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Everything posted by Killerwatt

  1. It would be cool if a hard copy of that map was shipped with the game. (Hint to publishers)
  2. Killerwatt

    Lost my squad icons!

    I seem to have lost the icons for my squad from the bottom of the screen. I dont know when this problem arose but it is present in 1.14,1.16. cwr mod and ace mod. My specs are my specs are Windows xp sevice pack3 pentium4 3.4gb prescott ATI X1650 pro1gb 2 gb ram directx.9.0c Could it be a control I've inadvertantly hpressed? or is it something more? How do I get my icons back?
  3. They are wrapping things up now. Was pretty good though.
  4. Is it possible to fire rifle when in vehicle?
  5. yes thats what I mean wheel for vehicles stick for aircraft plugged in simutaneously
  6. Has anyone asked about multiple controller support?
  7. Can someone ask if multiple controllers are supported?
  8. Thanks to all the guys who worked so hard to bring this to us. I've been playing the campaign and its just like saying hello to old friends playing with the old squad again! I had almost forgotten how atmospheric the old game was. Now with the enhancements that ArmA brings its even better than before! Well done to all involved and thanks again.
  9. Killerwatt

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I think he means with just the reflective dots that came with the original trackir.
  10. Looking forward to the english version. I hope its getting closer.
  11. Killerwatt

    Average age of the Armed Assault player

    56 here. I hope game 2 hurries up, I'm running out of time fast!
  12. Killerwatt

    How to force mission end?

    Hmmm took me less than a minute to find it. http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/info/ofpr_Cheats it works for ArmA too.
  13. Killerwatt

    Identifying players?

    Friendly tags visible within 20 metres would be a great solution.
  14. Killerwatt

    Identifying players?

    Friendly tags visible within 20 metres would be a great solution.
  15. Killerwatt

    Friendly AI..

    That vid had the tears rolling down my cheeks with laughter. This has got to be one of the funniest threads ever.
  16. Killerwatt

    Scoreboard - scrolling?

    Hmmm lets see if that holds water. A squad gets ambushed and suffers casualties. Luckilly the medic was able to heal them. lets say the number of squad members healed was 4 this enabled the squad to carry on and fulfill their mission but no kills were awarded to the medic. Or how about this. Recon patrol was able to report back accurate positions of enemy arrmour formation. This results in 4 enemy tanks destroyed with no losses to friendly forces and once again no kills awarded to recon. So in both these scenarios success was due to the actions of a player who will not appear in the top ten. Thats what teamwork is all about. I would have thought that it was the Rambos who were not worth a mention rather than the contributing team players
  17. Killerwatt


    All this talk about battlefield situational awareness and not even a sniff of a mention of AWACS. In my opinion the BIS radar simply gives us some of the situational awareness that the presence of AWACS over the battlefield would provide. Do you really believe that the US would get into a conflict on an island of the size of Sahrini without using AWACS?
  18. Killerwatt

    Buy 2 copies?

    If two people are going to be playing it at the same time. (linked or not) then do the right thing and buy and install two copies. Its only fair to the devs.
  19. Killerwatt

    Wishlist for the next 1.06 patch

    Just one wish from me, let us have tags enabled when crosshairs are disabled.
  20. Killerwatt

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    Voted no here as well. The best "punk buster" of all is a vigillant admin.
  21. Killerwatt

    Tank combat simulation

    I think to many people are tending to forget that this isn't Game2. ArmA was never meant to be anything more than an enhancement to OFP, and as such it serves its purpose admirably. Yes I had issues with the 1.05 patch but nothing a little tweaking with the settings didnt help. Stop looking for so much out of ArmA that it was never intended to deliver. Game 2 is the one that will deliver the realism in spades and right now my glass is very definately half full in the knowledge that the best is yet to come. So just relax guys and stop looking for this game to be turned into Game2.
  22. Killerwatt

    Is two controllers setup possible?

    Not yet, but they intend to add this possibility into a future patch. Not sure when though.
  23. Killerwatt

    Couldn't do this in any other current game...

    is difficult to understand? Â Just open the editor and do the exact same thing he did None of it is difficult to understand, but what is the point of re-inventing the wheel? If you can't be constructive with your comments then it's better to be quiet.