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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    PMC 51km Desert

    PMC 51km Desert v1.9.2 has been released! First post updated, enjoy.
  2. PMC Terrain Objects v1.8 for ArmA 2 CO. This is terrain objects which can be used in WRP files or placed from mission editor. Purpose of this addon is to provide unified objects addon for PMC 51km Desert, PMC Rattler and PMC Rugen terrain addons and others. Official PMC Tactical Forum Release Topic Read online manual: PMC Addons/Mods Manual: PMC Terrain Objects. Download from PMC Tactical ArmA 2 Downloads.
  3. Snake Man

    PMC Terrain Objects

    PMC Terrain Objects v1.8 has been released! First post updated, enjoy.
  4. AGS Port / Harbor Pack v1.9 ported for ArmA 2 CO by PMC. This is AGS Port / Harbor Pack addon from OFP, now ported to work in ArmA 2. These models can be used from mission editor, or placed in WRP terrains directly. AGS was so kind to grant permission for anyone to use his work in ArmA, the original topic was in BIS forums here. Official PMC Tactical Forum Release Topic Read online manual PMC Addons/Mods Online Manuals: AGS Port. Download from PMC Tactical ArmA 2 Downloads.
  5. PMC Rattler v1.9.2 - 25km desert terrain for ArmA 2 Combined Operations. (screenshots from earlier "outdated" version) This is PMC Rattler terrain addon from OFP, now ported to work in ArmA 2 CO. This is desert terrain of 25km x 25km size, there is roads, airbase, airstrip, several oilfields, army bases, harbors and war torn ruined cities. Required Addons: AGS Industrial, AGS Port, PMC Terrain Clutter, PMC Terrain Objects and PMC Skybox Remove. Official PMC Tactical Forum Release Topic Read online manual: PMC Addons/Mods Manuals: PMC Rattler. Download from PMC Tactical ArmA 2 Downloads.
  6. AGS Industrial Pack v1.6 ported for ArmA 2 by PMC. This is AGS Industrial Pack addon from OFP, now ported to work in ArmA 2. These models can be used from mission editor, or placed in WRP terrains directly. AGS was so kind to grant permission for anyone to use his work in ArmA, the original topic was in BIS forums here. Official PMC Tactical Forum Release Topic Read PMC Addons/Mods Online Manuals: AGS Industrial. Download from PMC Tactical ArmA 2 Downloads.
  7. PMC Rugen v1.5 for ArmA 2 CO. 25km european terrain. This is PMC Rugen terrain addon from OFP, ported to work in ArmA and now ArmA 2 CO. This is european Everon & Nogova themed terrain of 25km x 25km size, there is roads, airbase, airstrip, several industrial sites, harbors, cities, villages and two army bases. Refer to the original PMC Rugen OFP release topic and PMC Rugen ArmA release topic. More screenshots from ArmA 2 screenshots page. Check out Youtube video showcasing PMC Rugen. This terrain uses few extra addons, these are ArmA 2 AGS Industrial Pack, ArmA 2 AGS Harbor Pack, PMC Terrain Clutter, PMC Terrain Objects and PMC Skybox Remove. Official PMC Tactical Forum Release Topic Read online manual: PMC Addons/Mods Manuals: PMC Rugen. Download from PMC Tactical ArmA 2 Downloads.
  8. PMC Rugen v1.5 has been released! First post updated, enjoy.
  9. PMC AGS Buildings v1.5 for ArmA 2 CO. These are the good old Agent Smith (AGS) buildings from OFP ported to ArmA and now ArmA 2. It includes merged textures, reduced section counts and optimized models. This is high performance building pack. These models can be used from mission editor, or placed in WRP terrains directly. AGS was so kind to grant permission for anyone to use his work in ArmA, the original topic was in BIS forums here. Official PMC Tactical Forum Release Topic Read online manual: PMC Addons/Mods Online Manuals: AGS Buildings. Download from PMC Tactical ArmA 2 Downloads.
  10. PMC Skybox Remove v1.1 for ArmA 2 CO. This is skybox remove addon which can be used to remove the ugly, unfitting and unrealistic chernarus mountains from all terrains. Purpose of this addon is to provide unified no skybox addon for PMC 51km Desert, PMC Rattler and PMC Rugen terrain addons (and in future perhaps others). Official PMC Tactical Forum Release Topic Read online manual: PMC Addons/Mods Online Manuals: PMC Skybox Remove. Download from PMC Tactical ArmA 2 Downloads.
