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Everything posted by madrussian

  1. So I recalled keeping a seperate download directory for Rellikki Urban 1.2 just in case I ever wanted to play PB again. I was able to dig up that old directory... only to find somehow it was empty!!! You're in luck though. Just found a mission specific addon folder on my old hard drive for PB. I uploaded the 1.2 urban troops for you here: http://rapidshare.de/files/47586785/Rellikki_Urban_1.2.rar.html PB is a very cool mission. I'm currently making something vaguely similar, but with far less ambition than PB. I happened to settle on Rellikki Urban troops as well (though I'm using 2.1)... In my case they are the secret police. Also using SchnapsdroSel's Civilians and those crazy Freedom Fighters by agamoth. :D edit: Corrected my link, which was pointing to an empty file (as Chip360 points out on the next pg).
  2. madrussian

    Dynamic Speech in Ama2?

    Still waiting on my copy, but I haven't seen much on this area, and I'm dying to know. Did ArmA2 ship with any sort of dynamic voice system? Not talking about the radio voices here (or the radio messages spoken aloud which was so robotic in Arma1), but rather what the units actually say to one another, based on the situation? (i.e. Ala the dynamic speech in ECS or Wolfrug/Sickboy's dynamic speech system.) Any heads up in this area would be appreciated during this trying time of waiting and wondering. :)
  3. madrussian

    Dynamic Speech in Ama2?

    Interesting... Good to know there is a way to disable speech globally in RUG_DSAI. Couple of reasons it would be good to have a means to disable dynamic speech for individual units: 1. So that female units aren't grunting out male utterances like the rest of the units on their side. 2. In case you want a pre-recorded conversation to take place outside a cutscene. Example: You want the possibility of the conversation to be interrupted by a random enemy force strolling up... and would like the possibility of hearing them approach via their speech, before they arrive. Your addon will no doubt be the first one I check when my copy finally gets here! :)
  4. madrussian

    Dynamic Speech in Ama2?

    Thanks for the info guys. Regarding the civ speech to one another, how long until they start repeating themselves? Oblivion seemed to have enough of this civ-civ style speech to go around, at least for a while. Also, anyone tried out Wolfrug's system yet? Just maybe it works in Arma2 without modification? :) This brings up an interesting point. Once someone does start in tackling this dynamic speech system for Arma2, here's a big request: Please give us a means to temporarily disable speech for specified individual units. You know, for cut scenes and such. It could be as simple as a global array containing speech-disabled units that gets checked anytime speech is about to occur. I have these funny memories of way back playing Abandoned Armies using ECP 1.085 for OFP, talking to one of the poor survivors in my small band of civilian resistance fighters. They'd begin telling me about their awful plight, then gulp out these silly unrelated statements, in a completely different voice of course. edit: Just saw your response Wolfrug... good to know!
  5. WWIIOL has no AI, correct? (or limited to stationary guns, etc) For that reason alone, I've never taken the WWIIOL dive. And then there's the whole no editor thing. :eek:
  6. I'm attemting to create an escape style mission that starts just after breaking out from a prison bus. The starting location of the bus should be random, yet on a road somewhere. I started out getting the types of each possible road segment from the editor and loading them into an array, like this: _allRoads = []; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST112"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST000"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST092"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST016"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST101"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST017"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST010"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST011"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST001"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST093"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST102"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST103"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST104"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST117"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST115"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST118"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST119"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST122"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST123"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST002"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST094"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST003"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST095"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST004"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST012"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST096"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST035"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST036"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST013"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST014"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST015"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST108"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST006"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST097"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST105"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST106"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST091"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST107"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST113"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST116"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST109"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST111"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST110"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST124"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST126"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST127"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST007"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST009"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST008"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST100"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST099"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST098"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST005"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST048"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST061"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST053"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST050"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST062"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST051"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST066"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST064"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST063"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST057"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST058"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST060"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST049"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST059"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST052"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST065"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST040"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST041"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST042"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST043"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST044"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST045"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST046"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST047"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST054"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST055"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST056"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST027"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST028"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST029"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST030"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST031"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST073"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST032"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST033"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST034"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST019"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST020"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST021"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST022"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST023"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST024"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST025"]; _allRoads = _allRoads + ["AAST026"]; Next I obtain a random position on the island, _checkPos. Then I attempt to locate and use the closest road segment, like this: _closeRoadSegs = nearestObjects [_checkPos, _allRoads, 1000]; _roadSeg = _closeRoadSegs select 0; // first element is the closest road segment PrisonBus setPos position _roadSeg; Unfortunately, when I do a hint, no road segments are detected: hint format ["_closeRoadSegs: %1", _closeRoadSegs]; Now, if I place a road segment directly into the editor and try again, my code finds it and places the prison bus directly on top. So are certain map items not really objects (like roads)? Anyone have any idea on how to detect roads within the map, without resorting to crude techniques, such as tediously placing invisible markers on all the roads?
  7. madrussian

    Can you ride in the train?

