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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Just posted weekly update into PMC Tactical forums. Not much to say really for this update, satellite textures are downloading and terrains compiling slowly but steadily. Oh I've made couple of generic small missions for these terrains, I'm hoping a mission pack could be possible on the next release cycle. I want to have some sort of cutscene "showcase" mission which easily shows a lot of the terrain. Anyways we'll see what happens.
  2. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Sorry guys for not updating this topic for a few weeks, its always good idea to check the official topic for info. I'll try to remember to post next weekly update here too. I have posted weekly updates in the official topic (check link from first post). Well phase 2 is about airbase and other elevations. Great, that is one of the ideas that these terrains are for people to place objects on. You know community effort. While its great that you're placing objects, I must say its really odd why are you creating an fictional city when there are dozens of terrains and probably hundreds of popoulated place locations to choose from. I mean there must be some real location which you like? TOH South Asia terrain is one of the motivations of me making these real world data terrains. Here is the great and easy to remember addon list: PMC Opteryx Objects - Middle Eastern Structures for Iraq, Syria and Libyan terrains and CUP objects (takistani) for afghanistan terrains. Cut that xcam taunus stuff right away. It pains me to have to tell you this as I really love the object placement, but as these are real world data terrains, any fictional city created in location that has none is not going to be included in the official terrains. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's how I understood your fictional city.
  3. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    I've made my decision; I will re-design iraq tikrit, kirkuk, sulaymaniyah and nasiriyah as 81km, meaning shrinking their size from 143km down to 81km to avoid the nasty overlap. Also will move al kut just slighly to the east. Also I'm going to create one pure iraqi desert 143km terrain to keep all jets dlc guys satisfied, although 81km x 81km terrains are larger than any community released terrains (with obvious few exceptions). So saying 81km terrain is too small for jets is... well rather silly :) There are few other iraqi terrains that overlap, but as of now I'll try to ignore those as they are not so bad. Thanks for everyone who shared opinions on the matter. No. But if you are referring to placing your own objects in eden/mapbuilder/xcam and in future cant as there will be existing objects, then don't worry as I'm planning on adding empty terrain version into the pbo. I have not actually done this for arma3, but it worked fine in arma2 so I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work now. No there isn't, but on my developer versions oceans have already been fixed for several terrains and phase 2 is all about fixing the heightmap elevations including water parts. Oceans will be deep in next release(s).
  4. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Placed some 669,000 objects for afghanistan kunduz from openstreetmap.org shapefiles. No manual work required as everything was automated. Obviously this is not suitable quality for populated places, the building placement, but considering it was all click a button auto tool pipeline, I'm quite happy with it for air combat use. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axbU_AuRnIs Also placed some PMC Opteryx Objects into iraq ramadi but don't have any footage of that yet. Things are looking good.
  5. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Guys this is the last call for opinions, wishes, suggestions for the iraqi terrain re-design. I have not made up my mind yet but what I proposed still is most likely what I would do. Please share your opinion on the matter, every post counts, like said lets make the right choice together :) Sorry forgot to answer this earlier. Yes, would be great if people interested in these terrains placed few (or few hundred heh) buildings on strategic important locations, maybe even the locations they care about the most, we would quite easily populate those spots then. Community effort you know. Of course, I'm the last guy who encourages of doing smaller terrains and it would even go against the scope of this project. I would not want to resize them smaller but seeing how badly they overlap... heh tough choices, tough choices ... If I resize the mentioned terrains I could do couple of more 143km ones to even out the selection, maybe somewhere bit more remote location. Dunno, just a thought. At the moment the mask is basic mid-dry light "shrubbery", I want to make bit more detailed satellite masks with various texture/clutter types. I have not used SAGA GIS. Any methods to place objects which is not single house one by one is more than welcome. Not in the current releases, but yes was just thinking about how to make ILS configuring easier. I want to make landing autopilot working for all airfields. No objects have been placed yet (except first version of afghanistan ghazni, which was a mere test). I want to place objects to important / military / strategic locations which would obviously include airfields.