  11. AGS Industrial Pack v1.5 ported for ArmA 2 by PMC. This is AGS Industrial Pack addon from OFP, now ported to work in ArmA 2. These models can be used from mission editor, or placed in WRP terrains directly. AGS was so kind to grant permission for anyone to use his work in ArmA, the original topic was in BIS forums here and he added news also to his homepage here. Read PMC Addons/Mods Online Manuals: AGS Industrial. Download AGS_inds_v1.5.7z - 31.6mb. Mirror 1: Armaholic.com. Mirror 2: Armedassault.info. All mirrors are highly appreciated, thank you.
  12. Back in september 2014 when I did VTE ArmA 3 Preview latest update, I had to do it with arma2 tools because arma3 tools were to quote pettka himself: Now I'd like to hear from you guys some update for july 2015, how is the situation with the tools. Here is few specific questions / remarks: - terrainbuilder satellite "tartan" / overlap issue on arma2 terrains. appears to be arma3.exe bug!? <- said to be fixed in v1.46 but its not? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23685 http://i.imgur.com/LufQ9Ff.jpg - arma 3 tools conflict with arma 2 v2.5.1 tools of which binarize starts to give errors once arma3 tools are installed. - terrainbuilder is buggy overall, feedback tracker and forum posts are filled with these kinds of posts / info - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20199 arma3tools broken in every manner hehe, also comments have instructions for bat use - buldozer? -exThreads=0 has to be set explicitly. Otherwise the engine determines what is most suitable to your system. without this config buldozer is sluggish or something? - terrainbuilder can we even import 40960 x 40960 resolution satellites? In nutshell; is arma3 editing with these tools viable at present time? Any info on the state of arma3 tools would be much appreciated.
  13. Snake Man

    State of arma 3 tools - july 2015

    Same place? You mean same directory or same computer? Obviously I had the tools installed to separate directories. You only had to install (and run once I recall) the arma3 tools when the good old arma2 binarize started to puke error in the logs. Assuming you mean same computer, then this is very unfortunate attitude from bis, making modders choose between engine versions. Seeing how arma3 as a whole is currently, I'll choose arma2 any day of the week.
  14. Err, I copy pasted the squad.dtd and .xml directly from bis wiki example zip, then just edited my own personal player info there obviously. The formatting is correct, I checked both .dtd and .xml files in http://www.xmlvalidation.com/ Regarding your suggestion, the only thing I can imagine if inside the elements my info has some invalid characters or something (but I xml validated WITH my info and it passed OK).
  15. edit: I updated like you said both arma2 and arma2oa and now the error has disappeared. Had no idea one must update arma2 as well :o
  16. When using squad.xml downloaded from bis wiki example zip, I get this error in RPT: Warning: Wrong data in squad.xml for Player[snakeMan], Squad[http://link.../squad.xml] Was the fix listed in first post only to remove the annoying dialog and tons of RPT spam about cannot load texture?
  17. Running Version 1.63.131129 from steam betas, win dedicated server and getting these errors: 2015/06/16, 8:44:24 Error in expression <; _recompile = (count _this) > 0; if (BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t> 2015/06/16, 8:44:24 Error position: <BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t> 2015/06/16, 8:44:24 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_init 2015/06/16, 8:44:24 File ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf, line 28 2015/06/16, 8:44:25 Error in expression < _logic setvariable ["vehicleBlacklist",_vehicleBlacklist]; _vehicleinit = if > 2015/06/16, 8:44:25 Error position: <_vehicleBlacklist]; _vehicleinit = if > 2015/06/16, 8:44:25 Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehicleblacklist 2015/06/16, 8:44:25 File ca\modules\silvie\data\scripts\main.sqf, line 185
  18. Hmm how is this corepatch related? Had to actually re-check the first page but I was right, corepatch is for fixing the v1.63 introduced scripting errors. I have nothing against fixing what can be fixed... but feature creep is in full swing here if scripting errors fixing project turns into realism patch :)
  19. Snake Man

    [RELEASE] AUSMD Editing Tool

    Oh wow, useful tool like this and practically zero freedback, damn arma community on it again :( This tool its great idea and you've done good work here austin_medic, please don't let the lack of feedback put you down, just keep on coding and improving your tool. Downloaded and checked it, nice. Here is some improvement suggestions: - please rename the exe without spaces - ? about page, add bit more detail for example is it C# or C++ code etc, perhaps your web site/email or even your bis forum user profile link etc. - make the task generator (and others?) dialog larger, it feels very claustrophobic now - tool tips disappear after some seconds, please add like help page or something permanent. - intel generator dialog cuts out the text "if you want a new line in the tex" and there was no way to resize dialog (other than the fullscreen button) - description.ext generator tabbing through the input fields is not ordered, like overview pic jumps to game mode skipping load pic - description.ext generator export button works, but doesn't tell user that exported to clipboard - command list button is odd, why not just open the link in browser to bis wiki instead? Great work you've done here, I hope you continue on it even with the lack of feedback.
