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Everything posted by Planck

  1. Well thanks for that, I will correct it ASAP, not being french I had to just rely on good old online translation sites. I might have to correct a few place names. Planck
  2. Actually in bin.pbo config it has: envelope[] = {0,0.2,0.9,2.1,2.5,3.3,3.5,3.2,2.5,2,1.5,1,0.9,0.7,0.5}; for class Helicopter. So, I presume as it is the base class for helicopters the same envelope would be used for all helicopters unless changed in a specific config. Planck
  3. Planck

    Weapon Holding Position..

    Hmmm.......here maybe: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Moves Planck
  4. Planck

    A few modelling questions

    You must select the faces you are going to texture, before pressing 'B'. In short select faces you wish to texture. Press 'A' , drag out a rectangle to cover the faces you have selected. Right click and load desired texture, position texture and resize and/or move the rectangle as desired to place it exactly as you want it. When you are happy with the placement, press 'B'. Planck
  5. This is just as relevant in this incarnation of O2 PE as it was in the old O2Light. The above tells O2 where the External Viewer is located, simple enough I know, but I cannot fathom why you think it isn't relevant to this version of O2. File......Options .....and the first item in the resulting dialog will be External Viewer. Planck
  6. Planck

    Satellite & Layer Masks

    These files should actually be called: mask_lco.png sat_lco.png that is a lower-case L, not an upper-case i. Planck
  7. Planck

    Visitor3 scripts

    None of those object placement downloads by Kronsky have anything to do with Visitor, they are Mission Editor constructs. Planck
  8. Planck

    Action Drop Weapon does'nt work!

    Try: _x action ["DROPWEAPON",_x,primaryWeapon _x]; Planck
  9. Planck

    Tutorial for Visitor3 ?

    No, this is not correct: Sahrani has 8,557 files in its layers folder. 4,859 of these are rvmat files. 1,849 are sat image files. 1,849 are mask image files. Planck
  10. Planck

    Proper V3 Setup?

    Disconnect and then close buldozer first, then close Visitor. Planck
  11. Planck

    Oxygen 2

    Try adding this to the .cfg file you are using for buldozer: DisableMouseExclusive=1; Planck
  12. Try this: In the editor, switch on ID numbers by pressing the 'Show IDs' button. zoom in on a convenient tree or bush showing on the map and take a note of its ID number. Place yourself on the map, also place a radio trigger on the map and in its 'On Activation' field type: weed = position player nearestobject 6447; hint format ["%1",weed] Replace the number 6447 with the number you noted earlier. You will then end up with a hint displaying the .p3d file name for the object or plant. The reason they respond to damage is because the model has a named property dealing with this, as do most models. dammage tent ..........in this case. Planck
  13. None of the plant objects in ArmA have class names. Excluding the clutter plants. They are .wrp placed objects only and are not mentioned in any config file. The only name you will get for a plant is the .p3d file name. Planck
  14. Planck


    I would hazard a guess and say it wants you to get the latest DirectX. Planck
  15. Planck

    o2 help

    I am unable to locate officer.p3d anywhere in ArmA or indeed OFP. Is it a third party model? Besides which, the official model files in ArmA are ODOL (Binarized) files and O2 will not open them. O2 will only open MLOD model files. Planck
  16. Paint Shop Pro supports 32bit targa, that is 24bit targa plus 8bit alpha = 32bit. Planck
  17. Planck

    Buldozer without having OFP installed...

    To use Arma as buldozer you must have the DVD in the drive. In O2 Options....External Viewer: c:\pathtoyourarmagamefolder\ArmA.exe -window -buldozer -noland This should allow use of arma as buldozer. Planck
  18. Planck

    360 degree view in 3rd person mode

    You must have seen command view. For command view you need to be a group leader......have at least one other unit under your command. Pressing NUMPAD [Del} will then give you command view, where you can rotate through 360 degrees and 90 degrees up and down again, also zoom in and out using the NUMPAD [+] and [-]. As long as these keys are still configured that way in your control options that is. Planck
  19. Planck


    Or try this one: http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/resource_list.php?type=to&cat=ss Planck
  20. Full list of OFP weapon and ammo names is available here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Operation_Flashpoint:_Weapons Includes Resistance as well. Planck
  21. As far as I know Arma does not have a soldier class: class us_soldier_pilot; Must be a third party thing from somewhere, it certainly has nothing to do with default Arma. Wherever it comes from, and presuming the game can find its entry somewhere, it has the scope parameter, and possibly other parameters, missing. However ArmA does have: class SoldierWPilot Which uses the P3D model file called: us_soldier_pilot.p3d This might be a case then of the class name and model files name getting confused. Planck
  22. Planck

    Camera.sqs bugged?

    Centre your controller or joystick, or disconnect it. It is this that will be causing this problem. Edit: More specifically the throttle control on the joystck. Planck
  23. Planck

    Need a config

    No, 3DS format will not work in the game, it has to be P3D. Your RPT file should possibly reflect that error. Can you not import 3DS into O2 via the File.....Import menu item? Planck
  24. Planck

    Need a config

    What exactly didn't work? Does it not appear in the editor lists? Planck
  25. Planck

    Modding Tools information...

    Try reading this article from the BI wiki: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki....ntation It explains how textures are now applied to wrp terrain using Visitor3. Planck