    My guess is that if anyone gets moving trains working it will somehow involve that new attach object command. Or BIS. :D
  8. I never really tried Evo in Arma1, so please pardon if I'm way off base here. Seems like based on everything I read, there really wasn't a way to lose in Evo, so it was just a matter of time as you made your way around the map. My suggestion: Give Evo a Overall Defeat, so there's something overall at stake. (I'm assuming there's already an Overall Victory.) Make the Overall Defeat scalable, so even if you've only got a handful of players, they can have a nice tense experience where winning is very much in doubt.
  9. Couple of quick DAC questions: I recall a while back reading somewhere that DAC had some sort of incompatibility with ECS... I've been using the two together for a few days now and I haven't seen anything weird. Anyone have any additional info on this? Do the problems only occur when using special DAC functionality, like AI into buildings? (which ECS also does?) Also, way back in DAC1, there was a rule that each DAC zone had to be given a unique position. Something about them being identified internally that way. Is this still a requirement with DAC2? Can we easily stack zones on a single position without issue now?
  10. I just saw Salvation. Story and acting kinda sucked (especially Bale, who is normally one of my favorites)... But the visuals and action were amazing! Really planted you firmly in the destruction and desolation of machine-ruled 2018. As far as addons, I'd personally love to see some absolutely beat-to-hell A-10 Warthogs, as depicted in that movie. Those A-10s had so much character, they may have even delivered a better performance than some of the actors. That and some grizley T-600s of course. edit: Regarding AI, seems like the huminoid terminators probably need a different fsm than normal arma soldiers. I.e. Not really needing to take cover and such.
  11. madrussian

    Detecting the roads via code

    @zvukoper That is the question indeed! How do those little sneaky SOBs know! :) @=Odin= Thanks for that topic. Originally I thought briefly about using the model names but I couldn't seem to figure out how to make it work. Looks like Worldeater figured it out though. @raedor Thank the makers! Oooh all the handy new ArmA2 commands are making me drool. :D Another week or so and I'll have my copy. For now I'm working on an escape from North Sarhani. So I actually did eventually come up with my own solution. An script creating an army of HMMWVs starting in Bagango and spreading out across the map like a cancer. Worked like a charm though and now I've got the road data (points at 50 meter intervals with corresponding directional data) for all of North Sarhani. When in doubt, enlist the AI as your minnions! Although it took the greater part of a day to write the code and get complete coverage, the method is fairly quick now to apply and could easily be used on a variety of maps. Probably obsolete though as far as ArmA2 is concerned given that new nearRoads command Raedor mentioned, but my method works great for ArmA1 (given the absence of such a command). If anyone is interested, I'll paste the North Sarhani road data for use in any of your missions (and a screenshot for kicks). :)
  12. madrussian

    North America Release / Publisher

    Yeah, I bought A1 and QG from GoGamer way back when. And my orders went off without a hitch. Not completely sure where they are located, but it's somewhere in CA iirc. One thing I noted though is they don't seem to have a custom service phone number (just a place to write them a message). But anyhow, they worked for me in the past, thus I went with them again for Arma2. :)
  13. madrussian

    North America Release / Publisher

    Well, I'm not actually going to send them any info... just going to cancel my purchase and then go with trusty GoGamer. But now things seem to be getting a bit more complicated. CDWow doesn't seem to even have a customer service phone listed... Just a message service. Hmmmm... Took a quick look over at GoGamer and they don't seem to have a number either. :confused_o: Oh well, I can't be without ArmA2 after all and I'm not really a digital download kinda guy. Must get my ArmA2 fix asap!!! edit: Good, got all that done. Now time to just sit back and relax for another week or so... mighty nice time for that demo to... [fingers-snap] appear. Aw shucks, too bad it never quite works that way. :biggrin_o:
  14. madrussian

