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Everything posted by Ronin[NR]

  1. Ronin[NR]

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Great stuff, thanks Pook, appreciate the quick reply ;)
  2. Ronin[NR]

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Hey pook, I've downloaded the pook sam pack from steam and having an ish I hope you can help with. I'm trying to get the p-12 radar deployed on mission start and keep getting a pop-up to say the script can't be found. I have read the guide (which is quite impressive btw, v.detailed) and using this in the init field of the P-12 Radar: _scr = [this] execVM "\pook_P12\data\scripts\raise_radar.sqf"; It's empty as in no AI in it. I noticed in an earlier reply about this that the engine has to be off as theirs a check to ensure AI or people aren't driving around with a deployed radar, which would look a little odd haha. Am I doing something wrong here?
  3. Hi All, A new module "Sector" has been added and I've not had much success in getting it to work. I've had a look for some documentation, but, its pretty sparse, which is expected with it being so new. The wiki entry is there, but its WIP. Does anyone have any ideas about how this thing works? How is it activated? I've had a play and not been successful in getting it to activate. I've sync'd side logics to it and grouped side logics with it. I've linked a trigger, but, I don't know what state the trigger should be in for the Sector to activate. The show info button underneath the logic does give a cryptic clue. Still not been able to work it out mind. Any ideas?
  4. Yes, I thought that, its kinda related to the thread, but your right, the rest of the thread is now obsolete - I should make a new thread and report this - sorry :icon_redface:
  5. Sorry again for posting here, searching for a similar issue and found this thread, although it provide some answers, it hasn't provided a solution. I have a script which takes an array of markers and uses these markers as the area to hide objects. No IDs' necessary, it uses the nearestTerrainObjects function to get all terrain objects in the area of the marker: removeMapObjects.sqf _markerArray = _this select 0; { _terrainobjects = nearestTerrainObjects [(getMarkerPos _x),[],(getMarkerSize _x)select 0]; {hideObjectGlobal _x} forEach _terrainobjects; }forEach _markerArray; Call it like this: init.sqf: _removeObjects = compile loadFile "removeMapObjects.sqf"; _null = [["mark1","mark2","mark3","mark4","mark5","mark6"]] call _removeObjects; Works great if your next too or relatively close to the markers - See pictures: First picture is in the Editor - map objects visible, as expected: Second picture is in Singleplayer/Started Scenario, as you can see, the foliage is gone because init.sqf has run: Great! It works! However... Whilst in the scenario, if you move away from the objects, they become visible again at a distance: In scenario, using Splendid Camera - Moving away from the objects being hidden by markers: Then, bam! Massive Foliage appears again. Behind the last shot, is a large hill, which overlooks circled area. This small airfield was going to be an enemy drone and helo farp, I was planning on having choppers coming and going at intervals, however, they'll be obscured by foliage from the ops point of view, until they get close then the bushes will disappear again. I don't know if its possible to change the visibility distance of static map objects. you can hide them, but, they will only be hidden if your within a certain range of them, beyond that, they become visible again.
  6. Exactly what I was looking for, thanks very much! :)
  7. Hi Zeno, I really like what your doing with this framework and all the hardwork your putting into it. its very much appreciated and is really useful. I have a question/situation that I hope you'd be willing to look at, if you have time. I'm making a small co-op mission whereby the player squad starts in an sdv, in scuba gear (wetsuit, rebreather, diving googles). They also have a back pack which has kit in it, which they will put on when reaching a secure location on land (Balaclava, vest and uniform). I used 'Zen_GetUnitLoadout' on a named editor placed unit which I had already geared up (This works really well btw!) and I have managed to call this loadout with Zen_GiveLoadoutCustom. It works, but, some of the items are added to the wetsuit. This means players will need to move items from the wetsuit to the backpack before changing. Also, some of the items are not assigning to the correct locations - Like NVGoggles. I have a unit in the editor named 'ap1', which I gear him initially with the following: Initial loadout Image of desired loadout. Definition of custom loadout for use with Zen_CreateLoadout. The result of Zen_GiveLoadoutCustom: Backpack Wetsuit It looks like this may well be default engine behaviour, filling up the first container it comes across, before adding items to the backpack. Is there a way to specify where to place items in a custom loadout? If there is, I do apologise if I missed it. If there isn't, is there a work-around, for this particular exception? Again, thanks for all your time and efforts, Keep up the good work mate ;)
  8. Ronin[NR]

