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Everything posted by rainbow

  1. rainbow

    Polish President dead

    Horrible loss for my country. Rest in peace... [*]
  2. H3LL YEAH! Greait Trailer BIS! Keep it up!
  3. rainbow

    Project Reality Development

    Outstanding info :)
  4. rainbow

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    Thank you BIS for so many years of working on such outstanding simulator which undoubtly is OFP/ARMA/ARMA2 :)
  5. Something less sophisticated than all your videos guys but very interesting thing who I and probably some people have discovered in ArmA II :)
  6. Simply great! ;) BTW. I have got a question. How huge FPS drop does this mod cause (if it causes) ?
  7. Yes, I can but it is not the thing I am looking for :)
  8. Actually, I am very curious what functions which have not been finished before ArmA2 release is BIS going to implement in AH :D
  9. How can I create a logic module for High Command via script? I only know its name which is 'BIS_HC_#' where # is prefix but I have no idea what command can do it.
  10. OK, thank you everyone for your help and advice (especially Gaia). BTW. I'm trying to allow a player to enable or disable High Command before the start - using param command (it is a coop mission). It seems to work on LAN server but not on dedicated server. It's the same when I implement 'hcsetgroup' commands in leaders initializations' fields. Very strange... It looks like that: if (Param1 == 1) then { createcenter sidelogic; _grp = creategroup sidelogic; _logicHC = _grp createunit ["HighCommand",position player,[],0,"none"]; team1leader hcsetgroup [[color="Red"]"[/color]team1[color="red"]"[/color],""]; team1leader hcsetgroup [[color="red"]"[/color]team2[color="red"]"[/color],""]} EDIT: Ok, I have found a mistake. There should be no "" which surround the names of squads.
  11. The question is that can you play with mods with this version of OFP? EDIT: Ouch, I have found the answer. No. :(
  12. LoL, BIS guys never sleep :D Downloadin' !
  13. Yesterday while I was playing a COOP mission I was thinking about something what would fix the All Seeing AI. The main problem is "destroyed" vegetation which lies in the middle of the road and it covers half of it when AI can see throught it (they don't see destroyed vegetation). Is there any way to set "destroyed" vegetation (like a tree which was ran over or a bush which was near an explosion) to fall a few meters under the ground and make it invisible/disappearing for player? I've been looking for some connections with it in ArmA configs but I've not found anything interesting. Waiting for your comments ;)
  14. rainbow

    Armed Assault videos

    Here is my own Unofficial Promo Movie of Ensk Island.
  15. Yesterday I had some time and I made a little Promo Movie for your Island.
  16. Ohh...and there is a lake on the fifth picture :)
  17. rainbow

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    It is nicely made fake video
  18. rainbow


    Sweet I'm looking forward to test on the virtual battlefield
  19. @sickboy A few days ago I sent to you PM with fixed Polish version of stringtable for ace_rucksack. I have sent it twice and I still have not received any answer yet. Should I post it here?
  20. Vilas is right, if he doesn't want to give a permission to use his work in other mods it shouldn't be a problem - it is his choose and he is allowed to disagree. The other matter is the way to improve community's mods and addons. Moreover, members who belong to the teams of modification in this community always should find the consensus.
  21. rainbow

    The Hunter

    Mainly it'll be free but If you want some additional stuff you will have to pay
  22. rainbow

    The Hunter

    I've already heard about this game and it is unbelievable that it will be for free Graphic is killing Can't wait for it!
  23. Maybe We'll be able to find out by "the influence of our decisions" during the campaign.