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Everything posted by MoS

  1. MoS

    Euphoria, the best "ragdolls"

    You know you have to use just the ID-code of Youtube vids to create a working preview ;)
  2. MoS

    Netcode and the new engine?

    You know I´ve thought about it... it all began with the implementation of JIP. I would go so far and say if that it ruined the game (for me at least) multiplayer-wise. If I had the choice between JIP and a stable warp-free MP I´d definately choose the stable MP! Wasn´t it fun when people joined together in the lobby and waited until enough players arrived? Being together in the briefing screen and waiting until the last dumb ass finally realized he hadn´t pressed "Ready" yet? *g* Well anyway I just played a TvT Domination map and I died several times because of stupid lag and desync (another guy shot me through a huge thick fallen tree, which on his computer was standing there perfectly fine and healthy...!). Please BIS surpise us with a reworked netcode!
  3. MoS

    Authentic Mediterranean island

    http://kamran.cc/ARMA2/5thImage.png 1200 kB Now that we know that it is in fact Lemnos this screen could be a picture taken around the airport http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/1320/lemnosairport.jpg 214 kb
  4. MoS

    Some questions

    Where´s that number from?
  5. MoS

    Customizable Soldier Load ( seriously?? )

    Guess I´m thinking extremly practical for now but assembling your weapon could finally keep the gear UI clear instead of all those triple and quadruple (or more) entries for basicly the same gun, like the M4 variants in ACE for example :)
  6. MoS

    Netcode and the new engine?

    I wouldn´t count on that one. You know Artificial Intelligence is one of the slowest (if not THE slowest) part in the development of PC games in general today. I also think it isn´t THAT important cause you know... OFP was fun too altough the AI was dumb as a slice of bread. For me, the one thing that kept OFP alive for so long was the huge amount of multiplayer servers and players and all those fantastic coops. It´s really sad that most of this has vanished :(
  7. Exactly! Just imagine the possibilities of OFP with current server technology and gaming PCs.
  8. MoS

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    No chance vance lance! They are waaay too far back to keep up with BIS. They´ll never produce anything that could truly entertain any member of this community here :p
  9. MoS

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    You know WHATS GREAT!? Seeing that they keep up the 3 year release cylce we will see ArmA IV in 2015! WEEEEEEEEEEEHHH awesomesauce!
  10. MoS

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    EPIC music for these minutes: iTsQk7IKyTk&NR
  11. MoS

    ArmA 2 site hacked

  12. MoS

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Hey guys! I´ve spent the last two weeks finding out what this picture is all about: http://armaenigma.com/images/1/1f/Background.jpg You won´t belive it! Its a hidden CODE! I tells ya! Very small letters hidden in the picture. They say something like ASTUTE (no idea what that could be...) So after my breathtaking find I´m up to see more of this stuff! By the way: did anything happen while I was examining that pic?
  13. MoS

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    "I don´t know Armstrong, if this ARG wasn´t up next week I´d seriously consider killing myself."
  14. MoS