    FoxFort Camo Pack

    hmm, same here - Trying to test a mission using the pack on a dedicated server and getting this in the Server Console: Wrong signature for file E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@FFCamoPack\addons\ffcamopack.pbo This suggests the bisign is incorrect for the addon located in that location, which is on my machine, the client. Key is installed on the server in the keys folder - Did the same as MrCurry, re-downloaded and reinstalled, still the same.
  9. Ronin[NR]

    Blastcore A3

    This cracked me up
  10. Ronin[NR]

    Error when purchasing app

    Glad I'm not the only one having this issue. I have a HTC One and the play store says its compatible, but, I'm not able to purchase, keeps giving me this: Hope this gets sorted soon - Can't leave a review either, that gives an error too :( edit - I can purchase other paid apps from the play store, just not this one
  11. Ronin[NR]

    Unit initscript for flashlight

    Or in the init field of the group leader, use the following: { _x unassignItem "NVGoggles"; _x removeItem "NVGoggles"; _x RemovePrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; _x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _x enableGunLights "forceon"; }foreach units group this;
  12. Thats it - I couldn't find them in the read-me thanks for that
  13. Hi All, Does anyone know what the class name is for the Advanced Collimator optics? Thanks in advance
  14. Ronin[NR]

    UK Special Operations A3

    Thanks for pointing me to the right thread massi - Google pointed me to the old one, sorry about that :D Great to hear you looking to update this, I really like the work you've put into it. Look forward to the updates ;)
  15. Thanks for this addon - the DPM camo looks great! :D I really appreciate the time and effort you've put into this, must have taken some hours. I've noticed a couple of things: 1) The readme in this pack references items in the italian SF pack you created - for example: I don't have the italian pack, so was ripping my hair out trying to figure out why i wasn't able to add items to my soldier - I opened the config using eliteness, and they are all prefixed with uk HEADGEAR "H_mas_uk_HelmetB", "H_mas_uk_HelmetB_paint" Maybe an update to the readme, or even a pdf would be great, like you've done with the your weapons pack, very useful. 2) Also, when I open the unit editor by double clicking on the map, I get this error pop-up each time: 3) And, would it be possible to add Black boots to some of the DPM uniforms? A small niggle yes, but a bit of variance would be great. Thanks again for this great pack, I look forward to some updates.
  16. I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding how the blufor uniform textures are edited: I've managed to get the textures I want to edit, saved as a png. But, there appears to be gloves on top of part of one of the leg textures. I'm not really up on image editing. I use gimp, which in itself is a bit unwieldy ( to newbies at least - Get your head around selections :D ) How do you guys retexture uniforms? Is it a case of applying the retex to the upper leg piece, flip and rotate a copy of it, then paste it over whats already there in the bottom left corner, then add the gloves back in afterwards? Any and as much help as poss would be great.
  17. Ronin[NR]

    The new Sector Module

    Thanks for the reply Moricky - Lightning quick turn around on fixes too - Spotted it in todays change list on the dev build thread - I get warm fuzzies when devs react on stuff us lowly users pick up on - Most impressive! Look forward to more of your work and the wiki entry ;) Edit:One last thing, what is the placement radius for in the sector module? From what I have witnessed, once the sector module is activated, the markers are centered on the trigger and use the area that the trigger covers to display the area of the sector, not the area covered by the sector modules placement radius. It seems like a redundant field at the moment and as mentioned above, I'm probably missing something. There will be a reason for it, it just doesn't appear to be clear as yet :) I suppose, this will also be detailed in the wiki entry
  18. Ronin[NR]

    The new Sector Module

    aha!! Thanks again for the reply, it helped. It seems syncing a trigger directly with the sector module has no effect. However, placing an Area module, syncing that to the sector module, then placing a trigger and syncing that with the Area module, activated the sector module. It uses the triggers position to place a visible map marker and also places an area marker to indicate the triggers area of coverage. Not sure then why the sector module has a placement radius as it doesn't seem to be useful. Isn't placement radius the area where an object will be randomly placed? What the point if it uses the triggers radius to show the activation radius for the sector? I must be missing something. meh, its still being worked on I suppose. Anyways, I put together a descriptive example for others wanting to know how this thing works. A simple example: - Place a Multiplayer -> Sector Module - Set the ownership limit to 1 - This ensures you don't get multiple messages to say 'XFor is capturing *sector name* - Place an Game Logic -> Locations -> Area Module (This is the only one that seems to work, at the moment anyway, I only tested base and camp from the list though) - Sync the Area Module to the Sector Module - Place a Game Logic -> Sides -> Whichever side you want to be able to capture the sector, there must be at least one side logic and you can sync all 3. - Place a trigger - Set its radius to however big an area you want it to cover - Set the triggers activation to once and 'Anybody' - Sync the trigger to the Area Module And thats it! Once you step into the triggers area it brings up the message that the area has been captured (oddly, I think this is also being worked on, would be better if it said 'XFor is capturing *whatever you called your sector*') then once the sector has been captured fully gives the same message. I haven't tested multiple sides attempting to capture the sector yet, will update this post with findings
  19. Ronin[NR]

