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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    BI 2.0. New website. New forum?

    They`ll do, or at least have planned that. There are too much infos in this database, to loose it completely.
  2. Mr_Tea

    PLA mod?

    Modern day units would be excellent. Cancel the older stuff and concentrate on the modern stuff, than it fit`s to the other parts of ArmA with no problem.
  3. Mr_Tea

    ARMA Support And Patching Plans

    You doubt that ArmA is still being worked on? I had no doubt in that, but it`s nice to get some info. Hope the cheating will become harder with 1.09.
  4. Mr_Tea

    Far Cry 2

    Jack Who? He will not be in Far Cry 2, you can choose one of a set of mercenaries to play. The others will than be as AI controlled merc`s ingame.
  5. I voted "Yes", because i want play online without another prick typing chat messages, that looks like they come from me. I hate the other cheating too, but that stunt put an end in my interests, to play ArmA online.
  6. Thank`s for posting that info. The first picture is a little to big.
  7. Mr_Tea

    Can't Play Arma

    It seems to be, that OpenAL have to be reinstalled every time a new videodriver is installed. btw. As an user of an GeForce 7600GS, i never had to reinstall ArmA. If the files don`t get corrupted by faulty HDD drivers, or defect hard disc`s, a re-installation should not be needed. My ArmA installation still works fine, after many month of use.
  8. Mr_Tea

    SJB Weapons Pack

    And all of you have done good work, that shot looks most excellent.
  9. I like smooth terrain with grass. btw. Who said something about an CWR release in September?
  10. Mr_Tea

    Pentagon  - the storie continues....

    It`s not an Joke, several German Government networks where hacked "by China". That`s an very serious issue. The Chinese Government say`d that they will fight against hackers from China, but i doubt that they will stop operations of their Secret Service. On the other hand, American Services are spying foreign Companies very intense, because they have to stay "on top of the world". A patent is worth nothing, if the technology could be interesting for the military for example.
  11. Mr_Tea

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    That would explain the price, ~15€ is very cheap for an expansion.
  12. Mr_Tea

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Ordered QG @ Amazon and should arrive at 28. Sept. Nice price, but i hope we`ll get at least a bit for our money.
  13. Mr_Tea

    "Adult" style sigs

    I use Adblock Plus to "disable" avatars or sigs that are annoying for any reason. But i don`t want to disable all of that complete, and with Firefox and Adblock Plus that can be done with no problem.
  14. Mr_Tea

    Arma Hall Of Shame

    Depends on the country you live in, me thinks.
  15. Mr_Tea

    "Adult" style sigs

    Have you read Stewy`s post? I think you have not.
  16. Mr_Tea

    "Adult" style sigs

    Firefox + Adblock Plus. With that you can "rightclick" on every picture and block it permanent.
  17. Mr_Tea

    Arma Hall Of Shame

    To ban IP´s would not really help. I get a new IP every time i restart my DSL Router. So if i wanted that, i could get a new IP every few minutes without problems. Not everyone has an fixed IP, in this case that would be better. What is really starting to driving me nuts is, that they use programs to change their player or game ID, and soon the DVD Key. That`s enough to get them in jail for some time, for releasing that programs.
  18. If that is not at least partly illegal. I hate that pricks.
  19. That`s true, i`ll see what the future brings.
  20. Something must be implemented to avoid that "...." to happen. How can we have fun playing ArmA online, when scum sucking cheating groups pricks, cheaters and hackers have found their Paradise in ArmA. I´ll stay of the online servers, as long the anti-cheat system get not reworked.
  21. Mr_Tea

    Welcome Back Placebo!

    Great news, the Ãœberverwalter will be back. back.
  22. I´ve tested a few games online in the last year. And guess what, in every game there was massive hacking and cheating. I`d rather go back to play evolution sp, at least there are no hackers and cheaters in there. Call me a hacker, ha. I`m an god damned MCP, and have no idea of cheats and hacks.
  23. Just what i had expected, the first time i try`ed ArmA online, some asshole was blowing up the base on an evo server. To make it even better, they accused me to be the hacker. I hope that scum sucking cheating groups asshole is still active, now that i have left. Only too prove it was not me, off course. That much for ArmA in multiplayer mode, i have enough of this scum sucking cheating groups pricks.
  24. Mr_Tea

    Saitek X52 HOTAS setups

    I "only" own the X52 (old version), but it works great. I use the twist function instead of pedals in ArmA, and i doubt that it would be worth paying 100$, to get the premium version with pedals. For flightsims for sure, but not for the "mouse optimized" flightmodel of Arma.
  25. Mr_Tea

    Hezbollahs Games !? WTF !?

    Are they really shooting multiple rockets from an AT Gun without reloading? That seems to be poor advertisement to get more young people want to "play" jihad in real life. Games made by radical Muslims, what should we expect? Nothing i will play, even if i would get payed for it.