  6. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    I hate duplicated data / overlapping work with a passion, there is no reason to do that and it should be avoided at all costs. Yesterday when I was working on PMC real world data terrains doing terrain builder keypoints I realized we have some overlapping terrain areas. I then proceeded to make a global mapper project of all the terrain grids and I was shocked to see how bad design decisions I did back in the day when this project started. Here is current downloadable terrains for Iraq: image removed You see all our iraqi terrain grids there and their overlapping areas. It makes me sigh even now when I'm looking at that screenshot, I was way too enthusiastic when choosing locations to those individual terrains that I paid no attention for any overlap. I want to fix those overlap areas, I want to kill them, with a passion. I don't care how much extra work it causes. Here is what we might do: resize tikrit, kirkuk, sulaymaniya and nasiriyah from 143km into 81km and move al kut little to the east. Tikrit, Kirkuk, Sulaymaniyah and Nasiriyah selected: image removed Al Kut selected: image removed This option would be the least destructive, we would not need to change any file names etc and you guys would not have to change arma3 startup parameters for these addons, it would be just bit recompilation on global mapper and terrain builder on my part. Also as you can see from the images there is overlap on other terrains too, those small 40km ones of karbala and hillah where karbala overlaps into baghdad too. Honestly I dont know any easy answer for those... How do you feel about resizing from 143km to 81km, does it take away from the awesome aircraft distances we have gotten used to by now? Do you like one of the terrains in subject so much that you would not want to make any changes to its location? Some advice or opinions would be welcome. Speak up guys, please help me make the best choice here. BTW as I'm now aware of this terrain design decision problem, I have made global mapper project files for all of them so I can keep track of any overlap, in the future designs I wont repeat my past mistakes. As I always said, this terrain project will be a learning experience.
  7. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Middle eastern sturctures have been released, we are ready to commence object placement for Iraqi, Syrian and Libyan terrains :) Check out PMC Opteryx Objects official PMC Tactical Forum Release Topic for details. I'll try to write up some quick guides how to use these objects with eden editor, map builder and xcam so you guys can place objects, sent the export files to me and then they get added into these real world data terrains. This is exciting, I cant wait! :-)
  8. Snake Man

    Max Size of Satelite Image?

    PMC Libya Benghazi has 143,360 x 143,360 resolution satellite texture/mask.
  9. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    All of you who have requested airfields heightmap / elevations to be leveled so you can operate aircrafts out of them, I have good news; so far iraq and all but two terrains from afghanistan have been fixed. See PMC real world data terrain - weekly update for details. Alright guys I need some testing help. It is very difficult to keep track of areas like airfields which need to be leveled in the heightmaps as they are difficult to spot from terrain builder by looking at the satellite texture. Zoom too far out and you don't make out any details, zoom too close and you have to LMB-drag million times around the terrain and eventually you lose track where did you look previously. If you have flown around the terrains and had problems with heightmap / elevations being too rough, please list the terrain and location as precisely as possible so it would be easy for me to find and then fix. I would need these locations for: Balkans Libya Pakistan Somalia Syria Ukraine Vietnam If you mean the water that creeps on the land where it should not be, yes I want to fix that. If you mean something else, then please rephrase as I don't understand what real sea you mean. Excellent, it makes me so happy to see someone finding these terrains useful. Good work on your SAM's I can't wait to check them out myself.
  10. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Update: Looking at the phase design, most likely I combine phase 2 - 4 for the next (first) update. Not sure about the most mountaineous but Afghanistan Ghazni is pretty rugged, I saw few others which were pure hellholes regarding the elevations but can't remember which ones those were. Y3s, until phase 2 through 4 is completed. After that I'm going to add at least georgia, korea, europe wolfsburg and somalia el buur which were on the list before "feature freeze". Also I'm looking forward to add couple of african terrains... but we'll see about those when we get phase 4 done.
  11. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Six new PMC real world data terrains has been released! Phase 1 is complete! PMC Afghanistan, Jalalabad v0.2 See redesign details from PMC Tactical forum topic. PMC Pakistan, Abbottabad 81km v0.1 PMC Balkans, Belgrade v0.1 PMC Balkans, Kosovo v0.1 PMC Balkans, Montenegro v0.1 PMC Balkans, Vojvodina v0.1 First post updated.
  12. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Mod standards (overall community modding standards). Interesting question. Initially I thought that these are not worthy to release because lack of objects that everybody in bis forum considers these "unfinished" terrains (which they are, heh). I was encouraged by few guys in discord arma chat to release some of my large test terrains and even specifically these real world data ones, so I did. Actually these were shown publicly first time on PMC Tactical forum and it was about ten days later when I decided to create bis forum topic too. Basically I was scared about being one more "TEMP WIP ALPHA v0.0000001 !!!" mod release which I think there have been way too many over the 15 years of modding. I had no idea people would like these terrains so much. I was hoping there would be some people who like large real world data terrains even half as much as me, but I totally underestimated the welcome these terrains got. Seems like people really like flying jet aircrafts over real terrains. BTW as for the plans, I just posted more details in PMC Tactical forum. What I understand there has been no fighting so far (lets hope it remains that way), so no, I'm really not interested of doing "tourism" terrains for now. Once these base terrains are done to my satisfaction I might add some more, but as of now, no. Thank you Dscha for the seeding and http mirror support, thank you for TeTeT who is also seeding, and thank you for all those nameless seeders in the torrent swarm, much appreciated.
  13. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Three new PMC real world data terrains has been released! All three 81km x 81km terrain size with 40960 x 40960 resolution satellite texture/mask. PMC Ukraine, Donetsk v0.1 PMC Ukraine, Luhansk v0.1 PMC Ukraine, Mariupol v0.1 First post updated.
