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Everything posted by mondkalb

  1. Work on CWR2 Nogova is now at full power. :cool: Expect super fancy ultra high quality super uber photoshopped HD pictures every 2nd day or so from now on. :rolleyes:
  2. class MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_1 : MBG_WOO_BASE_BUTTON { It inherits from MBG_WOO_BASE_BUTTON, which looks like this: class MBG_WOO_BASE_BUTTON { idc = -1; type = 1; style = 0x02; default = 0; colorText[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_WHITE; font = MBG_WOO_FONT_MAIN; sizeEx = MBG_WOO_FONT_SIZE; colorFocused[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; colorDisabled[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; colorBackground[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; colorBackgroundDisabled[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; colorBackgroundActive[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; offsetX = 0.003; offsetY = 0.003; offsetPressedX = 0.002; offsetPressedY = 0.002; colorShadow[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; colorBorder[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; borderSize = 0.0; soundEnter[] = { "", 0, 1 }; soundPush[] = { "", 0.1, 1 }; soundClick[] = { "", 0, 1 }; soundEscape[] = { "", 0, 1 }; x = 0.4; y = 0.475; w = 0.2; h = 0.05; text = ""; action = ""; };
  3. You can always leave out the complete RVMAT section, it is entirely optional, but many consider using RVMATs as mandatory as it does so much good to the overall texture appearance/quality. So if you feel RVMATs are too complicated, start without them, and once you've finished the rest of your work, have another try with RVMATs. There are plenty of other RVMAT tutorials around this forum section.
  4. It's Celle and a small 2km x 2km terrain resembling a small part of the inner German Border. Originally I planned a longer movie where this border part would play a significant role. What I uploaded is what was once planned as only the premise of a long film. But that film project turned out to involve too many people's free time, which made this project next to impossible to finish. :( If anyone is interested in that small terrain for whatever reason (Not really that suited for missions, as the map really is split in half by an impenetrable wall), PM me and we'll go on from there.
  5. Here's how I have been avoiding all that in WOO. I basically use percentages of the available screen to scale my dialogs. x = safeZoneX-(safeZoneW*0.01); y = safeZoneY-(safeZoneH*0.01); w = safeZoneW*1.02; h = safeZoneH*1.02; And, if I want to have multiple buttons in one row, I just add more percentage-points: class MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_1 : MBG_WOO_BASE_BUTTON { idc = 59801; colorBackground[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; x = safeZoneX+(safeZoneW*0.87); y = safeZoneY+(safeZoneH*0.11); w = safeZoneW*0.03; h = safeZoneH*0.05; colorBackgroundActive[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_ALPHAYELLOW; soundEnter[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1.wss", 0.1, 1}; soundPush[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new2.wss", 0.1, 1}; }; class MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_2 : MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_1 { idc = 59802; x = safeZoneX+(safeZoneW*0.91); }; class MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_3 : MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_1 { idc = 59803; x = safeZoneX+(safeZoneW*0.95); }; And to keep up with the font-size, I do this: #define MBG_WOO_FONT_SIZE 0.018 * safezoneH ... sizeEx = MBG_WOO_FONT_SIZE; Maybe that helps. :)
  6. Hi, I just stumbled over this thread. It is totally fine by me if you open creationism or any other of my addons to see how something particular was scripted/created. Because, after all, this is how this modding-community evolved: By learning from stuff that was already there and available. But, as soon as you copy & paste stuff that others made, you're responsible for keeping proper attribution/credits. Now, regarding your problem: It's fine by me if you want to modify the creationism dialogs (=user interface), but, realistically speaking, if you have never touched dialogs before, you won't find any joy and ease in modifying the Creationism interface. I'd say first off you should work through the many dialog tutorials that are around nowadays. Make some basic buttons, text fields and the like. Make yourself familiar with the basic matter, before you start diving into modifying someone else's work that you probably don't fully understand. And by having at least created some basic dialogs, your understanding of someone else's work will be much faster and easier. Oh, and ditch the dialog creator tools for now, they are just helping you with aligning the buttons correctly, but they don't help you with programming some real use into them. I'm saying this not to stop you, but to prepare you. Because most of the big and ambitious projects die after day #1 because the author wasn't fully prepared. And to fully understand the creationism dialogs, you'd need to know about dialogs, functions, eventHandlers, displayEventHandlers and local vs. global issues. Oh, and one last thing: Once you're done with your project, please share it and allow everyone else to modify your modifications. It's just fair, right?
  7. mondkalb

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    I am not sure if you'll be able to get them officially released/distributed, as there is probably no customer for them (The whole point?) and you'd have to battle some big amounts of red-tape in any case. Also I think the BISim forums would be a better place for this.
  8. Sorry, lunchbreak so here a short/small guide. Change the Models to acutally have the beacon lights Add light points (+direction point) to memory LOD adjust model.cfg (new skeleton bones) aniamte the light point + direction point to rotate around the becon object in your model add a new soundsource to the cfgVehicles (See the config of mbg_Killhouses). create and attach that sound-source to the car's horn delete the sound source when the player want's to stop the siren. Feel free to hijack the MP_Sound2.sqf in mbg_killhouses. But don't forget about the credits. :P
  9. mondkalb

