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miles teg

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Everything posted by miles teg

  1. Could you be more specific kju? Are you talking about our Taliban? That's on a different thread as its more of a side-project. If you are talking about the IDF or Syrian units, those are being overhauled. The link you sent was a bit confusing. I didn't see the exact solution. Only some stuff about not overwriting the base classes which is something that we already did with the Taliban pack and need to fix on our IDF, Egyptians, and Syrians (and historic pack infantry). However right now ACE compatibility is not high priority as it will take a LONG time to make our entire mod ACE compatible. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  2. miles teg

    SJB Special Air Service Pack

    Hey Jackal. Don't worry it won't break your unit cutting and pasting that info into a model.cfg file. My mod needs to do the same thing for alot of our addons...we're just too lazy to do it. lol. But its really easy to do and is one of the things you need to do in order to make it compatible with ArmA II. But anyhoo... not a big deal. It can be done at that point in time later. Overall these are fantastic units!!! Excellent job on them! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  3. miles teg

    BushWars Mod

    Yeah...in the future you guys at BushWars need to advertise your infantry releases (or any major release) a bit better. I only saw your guy's release by accident looking at your site. The infantry are truly spectacular both on BLUFOR and OPFOR. I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that you guys can release a good vehicle pack soon. I've offered in the past to help convert the Buffel and Ratel from OFP but I think someone from your group said that you were re-doing all models from scratch (which personally I thought was insane as the OFP models were definitely ArmA quality). You might contact Eble also about converting Footmunch's South African Bucaneeer fighter bomber from OFP. Footmunch made that plane with you guys in mind. At any rate, I"m glad at least that you guys are getting things done. Overall they are high quality addons. Your map release however is critical as really there are not any good African savanah bush country type maps anywhere in ArmA to make SA missions with. So I'm really looking forward to that. Keep up the great work guys! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  4. miles teg

    British vs Taliban replacement configs

    Thanks for the replacement config. I'm still trying to find time to finish up an updated version of the Taliban pack. Snakeman fixed up all the models and configs nicely so it should fix any wierdness. I just need to finish converting some TGA files and fixing a config on the rocket pickup. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  5. miles teg

    Valhalla Mod - WIP

    Ok...I don't know if I missed the post or something, but where is the download link???? I went through every page looking for it and could not find it. Please post a download link on the front page. Thank you, Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  6. Yeah I will add that as I did to the Taliban.
  7. IDF1: No the historic mod isn't out yet. Part of the upcoming Addon Pack #4 will have parts of the historic stuff that overlaps with the modern period. The full historic pack will then be released shortly afterwards. Eble: Thanks, although the above is mostly all RockOfSL's and EricM's work. All I did was add the roundel and some Arabic numbers (that you can see because of the sun shining on the metal just below the pilot's cockpit). I also changed all the class names and repathed all the textures to avoid any conflicts with the original and also gave them Syrian pilots. I may change the default BIS sounds although honestly, the BIS Mi-8 helicopter sound is really good. But the real-life Mi-24 is a noisy beast. It sounds kinda like that annoying AH-64 apache sound in ACE. lol. But I'll probably change the gun sounds to a modified vulcan sound on the 12.7mm gattling and some kind of nice heavy auto-cannon sound for the 23mm. We might try adding a few more weapon types as well. It would be cool if I can figure out how to put bombs or submunitions (maybe land mines) on one version. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  8. Here's a nice little pic of our Syrian Mi-24 Hind (D & F models) that I just finished up a few minutes ago. Thanks to EricM and RockOfSL for providing to us these magnificent helicopter gunships. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  9. Not at the moment. We're working on the IDF infantry, infantry weapons, T-55, SA-2, & Mi-24 right now. I'm also trying to finalize the Taliban pack but things are going slow at the moment for our mod because everyone's in school and has exams at this time. I've also been busy looking for a new job and having to deal with alot of other issues. But things are still chugging along. I'll post some screenshots of stuff as soon as we got something new. You'll love the SA-2 SAMs. That one we plan on releasing it to the public for all mods to use as they like in both binarized and MLOD format so that other addon makers can use it as a template to make different types of stationary SAM's. We're just ironing out a few bugs and improving it at the moment. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  10. I must say that lately I've had the most awesome MP games of my life with the ACE mod and several of the major MP servers. This mod + amazing mission makers coupled with solid players who followed proper military procedures and teamwork = THE FINEST MP EXPERIENCE that I've ever had. I haven't had military training that realistic since I was in the Army. Superb stuff! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  11. Oops...deleted. Ignore this. Anyone reading this please read the page before this.
  12. miles teg

