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Everything posted by kremator

  1. kremator

    Error message on dedi server

    This error comes up in rpt.
  2. Gonna check the dedi now ! Fingers crossed. EDIT: Still not working on dedi. Im getting 2010/08/18, 16:43:57 Server error: Player without identity Kremator (id 2143839188) - anyone know what that means? Regarding the aircraft - it could also be that they are being spawned without pilots ... I have seen that before.
  3. The warhead you want is up to you. MMA is the delivery module :) Find someone with a huge BOOM and put it onto the warhead.
  4. kremator

    RUM Assets

    Perhaps in the fullness of time. I just need a simple way to integrate this into missions.
  5. The only thing that will annoy me about PR is some plonkers taking the 'game' too seriously. You see them on Youtube all the time, pretending to be real soldiers. Now if you can get the PvP fun without all the 'oh I'm a sergeant and you're a private' bollocks, then this will be great. I will remain dubious however.
  6. AW man ! I will miss Snyder and his 46 posts :( What a twat! Nothing like going medieval on his 'forum ass'.
  7. kremator

    RUM Assets

    Hey Draper, Is there a chance that you could release a Takistan version of that demo ..... while Chenarus is fine, Takistan is where it is at baby :) Oh BTW how easy would it to be to integrate this with something like gonza and L'etranger's VTS, as that would be the dog's danglies ? Cheers mate !
  8. Sitting on the server now mate. Found a problem.... as C130 LoadManager if you click CLOSE you are stuck and cannot move/user action menu/ESC or anything ! I like the ideas within this mission ... very promising !
  9. Excellent ! Now here is a thing. As GM I can take control of any AI. When I jump back to GM however it has my name by the AI. Can that be fixed? I have also found that if I die in control of an AI I CANNOT get back to GM at all. Keep up the good work guys. This is my favourite playground (even better than the editor :) )
  10. Now THAT is bloody brilliant Myke ! Fan-bloody-tastic !
  11. kremator

    Wrong CD key

    BUY the game !
  12. ALL colours are changeable .... just go read the manual or dig into the scripts!
  13. You'd better get cracking then Lao Fei Mao!
  14. If anyone is able to help out with the dedi, apart from me, please make yourself known, as there is something wierd with it not working in MP (dedi). I don't know if it's my dedi at fault or the script :)
  15. kremator

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    LOVING the sounds LJH ! Good work mate ! Only niggle is that bloody bird in the forest .... tweet tweet .....hehe
  16. Oh dear ! No pocketmoney for your son for AGES then .... until he pays it off !
  17. It was probably an addon conflict. Right clicking the target game me a lock :( Will investigate.
  18. Tow test mission works perfectly Mandoble. If you get lock-on, of course, it screws the TOW up completely (as TOWs don't lock - but that can be disabled as you know)
  19. kremator

    RUM Assets

    Draper, this is FANTASTIC mate ! Very nice indeed. Still having great fun 'blowing shit up'! Good job !
  20. It can be a little confusing going into the 'belly of the beast'. The beauty of these scripts is that ANYTHING is possible. We just need to see what other magic gonza and L'etranger can come up with for us :) The camera function is a little hard to control. Can that be tweaked to be a little more user friendly? Any news guys on latest developments in store for us ?
  21. OMG that is terrible news on the HW front mate ! Don't worry about delaying a demo/proof of princple. What you have so far sounds wonderful .... a REAL step forward - BRAVO ! We all know how RL interferes with stuff. Have you tried removing the video card and reseating it ?
  22. kremator

    USS Nimitz - WIP

    JDog this is looking very good mate!
  23. kremator

    Whatever happened to this?

    Can't remember who the author was ..... WE NEED HIM BACK!
  24. kremator


    Single player then go into editor ......spend forever in there !
  25. kremator

    Warfare BE V2.062 help

    Now I wonder where the Warfare Benny edit could POSSIBLY be? For goodness sake post in there as Gossamer has said.