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    As far as I know the big high detail 100km terrains were special contract for some MOD/DOD only.
  10. mondkalb


    :eek: So far I haven't come across that behavior. But I'll have a look.
  11. Here is some more serious contribution: West Germany, 1981 - What if? ux4Ap4sw7PU A bit late to commemorate the 50th "anniversary" of the dividing of Germany, but better late than never. I hope this makes some of you, especially the younger ones, think about what shitstorm could've hit Europe and the world.
  12. mondkalb


    Addon released. See first post.
  13. mondkalb


    I've been using the carve-function quite successful. Once you "carved" a section, the faces will still remain. Just select them and use "Topology -> Break Welds". Now you have two independent sections. Deselect the one you want to keep and then delete the other. Though the carve-fuction is nowhere near as nice as the one in Valve's Hammer tool, but it gets the job done. Just remember that O2 is these days not used for artistic model creation. At least not at BIS/BISim. It is merely a tool to get content configured and ingame. Like a conveyor belt between maya and the game.
  14. mondkalb


    Yes, mission making is in the pipe. As well as playtesting the island. Though I haven't been online over the weekend as I moved and my WLAN adapter broke. :j: So basically the project is done, except for the label.
  15. mondkalb

    MBG Window of opportunity

    I'm sorry, but I don't know what is wrong with the camera. The mouse-movement is unchanged and the key-movement is rather dodgy because of the nature of the eventhandler. I'm sorry, but most likely I am not going to work on this any more, as my free time I want to spend on modding is drastically cut down. ( :cool: ) But with the 1.0 Release (the one with enemy AI) is open for anyone to modify and doctor around with it, as long as he doesn't forget to attribute proper credits to my original work and is keeping the same attitude, as in allowing others to modify his stuff. No silly EULAs or overly-complicated licenses.
  16. mondkalb


    No military base present, so no great map. :rolleyes:
  17. mondkalb


    The terrain was finished yesterday. :cool: Now all that is left to do is to playtest the buildings & islands (That also includes making missions, *hint*). Release is probably a week ago, as I'll have to chat up some chaps regarding some ITAR related issues that may appear in this particular case. Nothing serious, but better safe than sorry. In the meantime I'll use the time to rearrange some trees and walls, and maybe some more terrain indentations for cover purposes. Here are some pictures: Facts so far: 0.5m Satmap resolution 4m terrain cell size 2km² size Lifesize Copehill Down FIBUA village with authentic structures Mixed with BIS structures All buildings are enterable No dead-end backyards All civilian cars on this terrain will have british license plates and will be registered in Brighton... Comes with built-in rainy shitweather.
  18. mondkalb

    create buildingPos

    All 'rong! :cool: Here is how you do it in O2. Create a Paths-LOD. Now create small triangles all over the place. (Copypasta... :rolleyes:). The entrance points need to be named in1, in2,... Each entrance/exit gets its own in# selection. Connect each triangle the way you seem fit. The AI will follow the face-outline ingame. Even through walls and anything you tell it to go through. To define building postions, you have to select just one single vertice at a time, and name it pos#. i.e. pos1, pos2, pos3, pos10, pos100. You get the idea. Each vertice needs a unique selection name. So here: No copypasta. Now, here a picture to illustrate the above. Pictures usually tell it better than my words. About the piece of code: If it is an editor placed object, run this: this setPos (yourEditorPlacedBuildingName buildingPos (floor random 25)) ditch the floor-random part if you don't want the unit to be randomly placed in one of the first 25 building positions. If it is an object in an island, run this: this setPos ((nearestBuilding this) buildingPos (floor random 25))
  19. Or just select all Alpha-Textured faces and go to Faces -> Sort Alpha. That fixed so far all problems for me. Even with looking at an alpha-tex through an alpha-tex.
  20. mondkalb


    Currently the map title is "Cindercity". :eek: Seeing that I'm stuck with placing picket-fences and the like again, I might as well just ditch the fictitious area and do a 2km x 2km of the Salisbury Training Area with CDV centered.
  21. mondkalb


    Aloha, now that I am taking on (Ho-ho!) the map, I had a couple of ideas and I'd like your input on those: The terrain will be divided by a dry river into two separate sides, the western side being along the layout of Copehill Down, and the eastern part will be ficticious. Also, I am thinking of giving each house a unique number, though I am not sure about that. And should they be numbered on the map by default? What do you think? And what's the military-boffin's opinion on this?
  22. mondkalb


    And done... This warehouse is probably the last building I've completed. No more to follow. Now the pack features 7 unique killhouses, which, to be honest, should be more than enough. This warehouse is also the biggest so far, the last picture shows the second-biggest killhouse inside the warehouse. The first two pictures have an M1A1 to give you an idea of the scale. Now I am gonna chill back on a nice and easy, stress-free 2km x 2km terrain to give this addon a dedicated terrain. Also, this will be most likely my last addon ever, sadly. But the reasons to give it up are more than worth it. More details on that, for those that are interested, will follow soon-ish.
  23. mondkalb


    -> MBG_Buildings_3