    North America Release / Publisher

    OK, now that's wierd... So I ordered earlier today from CDWow.us, two copies of ArmA2 each for $39.99 US. Later, I was checking out some other stuff on CDWow.us this evening, and did another search on ArmA2 to see if I could see the release date specified. Here's the crazy thing: Depending on how you search for it, you get a different price/date! If you do a search on "ArmA" or "ArmA 2", the first entry is the $39.99 I purchased earlier (labeled as 505). However, if you search on "ArmA2", you get a single entry (labeled as ALL INTERACTIVE) charging a whopping $70 !!! Kind of makes sense based on the two different releases... Thing is, why would anyone in the US pay $30 more only to have their game shipped out almost three weeks later?!? And now after I placed my order there's this weird email from CDWow requesting "additional info" from me. Uh??? Am I a victim of a fishing scam? :icon_razz: Has anyone else that went with CDWow seen anything like this? Now I know they just stood up their US website and all, but come on! I'm thinking I will cancel my order and go with good old GoGamer... That's where I got my Arma1 (505 version) and Queen's Gambit and it was a much smoother purchase experience to say the least...
  15. madrussian

    North America Release / Publisher

    I live in Indiana, USA. Just ordered my 505 copy from CD-Wow... well two copies actually. One for me and one for my buddy. Just because he is so cheap... And now he will have no excuse! Yep, nothing like in Christmas in June.
  16. Congrats on the big release!!! Can't wait to get home and launch myself back in time to the era and feeling of OFP. Getting chills just thinking of it. :D Not to take any steam away from the release, but curious on reading something in the original post... Which units did not get replacements?
  17. madrussian

    Open up that fire, dammit!

    I see, it's an ammo thing. Will give this a go tonight. Much appreciated! :ok:
  18. Anyone know what governs AI rate of fire at various ranges? By that I'm talking about how the AI will lower it's rate of fire for certain guns which are capable of a much higher rate of fire... but only when the range to the target is increased. For example, take an AI HMMWV armed w/ an M2 vs a Camel armed w/ a TwinVickers. Quick test in the editor reveals the following: 1. M2 opens up at full rate of fire as soon as the Camel is detected. 2. However, upon detection of the HMMWV, the Camel fires at a very low rate of fire, even though the TwinVickers is obviously capable of a much higher rate of fire. Weapons config for the M2: class M2 : MGun { scope = 1; displayName = $STR_DN_M2_MG; autoFire = 1; magazines[] = {"100Rnd_127x99_M2"}; sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\MachineGuns_M2HB_SS_v2", 3.16228, 1}; soundServo[] = {"", 0.0001, 1.0}; reloadTime = 0.11; magazineReloadTime = 10; dispersion = 0.002; canLock = 0; minRange = 1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 400; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 1200; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; aiDispersionCoefY = 7.0; aiDispersionCoefX = 7.0; maxLeadSpeed = 600; }; Hotfix for the M2: class M2 : Mgun { dispersion = 0.001; minRange = 1; minRangeProbab = 0.9; aiDispersionCoefY = 24; aiDispersionCoefX = 24; maxLeadSpeed = 100; }; Weapons config for the TwinVickers: class TwinVickers : MGun { scope = 2; displayName = $STR_DN_VICKERS; nameSound = "Mgun"; initSpeed = 740; reloadTime = 0.05; autoFire = 1; minRange = 1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 400; midRangeProbab = 0.58; maxRange = 600; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; magazines[] = {"500Rnd_TwinVickers"}; canLock = 0; cursor = ""; cursorAim = ""; }; Hotfix for TwinVickers: class TwinVickers : Mgun { dispersion = 0.0013; maxLeadSpeed = 300; minRange = 1; minRangeProbab = 0.9; }; I see ranges and probabilities, but nothing I can note seemingly related to rate of fire at longer ranges. Both of these classes inherit from MGun, so it seems to me the key to this conundrum apparently lies within the code above? Can anyone help? Thanks! :xmas_o:
  19. @Victor First off, it's not always going to be the player flying the plane. In the end, you have to place the boundry somewhere, and simulate everything outside. I can see plenty of uses for the C-130, even in a map with only one airfield. i.e. Flown in by an AI to drop off supplies at the airfield... or flown in by the player for that matter (from the boundry of the map). edit: Heck, you don't really even need an airfield at all to find good uses for planes. :)
  20. Roger that Wolle... good thing there. Sometimes though, the number of pages is useful in deciding whether or not to open up the thread in the first place. Plus it's kinda useless to have it say "Last Page" when it could be using that space to provide useful info. Anyhow, just imo. In other news, these new emotions are a riot. Peace out.
  21. Quick suggestion, but it would be good to nip this one in the bud early: On the old forum, it was visually very easy to see how many pages a thread contained. You'd see something like: 1, 2, 3, 61 With the new forum, we get: 1, 2, 3, Last Page Huh? :huh: So are there 4 pages or 182 ?!? Now I know the replies are listed over to the right, but somehow it's just not the same as getting it at just a glance like before.
  22. madrussian

