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Everything posted by Planck

  1. Planck


    Moving Planck
  2. An author of any content that is using work from another author is expected to get permission from and give credit to the originating author, whether it is a release or just a WIP notification, otherwise messy threads like this one is the result. I do note that the OP has never replied to the question as to whether permission was granted from any original authors or whether the work is their own. Unless people want this topic locked, I suggest they refrain from posting anything remotely off-topic and wait to see if the OP replies..........or not. Planck
  3. Planck

    New beta patch 1.16

    Well, there you go then, CrispyGamer = CrispyReview = Very overdone. Anything that is crispy is what you would call ... flaky. Planck
  4. Or use ArmA2's new script commands to display the FPS. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/diag_fps or http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/diag_fpsmin Planck
  5. Planck

    Bug Assault II

    Nothing to do with a troubleshooting problem for ArmA2.....closing Planck
  6. Planck

    ArmA2 gives me seizures :(

    To be sure JT, I did not specifically call you strange, I said people were strange. Of course, by implication, unless you are an extraterrestrial alien, that means you are strange, it also means I am strange by virtue of the same fact. :) Planck
  7. Planck

    ArmA2 gives me seizures :(

    I fail to understand why this topic was started. If the OP was suffering seizures whilst playing computer games, specifically ARMA2, then a reasonable amount of intelligence would have suggested a complete stop to playing said game and urgent consultation with a doctor or hospital. At least this is the way I would deal with it. Logging onto the games official site and starting a discussion about it would be the very last thing that would occur to me. People are strange. :j: Planck
  8. This is the Troubleshooting board, you are supposed to post in here asking for help troubleshooting a problem or several problems you might be experiencing with the game. This is not the Trolling board, we don't actually have one for obvious reasons. If you cannot post your system specifications and details of the problems you are experiencing then you are wasting your time posting here. Planck
  9. Planck

    winrar problems

    The files in your picture look fine to me, one is a .bikey, another is a .bisign and the addon itself is the .pbo file. I see no problem, they are used as they are, no need for further extraction unless you want to examine the PBO contents. Planck
  10. Planck

    LightOn Command

    Place a game logic with 'this moveindriver carname' in its init field. If it is lighting up time it will turn on the lights. Planck
  11. Well, I thought I would have a go with this. So I popped a copy of d3d8.dll into OperationFlashpoints root folder and fired up ofp. Took a screenshot in the editor near a beach using the Alt-PrtScrn combination and then pasted it into PSP. No problems. One thing though, the screenshot was not saved to the dxdll\screenshots folder, it was just held in the windows clipboard. My card is an 8800 gtx. Planck
  12. Normally in the editor you cannot access 'Empty' objects till you have a player unit already placed on the map. Planck
  13. Maybe you should tell them directly. Here Planck
  14. Planck

    Mouse view in vehicle is messed up.

    Do you have a joystick connected, is so, check that it is centralised? Planck
  15. Have just checked all personal weapons (rifles/handguns), there were no problems with static/permanent muzzle flash apart from the Tokarev handgun which I fixed. Bear in mind that I did fix a muzzle flash problem for the M16+M203 a few posts back in this topic, this fix will not yet be released. Whilst I was about it I checked all armour vehicles for the same problem and found nothing there regarding muzzle flash. Make sure you are not running any other mods at the same time as cwr. If cwr is the only mod running make sure you have the latest updates .... check earlier in the topic for updated download locations. Planck
  16. class Plane; { /*extern*/ class ViewPilot; }; Remove the ';' after Plane btw, there is no need to include the comment /*extern*/ for classes that are inherited from elsewhere. Planck
  17. Planck

    WTF is "LOOSING"?

    Well, I think the original point has been made, so I will now close this to prevent any further circular and/or useless discussion about it. Planck
  18. True, there are no animations available for the bike, however the pilot-view lod proxy position for driver is now sorted, thanks. Planck
  19. My pleasure ... :) Closed. Planck
  20. Ok, M16+M203 muzzle flash problem has been fixed thanks for the reports about it. Planck
  21. Planck

    Jesus just give us the patch

    This has been asked numerous times and the answer will remain the same. Having the patch without beta in its name will make no discernable difference to how well it works .... or not. I will lock this as it serves no purpose other than to attract unnecessary postings about nothing in particular. Planck
  22. Planck

    New location types... how?

    Location types are configured in the bin.pbo config.bin and the list you have there is in full agreement with the location types available. These location types are set on an island when the island maker is constructing the island in Visitor. Planck
  23. Contrary to the above statement, the tutorial by Marksman is still available on OFPEC and has been for quite a long long time. http://ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=details&id=65&game=OFP Planck
  24. Planck

    Will ArmA 2 support FreeTrack?!

    Seems to me this is continually drifting off-topic despite occasional reminders from Placebo to keep on-topic and refrain from discussing NP business. I can only see this topic getting locked if something doesn't change .... soon. Planck
  25. I'm a native english speaker and I can see nothing wrong with the text in the installer. The text makes perfect sense and is properly worded in english. Planck