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Time itself :confused:
  15. THIS! We all know that multiplayer was the key of success in OFP (besides modding). But since ArmA I, MP just isn´t the same anymore. The world doesn´t feel "persistent" or "immersive" when everything lags/warps around. You absolutely have to add Netcode improvements to the list!
  16. HA! Through a lucky coincidence I found out what went wrong... It seems as if civilians created by ALICE are considered OPFOR. This is why zapat´s script showed them as red dots! (which I have mistaken as spawn error from WICT) They are also considered OPFOR by WICT triggerscripts, which is why they are able to "capture" the Blufor base that quickly, as they are generated at start of the mission in the nearest town, which was Pusta! Sometimes you really need the skills of a Sherlock Holmes to find out what is going on in ArmA II *g*
  17. Okay Ill explain it again. I am inbetween a Opfor and a Blufor base but when WICT kicks in it respawns Opfor units inside the Blufor base ALTHOUGH the Opfor base is active and working! It is just those few seconds at the start that Opfor is spawned in the Blufor base. After about half a minute they spawn as they should in their base. As I understand the script mechanics Opfor should spawn in their base and then move towards the Blufor base to capture it right?
  18. Wow thanks a lot!! This is a pretty sophisticated yet easy to use script! :ok: @ArmAIIholic: Thanks to that script I can finally clearly see what buggered me the whole time: Opfor is spawned in a Blufor controlled base upon initialization which then captures the base pretty quickly. Is this intended script behaviour? The marker in Pusta is called "town_47" and this is the corresponding entry of the startSettings.sqf: WICT_wbl = ["town_23","town_24","town_25","town_45","town_47"]; WICT_ebl = ["town_1","town_2","town_3","town_4","town_5","town_6","town_7","town_8","town_9","town_10","town_11","town_12","town_13","town_14","town_15","town_16","town_17","town_18","town_19","town_20","town_21","town_22","town_26","town_27","town_28","town_29","town_30","town_31","town_32","town_33","town_34","town_35","town_36","town_37","town_38","town_39","town_40","town_41","town_42","town_43","town_44","town_46","town_48","town_49","town_50","town_51","town_52","town_53"]; WICT_nbl = []; As you can see it is correctly declared as Blufor base and not present in the Opfor array. EDIT: I forgot to mention my spawn settings WICT_sd = 500; and WICT_scandist = 2500;. You can see that the Opfor base in the northeast is actiavted properly and a unit has spawned there, so it is not due to the spawn distance settings... Sorry I didnt express myself properly: I don´t dissapear but the vehicle im in even though I am still in it (my player will then be thrown out of the vehicle) ;)
  19. MoS

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hey there! I totally love the mod. Especially the far distance explosion sounds! Theres just one little thing that bothers me concerning the M1´s engine: I feel it is somewhat too high pitched and penetrating... If you stand roughly 300m away from it you clearly hear the noise I m talking about. It sounds just like this -> http://www.chilloutzone.net/video/brat-ast.html No idea if this is the real deal or not but I guess if some of you guys feel the same there might be a chance to get a smooth sound :)
  20. Small question: where is the wreck removal from destroyed cars handled? Cause it happens often that cars which I took over from an AI crew disappear with me in them... btw very good work on the documentation (and v5.3 too)!. Im stunned at how fast you are! @ZAPAT: any chance that you could provide the code for that quick marker function? :)
  21. I´ve remembered there was a fix for vegetation a year or longer ago: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/proper-projects/wiki/Vegetation_Tweak_Visuals Just tried it got 10-15 fps more in average! That is a MUST imho for everyone planning to play on Chernarus...!
  22. Thanks for the advice but what does zeu_sys_Ai.pbo do anyway?
  23. Don´t bother looking for the error... it was my own pure dumbness!:o (forgot to declare some markers in the setupE.sqf :rolleyes: ) But this takes me to another thing (I´ve spent the last 8 hours playing around with your work - you may feel honored :D ) ... East manages to capture the first west base instantly upon initialization. This happens almost every time, also with different settings. Can you confirm this or is this another dumb fail of mine?
  24. After setting up some basic bases and playing around with some settings I can truly say one thing: there is an urgent need of a detailed manual (and yes I´ve read about everything on the official page). It may be easy to adjust all the parameters but it is no use if one doesnt understand the logic behind the system and how it works. For example: how is the spawning distance supposed to work? Do units respawn in bases or do they respawn in a defined area surrounding the player? What happens if several players play a coop together? Does everyones spawn distance count? And btw what scale is the spawning cycle? seconds/minutes? decimal seconds/minutes? But I guess it is a pretty handy and powerful tool once you understand the mechanics... so great work! EDIT: I think I found a small bug. It showed me an error message adressing the setupE.sqf - to be precise it had something to do with the "E_reginf" variable. I guess it should say "E_inf" instead like in the section of the startSettings.sqf right? EDIT2: Mhm no that didn´t do the trick either. The message stopped from appearing but the whole initialization doesn´t start either. Here´s the message: "general error in the expression"