    cant wait! Really I can't wait...
  3. sniper pilot

    official complaint to BIS

    Man your like the Micheal Moor of the BIS forums... @ Suma Thanks, I know that alot of companies wouldn't of said anything, that alone proves that we have a dedicated devloper company on our hands (But to those who have been around for a long time thats old news) *Just an idea to float around, I think if we (the community) is a major part of this game, then it would be nice to see a DEV Diary , or somthing of the sort. The main problem i am seeing is that people are either: A) Complaining about the release that happend poorly that has passed us and there really is no point in arguing as it has long passed us and is etched in stone. (We can't go back in time folks) B) People claim they arn't seeing any progress in fixing the various flaws in the game ( I dont know what gives them the special right to a sit rep but since alot of people are demanding info, hell a DEV diary would be nice) I dont think this thread is going anywhere, we need to stop arguing about who did wrong and such because like i said its OVER! What we need to discuss is how to fix it, and with a company like BIS, we can do wonders... just my 2cents... @ Heatseeker Your totaly right, sorry I wrote some things you mentioned as I started to reply after I got fed up with reading the same replies over and over again a few pages down... Anywho we need to stress our points more because only a select few are talking reason, and sense
  4. sniper pilot

    Navigate by the stars?

    Yes, it would. The same is true for daytime duration or sun and moon position. No planets yet, though. thats awsome Suma thanks!
  5. sniper pilot

    official complaint to BIS

    Ondrej is the one leading the ArmA dev team. Marek is working on G2. At least they are still working on Game 2! We can all argue what the problem is and such and such, but what we need to do is find a solution! I think they are spending way to much time on these new vehicles and weapons. I mean seriously here is what the priority list should look like from my point of view: 1) Bug fixes 2) Release of the Mod Tools 3) Engine fixes 4) All the other stuff -Sure we have alot of bugs, but I belive BIS is competent and will eradicate most of them before Q2 starts. -What we need after that are the mod tools, cause ill tell ya now OFP wasn't as fun as it is now without the addons! -Then comes the Engine fixes (non bugs): For one the Death animations, and how they complete the animation that they are doing before they die (i cant tell you how much i waste ammo on a guy thinking hes still alive only to realize he was just standing up to die... HDR, and other engine oddities should come next. So I think some of us are having a cow over nothing...or they are ingrates. I think all of us want this game to succeed. Remember this game would of been much less. My message to BIS: Your still the best game developer ever IMO. Just work on your priorities and we should have the best game of all untill G2 comes. Thanks for reading!
  6. sniper pilot

    505s version

    well they already have the Marines printed on the side of the AH-1
  7. sniper pilot

    Aircraft counter measures

    ive seen that too...its total BS...but thats just my opinion...
  8. sniper pilot

    US Forces vs. RACS...

    No limitation in OFP i doubt theres a limit in ArmA
  9. sniper pilot

    Mission ideas

    I belive they should have both, where you could choose between a storyline Battlefield or the Dynamic
  10. sniper pilot

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    Good, well that may work too...and that proves that starforce did come with the sprocket version, but ive already given other proof to that too... So far so good btw....
  11. sniper pilot

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    thats correct! I think youv'e done it m8! I knew it had to do with the protection somehow...
  12. sniper pilot

    Bohemia eyes persistent multiplayer battlefields

    Another ignorant wannabe know-it-all. ArmA was in development for barely over a year. seriously now, people need to get their facts right.
  13. sniper pilot

    RPG Damage.

    same with the AT4...
  14. sniper pilot

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    ok i see that they told you to forward him or her to our customer support, which is bs.... I have contacted them so many times that i think that they have forgot about us... well except you. If they could just give us what we paid for or next time put in Single Player ONLY!! at the top in bold letters, it would of been all good and dandy... This issue has dropped my ARMA hype level from max to almost nothing... a network problem? I dont see it being a problem with my network for reasons i have expressed before. Sprocket please help me and many others....
  15. sniper pilot

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    I will try that, hope it works! right, im just stating its probobly sprocket, hence none of the other copies, hard or not from the other publishers, are turning up the same problem the people here are reporting. Yes im no expert, im in no way trying to bash these people, its just that I personnaly have found a trend and wanted to share it with you guys... Actually i hope its somthing that has to do with BIS because we know how reliable they are Â
  16. sniper pilot

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    well said, I have already emailed them, and awaiting reply, if every one could do the same it would show the severity of the problem!
  17. sniper pilot


    nice man!
  18. sniper pilot

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    perhaps... very possible too, im just stating what i think...
  19. sniper pilot

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    since when did the my sproket version come with starforce? dear brk_bigboss, This is old news that SF comes with Sprocket. SF is inactive it seems durring normal play (That is, unless its the one crashing the MP games) You can test and see that SF is here for yourself by: 1- Download the patch 1.01 (yes i know sprocket comes with it already patched) 2- install it 3- Play it and you will see that starforce pops up. Anyways Please BIS, Sprocket, or Softwrap help us fixing this problem that way we can all go home and finaly play this awsome game to its full extent!
  20. sniper pilot

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    Ok ive narrowed the Multiplayer crashing to the Sprocket's Version... Ive tried it on 4 computers with a copy of Sprockets' and a CZ hardcopy version. A)It always crashes with the Sprocket one and never with the Hardcopy. B)Reinstalling with the newest EXE from Sprocket does nothing to help out the crashing. My theory is that the error probobly has to do with the Protection system, either the Starforce that DOES come with the downloaded version interferes with the game and crashes it or that the Softwrap protection is bugged. I hope that we are not frogotten fellow Sprocket downloaders! I hope that we are quickly helped with this very very serious bug!
  21. sniper pilot

    Crash to desktop

    Im about to give up too... I have the sprocket version too.... and it just keeps crashing! same with my other pals who got it with Sprocket.... re-downloaded and reinstalled multiple of times! Maybe its because they make us download it all at once, and not in sections like Metiboli...
  22. sniper pilot

    Crash to desktop

    sorry for double post.... heres my rpt file:
  23. sniper pilot

    When go near trees, textures drop

    so you actually admitted that you are using a non ligit copy? insta ban... (hey i can actually use that smiley this time )
  24. sniper pilot

    Crash to desktop

    nope didn't work... ah i hope bis can help us.
  25. sniper pilot

    Crash to desktop

    so set it to automatic? ok