  20. I just ran local dedicated windows v1.63 server with corepatch, got these errors (which oddly enough did not show up in HOSTED server). Error in expression <{_threatCount = _threatCount + (_x call bis_fnc_threat)} foreach units _group; _> Error position: <bis_fnc_threat)} foreach units _group; _> Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_threat File CorePatch\CorePatch_HC\data\scripts\HC_local.sqf, line 144 Error in expression <MARTA_REVEAL",[_group],false,true] call BIS_fnc_variableSpaceAdd; _threatCount => Error position: <BIS_fnc_variableSpaceAdd; _threatCount => Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_variablespaceadd File CorePatch\CorePatch_HC\data\scripts\HC_local.sqf, line 142 Error in expression <ata\scripts\HC_sound.sqf"); }; }]] call BIS_fnc_variableSpaceAdd; _comm> Error position: <BIS_fnc_variableSpaceAdd; _comm> Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_variablespaceadd File CorePatch\CorePatch_HC\data\scripts\HC_local.sqf, line 66 Error in expression <eAdd; _threatCount = 0; {_threatCount = _threatCount + (_x call bis_fnc_threat)}> Error position: <_threatCount + (_x call bis_fnc_threat)}> Error Undefined variable in expression: _threatcount File CorePatch\CorePatch_HC\data\scripts\HC_local.sqf, line 144 Hopefully it was nothing I caused in my mission, straightforward high command mission. Hope this helps.
  21. You devil had time to post before I can edit my post heh. Yes indeed my bad, I ran it without being opted into beta, so I did not have corepatch data. All fixed now, error is gone, please ignore my above post, sorry about that :) But to again to say thanks for creating corepatch, everyone involved, excellent to see default arma2 v1.63 run without script errors.
  22. Hello and thanks for your work on the script issues, much appreciated. Have error to report, I ran Version 1.63.125548 from steam without any corepatch from this topic, plain vanilla steam stuff. This is how I execute: "C:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\ARMA2OA.exe" -showScriptErrors -nosplash -skipintro -world=empty -exThreads=7 -profiles=c:\arma "-mod=C:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 2;C:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\expansion;ca;acr" I went to ran the three default bis benchmark missions from scenarios menu, first one gave me error: Error in expression <; _recompile = (count _this) > 0; if (BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t> Error position: <BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t> Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_init File ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf, line 28 Did I ran it correctly? Is this some script error you guys are working on etc?