    Men of War

    Interesting... That appears to confirm the answer I got when I asked over on the 1C forums. Â Specifically, someone said that FF was definitely on in MP (making a general statement). Â I asked if he meant just versus and about coop and I'm still awaiting a response. Â Dwarden, were you playing in MP at the time and if so was it versus or coop specifically? Maybe is has to do with whether you are actually doing the shooting or if it's someone else on your side? Â Likewise AI doing the shooting or a human player? I really want to buy MOW, but I feel like I really got burnt with FOW. Â In that iteration, at least in single player, FF was definitely hard-coded off for all ammunition except explosive rounds. No idea how they came up with that. Thing is, in the MOW demo (single player), I am currently able to shoot right through my AI buddies, indicating FF is off at least in certain modes/for certain things. Â Can someone with the full game specifically check some iterations of FF in coop mode? In case anyone is interested/willing to check, here's a list of the combinations in coop that will sort it out: 1. Player small arms against friendly AI 2. Player explosive round againt friendly AI 3. Player armor piercing against friendly AI 4. These three again but against another friendly player Thanks a million!
  23. madrussian

    Men of War

    As a fan of the original, I tried the demo last night. Â All I can say is, these guys really need to make a simulation FPS. Â That building destruction is simply out of this world! On a more negative note, back when FOW was released, I treid it but promptly boycotted the game as soon as I found out they had friendly fire hardcoded off with no ability to turn it on (which was definitely not the case in the original SHWW2). Â Imagine a war where you never had to check your fire, and could blast away at anyone and everyone with no repercussions! Â Pretty stupid decision by the devs, imo... Can anyone with the full game of Men at War let us know if there is a toggle for friendly fire or not? Â I got a very bad feeling when I did not see this option in the demo. Â Such an awesome system to go to waste like that. Not sure if you were referring to FOW or SHWW2 specifically here, but a couple of buds and I had a great time playing through the coop campaign on SHWW2 without any lag issue. Â Maybe in FOW things got worse?
  24. madrussian

    3D vision

    I just realized that I didn't mention any drawbacks to the Zalman above. Well, the big one is that because it's in a line-over-line format, while in S3D mode small print text gets garbled. I suppose that's a bigger deal in some games than others... plus you can always toggle S3D on and off depending on the situation. It's also important to consider that the vertical resolution is actually getting "halved" due to the line-over-line. The overall resolution of the monitor is 1680*1050 but you technically get 1680*525. However in practice, your brain melds the vertical resolution together and you really see something between 1050 and 525... lets call it halfway and say overall 1680*787, so it's actually not too bad at all. With nVidia's shutters and I believe with iZ3D, you get a full resolution but you're system better be able to push something like twice the frames per second. (i.e >=120 for 60 fps in each eye). Main thing with any of these setups is you'll be blown away when you see that first object or character sticking out of your screen at you! Truly unbelievable until you actually see it.
  25. madrussian

    3D vision

    I've have a 22" Zalman 3D display (uses Nvidia's S3D drivers), and it's effective zone is from about 1-2 feet back from the monitor. Â So it's very comfortable for Stereo 3D gaming. Â Plus it's passive (no shutters), so no eye-strain to speak of. The stereo 3D effect on my Zalman never ceases to amaze me. Â Currently, I am playing Oblivion, Mt. and Blade, and Mass Effect on it, and these games work perfectly. It even worked with ArmA1 for the longest time and really blew me away... until a couple of months ago. Â The new S3D drivers probably screwed up compatibility with ArmA1. Â If any of you want to read my old write up on ArmA in stereo 3D, check this out here. Nvida is really pushing their new shutter system, but if you ask me, passive polarization is really the way to go. Â The two passive choices I am familiar with are iz3D and Zalman, which both make a 22" display. Â iZ3D runs ~$400 US (last I checked), but last I checked, it still had some signifigant ghosting issues. Â The Zalman currently runs ~ $700 US (I just checked), with is curiously the same as I paid for mine back in April (about 7 months ago). Â The huge advantage with Zalman is that there is literally no ghosting. Â Anyhow if any of you guys have been missing out on this technology, you should definitely check it out. I really hope BIS includes robust S3D support in ArmA2... Â Chernarus just won't be the same otherwise. Â BIS devs, you guys ought to get an S3D setup for your studio if you have not already... small price to pay, and I promise it will knock your socks off! btw- Â Maybe I get BIS a 3D monitor if they promise to include support in ArmA2.