    Vilas' addons

    Actually they were merged in the first versions but were later made seperate as many people did not like them all merged together as the pack was gigantic and some mods using them complained about them. However for my own mod, it doesn't really matter one way or another as long as the class names are the same on both of them. However if you're trying to use the P'85 mod with the RACS mod together....then yeah... problems might happen with class name conflicts and stuff. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  13. That is awesome that ya got the front hull MG to work. That is a VERY important weapon and is something very unique. Today only the BMD series has those. I don't think any other modern tanks or IFV's carry on that tradition of front hull mounted MG's. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  14. No.... Allah/Yaweh/God is the greatest. :)
  15. Negative. We're just trying to finish things as we have time to do it. Real life sucks....it's always getting in the way of ArmA time. :( But thank God I'm not a World of Warcraft geek.... I'm an ARMA GEEK! HOOOOAH! :) Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  16. If someone lets us use a rapelling script we'll use it. We do have the UH-1N helicopters in the mod. They are actually no longer used, however they are part of our historic pack as they played key roles from the Yom Kippur War into the mid 1990's. But realistically, they will probably not have that script until later in ArmA II (unless we can quickly add it in). Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  17. Well the problem is that alot of the historic pack overlaps with the modern stuff (since much of the old Soviet gear is still used by both Syria and Egypt). So Addon Pack #4 will come first followed by the Syrian pack update and then the historic pack. Don't worry, these will be released for ArmA AND ArmA II. But no worries, the historic stuff is for the most part done and the bulk of the historic units will be in Addon Pack #4. We're just trying to finalize stuff right now filling in gaps within our Egyptian forces (hence the BMP's and ZSU-23-4) and flushing out the last bugs in our updated IDF stuff. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  18. miles teg

    CMF_Units = Canadian units

    Canadian units don't use ACU last I checked, and there is no simple way to swap out skins when the models are most likely completely different (with different texture mapping) depending on which units you're talking about. I also don't think the Candians use US woodland cammo, but again I may be mistaken. Personally I just want to see more damn fine realistic Canadian troops that I can stick into the latest Afghanistan maps and have them kicking ass. I just wish they had some nice LAV's and some Leapord tanks in the pack. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  19. miles teg

    Project RACS

    Yeah its cuz of the .tga files in there. Not sure why in the original BIS versions they work fine, but if you do a new config they don't work fine. Might have to do with rvmats or something...not sure. But binpbo doesn't like tga textures cuz they work fine when unbinarized. I'm fixing this issue on my Taliban pack's pickups right now. You just have to save all the window textures as .paa or .pac files instead and change that file type on O2 for those textures. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  20. miles teg

    Vilas' addons

    Very nice work Vilas! Everything is looking better and better. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  21. miles teg

    Generic landing craft

    Thanks mankyle! Much appreciated! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  22. As someone who has been with OFP since its very beginning and is still playing modding in Arm, I salute you guys for indeed truly taking ArmA to its true potential. Thanks also to BIS for giving MOD's the freedom to go nuts on the game and improving it. I never played MP games in the past. But after playing a few ACE servers hosted by professional military/ex-military guys, I was BLOWN AWAY by the team work and how the ACE systems were perfect for true military combat simulation (I am ex- U.S. Army by the way). I really like I was back doing combat training with real professionals and with a high amount of realism. The totally amazing thing is that when I play missions using the ACE mod and with excellent players with miliary skills, our casualty rate was very low despite overwhelming enemy forces. Everything was done by the book and the tactics used were only available due to the ACE mod giving us the tools to pull it off. Now I am HOOKED to MP playing on the more serious ACE servers that promote top quality teamwork and military tactics. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Team Leader of the Lost Brothers Mod
  23. Oh cool to see you back here RTR_Commander. It would be great to see you team up with Mazda on making Iraq stuff. Your mod always made wonderful stuff in OFP. I know you two could make amazing Iraqi ArmA addons. I'd LOVE to see Fedayeen with that Dark Vader helmet. THAT IS JUST AN AWESOME helmet. I wish the US Army had a kick-ass looking helmet like that. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  24. miles teg

    Generic landing craft

    An example mission showing the edited scripts and coordinates would be good. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  25. Wow! That is awesome! That was one of my all-time favorite games back in the early 90's (actually might have been late 80's) when I played it on my Commodore Amiga 500 computer. I've been amazed that nobody has done a modern version of this classic game. There was also another game similar to Carrier Command, but unfortunately I can't remember the name of it. It had a nice variety of vehicles including a cool looking stealth bomber... I just wish I could remember its name. Anyways, I'm really happy that someone is doing a remake of Carrier Command. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>