  23. ArmA 3 - Vietnam: The Experience, Preview PMC has been making addons for the past 10+ years, please read this important message and support our addon making: http://tactical.nekromantix.com/donate.php Vietnam War Mod goes to ArmA 3! This is only a preview version of VTE which includes; US Army Vietnamese Village Rebel Vietnamese Civilian Viet Cong M16A1 AK47 PBR boat Rung Sat Special Zone 12.8 x 12.8km terrain These are old models ported from existing ArmA 2 VTE. We are now looking for 3D modeler and texturer to join our team so we can make new content for ArmA 3. Anyone interested, please contact me. We are fully aware that especially the vegetation models look low polygon / resolution, no need to mention that thank you. c2Em9GpezbM Changelog 09-04-14 release --- fixes 09-04-14 release - bis v1.22 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgFactionClasses/VTE_faction_usa.icon'., fixed. - bis broke weapon sounds in v1.24 update, fixed. - config class missing errors, fixed. - Warning Message: Cannot load texture pmc\vte_bis_obj\data\drevena_bedna_co.paa, fixed. - Warning Message: Cannot load texture pmc\vte_bis_obj\data\hng_skrin_front_co.paa, fixed. - Warning Message: Cannot load texture pmc\vte_bis_obj\data\hng_skrin_side_co.paa, fixed. - Warning Message: Cannot load texture pmc\vte_bis_obj\data\kamna_acess_co.paa, fixed. - Warning Message: Cannot load texture pmc\vte_bis_obj\data\kamna_acess2_co.paa, fixed. - Warning Message: Cannot load texture pmc\vte_bis_obj\data\kamna_bila_co.paa, fixed. - Warning Message: Cannot load texture pmc\vte_bis_obj\data\kamna_bila_trans_co.paa, fixed. - Warning Message: Cannot load texture pmc\vte_bis_obj\data\postel_co.paa, fixed. - Warning Message: Cannot load texture pmc\vte_bis_obj\data\ubrus_2_co.paa, fixed. - rssz terran name switched to use the full long name plus abbreviation. - us army helmet splitted from character model. - vietnamese rice hat splitted from character model. - us army vest splitted from character model. - vietcong vest splitted from character model. - rssz terrain center position was not centered, fixed. - rssz terrain ui image is missing, fixed. - rssz terrain ui picturemap is missing, fixed. - rssz terrain removed stupid bis loading texts. - aircav pilot character removed (it was silly to be there the first place), mission compatibility ok. - vietcong shadow in first person view broken, fixed. - pbr cargo position cant get in, fixed. - pbr cargo passanger proxy animation wrong, fixed. - pbr gunner doesnt work, fixed. - VTE_pbr: mainTurret - unknown animation source mainTurret, fixed. - VTE_pbr: mainGun - unknown animation source mainGun, fixed. - ak47 gunsights mode shows head of the character, fixed. - vietcong has white mans face, fixed. - vietcong has modern sun glasses sometimes, fixed. - vietcong head clips through rice hat, fixed. - us army character has modern sun glasses sometimes, fixed. Depending on the feedback on this preview release we will continue tweak it, however later date we plan on porting (with help of new modeler/texturer) the full VTE to ArmA 3. If no feedback is given as its been most often the case, this is the only release. Please provide some feedback, it is very much appreciated. Download vietnam_the_experience_arma3_preview_09-04-14.7z - 151mb Torrent - Gameupdates.org Dropbox Google Drive HubiC Mega.co.nz Bitcasa All mirrors are very much appreciated, thank you.
  24. Vietnam: The Experience (VTE) v0.4 The leading, most detailed and the most comprehensive Vietnam War modification for OFP. This is to announce the release of VTE v0.4 final full install, it is the last version released for Operation Flashpoint. Check out some of the items we include. Aircrafts C-130, MC-130 Combat Talon, DHC-4 Caribou, OV-10 Bronco, Il-28 Beagle, B-52 Stratofortress, B-57 Canberra, F-4 Phantom, F-5A, F-100 Super Sabre, MiG-17, MiG-19 Farmer, MiG-21, A-1J Skyraider, F-105 Thunderchief, A-6 Intruder, O-1 Bird Dog, F-86A Sabre, Sikorsky S-56, CH-53E Superstallion, CH-34 and the old SEB stuff like Hueys etc. Ground vehicles M24 Chaffee, M41 Walker, Centurion, DShK Heavy MG, GMC CCKW, Willys MB, T34/85, M3 Halftrack, BTR-50, BTR-60, BTR-152, NVA Truck, M551 Sheridan, M1919A4 tripod, Maksim MG, PT-76, ZU-23-2, ZPU4 AA, Bike, Scooter, Motorbike, Gaz69, V150 Commando, ZSU-57. Soldier