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About pikey

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    Private First Class

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  1. I get a spammed error on the tpw_core_fnc_grabciv that says it cannot divide by zero even when playing in SP. I have custom factions, pretty much every aspect of the mission isn't standard, but I disabled anything civ in the config.hpp, I see this is in the core.sqf so I can't work around it. Unsure how to work round it, since it should be a class returned? Using Spyder and Engima to spawn civs. Only really wanted this for SOAP, the rest was a cool bonus.
  2. pikey

    3CB BAF Weapons

    I had boih, but the second error only had it once and cannot think how to reproduce. Fixing the first would be awesome though :)
  3. Hi, I'm being a little dense. If I use the script version within the mission, and I use Headless Client, the AI managed by headless should get VCOM script from the mission file? Or should I use the mod on the Headless also. I'm having difficulty telling if VCOM is running for AI managed groups on the headless client. I disabled Vehicles use so i dont have any great indicators AI are using VCOM. Is there an entry in the rpt of the headless that I can see or some other way to tell? Thanks.
  4. AH! Thanks :) I couldnt find the setting for the script version as I use dedicated. The mod was easier and in a different place. Do I need to set anything on headless client or does he inherit from the mission script? I was using some init.sqf trick that didnt work for ignoring vehicles I cannot remeber where i found it.
  5. I tried the init lines to stop AI using vehicles directly, tried switching it off via the config and nothing stops them stealing vehicles which is especially bad if you use Air vehicles as transport services as on mission start the transport services all take off together, all the trucks waiting get stolen and dumped everywhere and it's utter carnage. The flanking is really good with VCOM but i can't give the players vehicles to use in any mission, at least the persistent missions with respawning vehicles. It's a shame to hear this is the last update for a while as the project is such great work. But I have to stop using it for my group in this case and it makes me a bit sad due to the massive effort that must have gone into this. If anyone successfully makes a method to stop it (can I just delete the vehicle script and eat the errors?) I'd love to hear it.
  6. fwiw the script said 21:30:52 Error then: Undefined variable in expression: nwr_fnc_loadvirpro description.ext updated, NWR foler in the mission. I was runnign in MP from the eden editor if that makes any difference (not sure how it processes description.ext there.
  7. Looks great. Fighting the urge to get started before you release the logisitics part!
  8. So would this perhaps be better in the initServer.sqf if that still exists and the load functions in the init.sqf? So the mission starts, loads the last saved progress and then saves and overwrites every 1800? I've also got some questions on what exactly would get saved in the current functions and what is still left to do. Are you going to hybridise the IniDB functions on saving players and so on? I'm tempted to embark right now but not sure if I have enough peices yet!
  9. I missed the Open Source launch and I know saying ALiVE doesn't have a certain feature is bound to cause defensiveness, you can do anything with technology. It was a complete project with highly defined scope with the intention to keep support manageable. When I was working out how to do this, I didn't have the time or the knowledge to invest to get ALiVE working in the different way I wanted it and I did spent a lot of posts on ALiVE forums trying to do that, and whilst the people there are lovely and helpful, yes, no one was going to do this for me. I got the information on how to call the saves from local, but I still had issues with persistence at that time so I dropped my attempt to use ALiVE for a 24/7 automated JIP campaign server. It was probably the straw that broke this camels back, I can think of a way to call it right now, I'll likely revisit it soon. So from this angle, someone making something more tailored helps people like me. I don't think it's reinventing the wheel, it's just relabelling it for a different use case. You still need a War Room account and registered IP for the local Couch implementation anyway, so there's morte than just one reason to embark on this. ALiVE has more potential than it realised, I think somewhere a boat was missed.
  10. I just randomly hit the Alivemod.com website to see if they ever got around to changing the functionality from a local Admin in game save to an unattended save so i could realise my goal of making 24/7 campaigns like the RP servers do and oh look....you are well on your way (got the hard part done) to doing that! I'm not sure the team or others ever got why what you are doing is a good idea, so I thank you sincerely for attempting this! For the purpose of colouring in the 'use case scenario': I had wanted Alive to be the backbone of a persistent JIP campaign server that would support saving states for reboot/restart purposes without having to go into the game, manually press "SAVE" and doing that which was hit and miss anyway during the dev phase i was in. I looked at iniDB but it couldn't handle (or I didn't know how to) get the virtualised units and logistics saved into it, objects were fine. Assuming you can get the Alive virtualised modules into a save state for IniDB, you already got this done, in which case, it looks like months later my dream has come true! I'd be interested to hear if you were looking at this scenario for your goal or there was another motivation behind the local saves?
  11. pikey

    Camp Charlie

    I played the non addon version and it broke after destroying the first shilka (Waypoint didnt update). I wanted to host this on our site but there is no readme or any info in the download, just the .pbo. The site link was to a German forum thread - no idea where to go from there. Could you advise on any updated vesion or supply a readme so you can be credited please?