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Everything posted by mcpxxl

  1. mcpxxl

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    So we just wait for a dl link ? MCPXXL
  2. For me the "Good luck Soldier" message, states me that it´s done
  3. For me there is absolutly no need to discuss of merging CBA DAC --> Take it or leave it Sorry
  4. mcpxxl

    Rivers and subterranian features

    Nice But you will see every start and end overlapping and this looks ugly.
  5. mcpxxl

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    i use eboostr instead of a ram disk and work with a mix out of sytem memory and fast usb sticks. no need of copying files into the ramdisk. MCPXXL
  6. There is nothing... but endless discussion... Let it come out and then see what happend. We all know that it will be everytime possible to mix mods and can only be restricted by server admins. So ATM the ACE Mod team does a superb job and all will be happy if something new adds to the com. PLEASE STOP ENDLESS MERGING DISCUSSIONS because it is contraproductive
  7. HQ and MP On dedicated server i did not get the HQ ARTY that runs in local mp-editor without a problem :-(
  8. Hi Snk I would like to aktivate HQ Arty and AI Reinforcement later in a Mission HQ Arty should become active after a base is cleared as sample Same for AI Soldiers or Helos How can this be done ? THX
  9. The "diagonal Vehicle" ? Settings are not set correctly while ripping with 3d ripper dx ? But nice try if it is "legal"
  10. @MADBULL Because if i mix it with a mission having a stringtable.xml it will not run for me. Or i simply need a tip :-) ? Ioonis CSVtoXML will not run for me otherwise i would do it by myself
  11. Hi Madbull Really great thing you made ! Is it possible to get a stringtable.xml Version ? because mixing as not easy for everyone.
  12. please read :Posts here and before the manual This question is answered XTIMES
  13. Starting all modules in a correct form is more interisting for me ;-) This text are nice to have but no more. At the end there is no more space for the menue "because everyone will see his version there" looooooool
  14. mcpxxl

    WarFX Particles

    @Bushlurker ?? ;@ACEX_P LA; ??
  15. @SNK Ver xxx.37 The whole FX Module is random active but mostly not In the same mission One Guy had FX, me and others not, then again the Guy also had no FX when we restart the mission. Took us 2 hours yesterday to find this. System messages should be changed so that they can be read in the rpt. ATM if something other starts like revive you have only a small chance to see and read the messages Would be nice to start the modules also from init like it was done years with no problems ;-) Don´t forget real dedicated tests ;-)
  16. What do you want every day bugging for a release ?
  17. Hi SNK We play with norrins revive and if someone is burning he dies while he waits to respawn.Often then the blur from burnnig stays. ATM only the player sees his burnig body while playing on dedicated. After he is alife we hear the burning at his old place but without flames. Suggestion: ATM, if a gl4 ai spoted you and no gl4 groups are near it follows directly ari. 1.) It would be nice to have also there a param to have a chance of no ari 2.) The more interisting thing is : Not every AI is in GL4 so much often GL4 will bomb their own side ai. Would it be possible to check this like in norrins revive init enemy sides = [East,Guer] ? this would help much. 3.) Will the ari run out of ammo ? and if they get refilled can it be possible to restrict this via param ?
  18. mcpxxl

    African Foliage

    NICE... and i bet not soo much polys :-)
  19. Is it only clientside or can i restrict it to use on server ?
  20. For simple Civilian live you can also use Civilian as a part of DAC Groups. If you only use "BUS/Taxi" in your vehicle group, you can easy make a Bus Transfer :-). Did it in one of my MP_Missions (OFP) And YES should be renamed to 3.0 Silola :cool:
  21. Just take DAC for ARMA I there you have a Documentation. Then you only need to speculate about the new features :-)
  22. Arty is implementet since the first DAC Version ;-)