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Everything posted by NeoArmageddon

  1. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    The list is from the 1.10 dev branch. See first post in this thread for more information on how to get it.
  2. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Complete list of currently configured terrains:
  3. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Slightly changed patrol density in cities and chance for heavy vehicles to spawn: https://github.com/NeoArmageddon/co10_Escape/releases/tag/Dev_191223
  4. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Here is the latest dev build 191222: https://github.com/NeoArmageddon/co10_Escape/releases/tag/Dev_191222 If there are no gamebreaking problems, this will probably be pushed to Steam so I get some headroom for some larger changes in the codebase. You can either delete the profile on your server (but this will also delete cached stuff from other missions) or you can enter this in the debug console and execute it on the server:
  5. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    You need to disable it clientside aswell.
  6. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Already fixed in the 1.10 development branch. It is due to a bug that mixes OPFOR and INDEP units and an engine bug that makes units hostile even if they are spawned on the same side and in the same group.
  7. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    ACE medical can't be deactivated from within the mission. That means you can only switch by deactivating ACE medical (otherwise all the bugs from using Revive and ACE could be "switched back on", which would only cause problems and confused server admins).
  8. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    That is not a problem. Use this mission on a dedicated server. This is not a single player mission and not inteded for client hosting. Also limiting the AI to 80 would make this really lame and easy. And nevertheless the AI amount is normally around 120 to 180. Not 600.
  9. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Latest dev with a highly experimental change to prison creation (the darkest of dark magic). I would highly appreciate some testing of this. Especially if in a multiplayer session any players observe jagged prisons after loading screen or jumping of objects after a afew seconds. https://github.com/NeoArmageddon/co10_Escape/releases/tag/Dev_191103
  10. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Probably wrong mission or thread. There are no suicide bomber in the official co10 Escape.
  11. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Should all be fixed in Dev 191024. I found some other errors aswell. Biggest one on Kolgujev. https://github.com/NeoArmageddon/co10_Escape/releases/tag/Dev_191024
  12. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    That might be the case. These values can slip into the mission.sqm when exporting from editor. I will clean them up later. Thanks for the find.
  13. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Works fine on my server (and for other people I talked to). Make sure you not start with -init startline and with persistence in your server config disabled. Do you have more information for me? Which terrain? Did you used the addonn or the mission pbo version? Is there any error in your RPT?
  14. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    I uploaded a new development snapshot at the Github repository. It can be directly accessed here: https://github.com/NeoArmageddon/co10_Escape/releases/tag/Dev_191022 The new naming convention of these dev snapshots is "DEV YEAR+MONTH+DAY". I consider this snapshot a release candidate for 1.10 but further testing is needed. Especially prison creation and general mission loading/starting. Livonia (onyl terrain, no contact assets yet) is also included.
  15. It is no script but a replacement for the normal rain effect. Thus it can only be archieved by config.
  16. NeoArmageddon

    [TUTORIAL] Contact Scripts

    No worries if this is not your top priority. Sooner or later I will tear the functions and scripts apart myself. Just need to get through the campaign first 😄
  17. NeoArmageddon

    [TUTORIAL] Contact Scripts

    Really nice list! Just started the compaign yesterday and I really like the scripted stuff and the storytelling that comes with it. I didn't had a look at the scripts myself yet, but did you stumbled on the shooting star effect one can see in the second missions intro? Would love to use it for a campaign I am working on.
  18. NeoArmageddon

    Virtual Reality ARMA - Oculus/HTC Vive

    Inverse kinematic animations and stereo rendering (aka sending two different renderbuffers to the headset, VorpX is "guessing" two buffers from the depth-buffer, which is by far not as good as real stereo rendering). Just to name two.
  19. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    One guy posted a port in our Discord and I will see that I can include it in the next update, but no promises.
  20. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    We moved away from Gitlab due technical reasons. The main repository is the one on Github (with added benefit of a lot of people already having an account there). The FTP is not accessible for now but I didn't got around to update the first page (also everytime I update it, the thread gets temporarily blocked, which is a bit annoying). I am planning on a new alternative Soon™. I got a day off tomorrow. Maybe I get something of this done.
  21. For everytime someone asks, we put the actual releasedate back by 1 week. Now it's "When it is done+1week"
  22. To reduce redundancy you can use a foreach and an array of objects this addAction["Activate Alarm", {{[_x, ["Sirenair", 1500, 1]] remoteExec ["say3d", 0, true];} foreach [alarmFB2,alarmFB3,alarmFB4];}]; Also not tested. Any error is an exercise in SQF debugging for you 😛
  23. I just copy and pasted the lines from the first post together on my mobile 😛
  24. NeoArmageddon

    "Pending approval" alert

    Had that myself a few times with my co10_Escape thread. The spam detection seems to trigger when you edit the first post in a thread with a lot of answers and the post contains links.
  25. It works also inline with addaction if you want to keep that stuff short but harder to read: this addAction["Activate Alarm", {([alarmFB2,["Sirenair", 1500, 1]] remoteExec ["say3d",0,true];}];