  14. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Two new PMC real world data terrains has been released! PMC Afghanistan, Asadabad (81km x 81km, 81920 resolution satellite) v0.1 PMC Libya, Benghazi v0.1 Note: Benghazi has massive 143,360 x 143,360 resolution satellite texture/mask! First post updated.
  15. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Four new PMC real world data terrains have been released! PMC Vietnam, Vinh v0.1 PMC Libya, Sirte v0.1 PMC Libya, Tripoli v0.1 PMC Libya, Wazzin (81km x 81km, 81920 resolution satellite) v0.1 First post updated. BTW I have now posted four times in a row here, so if there is no other posts before next release(s), I will only edit this post instead of creating a new one.
  16. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Received new Western Digital 4tb Blue hard disk friday and now I'm back in full speed creating terrains. It feels so relaxed not to have to worry about hdd space anymore.
  17. Snake Man

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain

    Keypoints info added to PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain Builder Keypoints page.
  18. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    PMC Libya Sabha real world data terrain has been released! PMC Libya, Sabha v0.1 First post updated. Now my hard disk is full but new one has been ordered and should arrive in few days, until that real world data terrain project is on HOLD.
  19. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Four new PMC real world data terrains have been released! PMC Libya, Misrata v0.1 PMC Libya, Msallata v0.1 PMC Libya, Nafusa v0.1 PMC Libya, Ras Ajdir v0.1 First post updated. I have also added few more terrains to the planned list, for details check PMC Tactical forum post. If there are any post WW2 conflict areas around the globe missing from this list, please help us out by filling them in. Use ArcGIS, select basemap -> streets, then browse to the terrain area you want to see in arma3. Next just click share button in the top menu and copy paste the "Link to this map" here. Basemap streets is english and very simple to show areas, you could use more detailed openstreetmap but that is native language to the area you've chosen so it might be unreadable to most people.
  20. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Can you please use ArcGIS and choose areas. ArcGIS doesn't have any rectangle selection options, but you could tell me size of terrain and approximate center position. If you want to get fancy you could screenshot the map view and draw rectangle around the terrain areas you would like to see. Note that I like 40km, 81km and 143km terrain sizes, others can be done too but nothing below 40km as that is not in the scope of this project. My development is almost halted now until I get new hard disk hopefully next week :) Thank you, very much appreciated, link added to our download page.
  21. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Four new PMC real world data terrains has been released! PMC Vietnam, Saigon v0.1 PMC Libya, Ajdabiya v0.1 PMC Libya, Bani Walid (81km x 81km) v0.1 PMC Libya, Bin Jawad v0.1 First post updated.
  22. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    I can handle placing vegetation; bushes, trees and rocks (are rocks vegetation? heh, but you get my point). I don't recommend anyone to spend time placing vegetation. If someone is super anthusiastic about placing vegetation then please contact me on arma discord chat. Regarding "allowed mod pack", the addons you should use which I can add into terrain (WRP file) on next releases are default arma3 objects and CUP objects. I edited my previous statement so just to be clear here: do not use rso buildings. Do not use "xcam addons". You can use xcam to place arma3/CUP objects but do not use "xcam addons", I know this is bit confusing to many people especially for those new to terrain editing, but if you have any questions etc just contact me on arma discord chat. I'll try to write some sort of guide how to use eden/mapbuilder/xcam to place objects specifically into these real world data terrains, step by step tutorial so even someone who just loves these terrains but has never placed any objects can do so. But I will have to find time to write such guide heh. I sent you a private message in arma discord chat, please check :) Glad you like it. I'm thinking about keeping empty object-less versions of these terrains once we get to add some objects, so those people who like to have purely air combat with 100FPS+ performance, can still do so. But will have to see how easy it is to configure in terrain builder side and does it increase download size too much etc. Please don't misunderstand; I will never create poor performing terrain, however when we add objects, for example large forests and especially cities, the fps wont stay that high. PMC Real World Data terrains will always, regardless of object count, be high performance.
  23. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Vietnam PMC real world data terrains have been released! Please note that these terrains are currently not Vietnam: The Experience terrains but just a standalone ones. PMC Vietnam, Da Nang v0.1 PMC Vietnam, Dong Hoi v0.1 PMC Vietnam, Hanoi v0.1 PMC Vietnam, Pleiku v0.1 First post updated.
  24. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Three new PMC real world data terrains have been released! PMC Syria, Homs v0.1 PMC Somalia, Baidoa v0.1 PMC Somalia, Kismaayo v0.1 First post updated.
  25. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    That would be great, if you send them to me I can then import them into the actual terrain (WRP) for next update. You can reach me from discord arma server where small files can be easily sent directly. Do you mean the compositions need some xcam addon then, or that you are just placing the objects using xcam? I would recommend only using arma3 default and CUP objects. Never. It is my plan to have terrain elevations (heightmap) smoothed out for airfields and cities in future updates.