squads Air Cavalry, Marine, Marine Force Recon, SEAL, Army, Special Forces, LRRP (ERDL/tiger), CIDG, MIKE, ARVN, Cambodian mercenary, Hoi Chan, Bushman, Civilian Villager, VC Villager, Village Rebel, VC, NVA, SOG, Australian SAS. All these avatars/units are brand new made from scratch by Ebud, they use Llaumas heads and overall are very high quality with good performance. Weapons Maksim MG, Browning Hi-Power 9mm, Bar, Mas36, Mas38, Chautelleret, Grease Gun, MP40, Thompson, Kar, M1 Car, M1 Garand, M1919A4, DP27, PPD-40, L1A1, Nagant, PPS-43, PPSH-41, M60 Shorty, M63A Stoner, Chicom Type 56, RPG-2, 90mm Recoiless MAW, M45 9mm SMG, M39 Hush Puppy, Ithaca 37, Typ 68, MAT 49, K-50M, Sten Gun MkII, Bren Gun MkII, Lee Enfield N4. Vehicle Weapons MK-77 Napalm, UV-16-57 Rockets, HVAR Rockets, MK-82R, AIM-9 Sidewinder, AIM-7 Sparrow, AGM-45 Shrike, AA-2 Atoll, FAB-250, Standard ARM, MK-81, MK-83, MK-84, M-117, M-118, BLU-82 Daisy Cutter, LAU-10 Rockets, 20mm Cannon, VYa Cannons, 6x50cal M2, SUU-30 Pod, M61 Vulcan, 4x20mm Cannons, GSh-23 Cannon, 7.62x51 doorgun. Animals Mule, Cow, Rooster, Chickens, Duck, Dog. Islands/Terrains Vietnam Intro, Vietnam 12km, Vietnam 25km, Ilo Ilo, Rumble In The Jungle, RSSZ, Long Son, MeeKong, MDSZ, A Shau Valley, SEB Ia Drang, Iron Triangle, VTE Ia Drang, 7 Mountains, IIICTZA Parrots Beak, Australian AO, Polei Kleng, Quan Binh Son, Vinh Thanh Valley, Khe Sanh, The Bra, FSB Gloria, Dak Seang, Tet68. Objects & Textures We include over 400 new objects including vegetation (bushes, trees, grass, palms, jungle canopy, rocks etc), civilian housing and military objects. The ground is covered with many brand new textures. Also there is the good old SEB objects and textures present for the original Ia Drang and few other islands. The objects have been now streamlined and optimized, they look better and should give better framerates. All that material just for editor? Noope, we include 115 single missions, 14 MP missions and 8 campaigns. Brand new mission to get onboard was Vietnam Tour of Duty dynamic campaign based on GDCE by Kutya. The changelog for fixes contains many entries, read the full list on Documents directory in the download package. But to list few most important; Fixed many model errors on various vehicles. Added more resolution lods to models (better framerates). Tweaked many missions and added many missions (to PMC NAM SEAL campaign for example). Added optional config for the radio comms voices which people requested. Fixed all critical bugs reported and tweaked some configs like proper ammunition etc. Required addons are as follows; Bn880 tracers, CoC Unified Artillery, CoC Mines, CoC Divers, JAM3 and USMC markers. Download these addons from the following links. CoC Mines v1.0: mirror 1: CoC site mirror 2: filefront mirror 3: ofp.info CoC UA v1.0: (yes I'm well aware that v1.1 has been released). mirror 1: filefront mirror 2: ofp.info CoC Divers v1.0: mirror 1: CoC site mirror 2: ofp.info JAM 3: (any more mirrors?) mirror 1: ofp.info USMC Markers/Symbols: mirror 1: CoC site mirror 2: ofp.info Bn880 Tracers: At BIS topic This v0.4 release is full, meaning no install problems, however we have setup a VTE Installation Help page for users are having problems with MOD directories. Download VTE at ofpc.de - 428mb. Thanks from mirror to ofpc.de site. All new mirrors are welcome. Mirror 1: funkymonkeys.org Mirror 2: ofp.info You can visit us at VTE Official web page and also check out VTE at ofpc site. June 25th, 2007. VTE Founder and Leader Snake Man, PMC.
  25. PMC Somalia v0.7 for ArmA 2. PMC has been making addons for the past 10+ years, please read this important message and support our addon making: http://tactical.nekromantix.com/donate.php This mod is work in progress! This is Somalia conflict mod featuring realistic Mogadishu terrain, 1993 era US Army Rangers, Delta Force, Navy SEALs, 160th SOAR pilots plus little birds, black hawks, ah1 cobra, hmmwv, 5 ton trucks and Somali militia / civilians. Check changelog for detailed changes. PMC Somalia v0.6 yHkoZz0kDNk See PMC Somalia ArmA 2 Homepage for further details. Read: PMC Addons/Mods Online Manuals: PMC Somalia. Official release topic: PMC Tactical Forums. Required Addons: PMC Terrain Objects. Download links: PMC Tactical ArmA 2 Downloads. All mirrors are very much appreciated, thank you.