    The new Sector Module

    Thanks for your reply Kylania, I have your examples site book marked btw, its great. Learned a lot from it, especially spawning units. I had already checked the show info as indicated in my initial post, but as I say, its a little cryptic. I know you need side logics and triggers, but, what state should the triggers be in? Does it need more than 1? Do you need one at all? Are they grouped or sync'd? From the diagram posted, it looks like the side logics are sync'd not grouped and the trigger on the left is grouped, but the trigger at the top is sync'd. That's what I'm looking for really, a solid 'How to' on getting this thing to work. Maybe one for your examples site :D
  20. This may have already been posted somewheres, so apologies in advance. The below script takes a group and sets a camo face for each of the units in that group Place a logic, call it server Place a functions logic Create a group - initialize with enemygroup1 = group this In a radio trigger - OnActivation _nul = enemygroup1 execVM "r_camoface.sqf" r_camoface.sqf //This script will apply a random camo face to AI soldiers when called //Check if script is running on server, if not, then exit if ( isServer ) then { //Initialize functions waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")}; waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")}; //Set Camoface! {_x setFace format["face%1_camo%2" ,round(random 106) ,round(random(5))]}foreach units _this; } Works on dynamically created groups too, but this is for another thread :p Just one of those little snippets peeps may want or find a use for ;) Posted a tube aswell with instructions
  21. Ronin[NR]

    Stagler's Spetsnaz GRU

    The Chechen backpacks sit properly. Am not a model maker and please forgive my ignorance, are they different models? Can you base the GRU on the chechens in terms of the rig and pack they use? More work I would imagine... Sorry :bounce3:
  22. Ronin[NR]

    Camo faces Script

    Not entirely sure, but, my understanding of placing a game logic and calling it server, is for mp compatibility. The line of code //Check if script is running on server, if not, then exit if ( isServer ) then { Checks to see if the script is running on the server as opposed to a client machine. If the game detects it is being called on a client, it will exit, if called on the server, it will run. This means it will run once on the server as opposed to being run by each client connected/connecting to the server. As I say, am no scripting guru, and is only based on what I have managed to find and attempt to understand about scripts for an mp environment. Still not sure if this is being implemented as it is intended to be, I don't have a dedicated server to test this on, really based on assumption and research. If your using it for sp missions, you can get rid of the surrounding block and just use the following: //Initialize functions waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")}; waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")}; //Set Camoface! {_x setFace format["face%1_camo%2" ,round(random 106) ,round(random(5))]}foreach units _this; Glad you like it - If I could find a way to implement what _William suggested, it could come in really handy - At the moment, as it doesn't have the neccessary checks, it has tendency to create black and asian russians, which for me isn't a problem, but, for those who want the 'realism' factor, it could well be. This posed quite an interesting, slightly off-topic question: Do black people live in Russia? Based on the posts there, seems to be a very small minority, made up of international exchange students and other groups. I would imagine there are more, but then again, lets face it...Its cold in most of Russia :p
  23. Ronin[NR]

    Camo faces Script

    many thanks for the feedback, its really appreciated. What I've posted is very basic and your quite right, misses out checks such as nationality and face0 (No camo) I also appreciate the code that you have posted, am still pretty new to scripting, do you or anyone else reading have suggestions as to how to restructure this to allow for these checks?
  24. Ronin[NR]

    Stagler's Spetsnaz GRU

    Thanks for these units, and your chechens, both really good quality. Only thing with the GRU, not a biggy tbh and someones already mentioned it, the back packs sit kinda odd whilst using ace. Other than that, I really like them - Great work! ;)
  25. Hi Norrin, Would it be possible to make this compatible with the BAF vanilla choppers?